Orono Weekly Times, Wi Orono Nursery Sehool Visits Sun Valley Hilton for Dogs One littie girl found a pet is one of the pets of Sun Valley and probably1 would like to I1 don't think she had much take it home with her. As this luck. Last Thursday proved to be an interesting day for some mothers and the Orono Nur- sery School children as they visisted the Sun Valley Hilton for Dogs north of Kirby on Highway 115. The tour started in the beauty parlour where the dogs are bathed and groomed - large and small. While in here the group saw a dog being. blow-dried after being bathed, with warm air being blown at it from ail directions The idea of this is to keep the dog at a- constant tempera- ture during the drying time. The children were intro- duced to a number of dogs, from smali pets to large trained German Shepherds:' During this time they were allowed to pet th e dogs and play with them. Frank Gerace, the owner, with the help of John Moir the tramner showed the children how a discipiined dog reacts to orders given by its master. They also saw how one of the German Shepherds they had just played with can turn into a guard dog and protect its master with a single coin- mand. Instead of the children going through the kennels John and Frank brought various dogs from the kennel inpto the lobby. During this time various traits of each dog were explained and what its uses were in the working world if any. WaIk a block.Today. 'VENEZIA Restaurant'ý H-WV 11.5 and,35 '~Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 O)PEN (kDAYS A WEEK WNe Sperialize in. Pizz-a - Meals ALISO Weekend Specials Caîl your licensed Plumblng and Mechanîcal Contractor Who selle, Installa and guarantees CARMIAN Plumblng and Heatlng Phone 913-à207 Oronio Your Bolens dealer makes the best deal better! wihpurchase Uf...ne DOLENS-MCO sà»from,3Wto$~892.' April 29th, 1977 yod wil get a mower affaCtoneof free when yod "'Y a"Y 0 oe O f ra""O Wth fthe coroplefefine of rugged Boleno ra tor 8hp .,9h,., 1Oh, f 2h' 14hpf164p, &10hp),ftheftoughesf job in front 0f you io hosingthe 0ne you wa.tf Rolph Dominion Hardware The group of Orono Nursery German Shepherd they haciune same clog they saw attack School children sith with a mnade friends with. This was the trainer at a single 0 m-wy.- 115 - J ust North of Newcastlee Fresh DoNuts- "Made Daily"7-# Ice Cream Cones Sundaes - MiIk Shakes 0'e eaeOdr o pca vns P NE9753 command by its owner. ITEMS ON SALE, L. Mr Items on sale should really bie examined. There ai S they wont ail bee isted here. Ladies' Tender Tootsie are selling at o Other Ladies-' Shoes are selling at j ust .Several pairs of Sismnan's Scampers $5.O00a pi r These are ends of fines so we do flot hiave a Il sizes. SCotton T-Shirts W'e carry a stock of Men's Cotton T-Shirts with orl white and plain colours made by Jockey and Windsor Weý T-Shirts in plain colours with short sleeve and col J~and Stanfield. Sizes are from.Small to X-Large. Bathroom Sets Toonly of 5-piece Bathroom Sets, plain brono prieg$21.5 Now only $15.1 re many bargains and only $5.00 a pr. t$2.00Oa pair sare selli-ng at without pockets both in ea.Price $3.50 ars are made by Orsini Priced at $8.5o plain green. 00.