PORTS )rono hockey' nother elect officers t.'he Orono Hockey 'Mothers .d their annual meeting on ursdlay, April 21 ini the wn Hall. There were 16 ,senit.. Thec following fficers were elected for thie 1977-78 season: President- Joyce Major Vice President Shirley Henry Sec. Treas. - Carol Gra-, ham Directors: Gail Stapleton, Bertha Buchanan, Dianne Cowan, Irene Dennis, Mau- reen Mumford, Nola Brid- ger, Lorna Atkîns, Sandy, Adams, Pat Irwin, Geri Bailey, Betty Merrick, Ir- ene Tennant, Fern Sargent. The Hockey Mothers have had a very successful year. COACHES AND MANAGERS CLOSE OUT SEASON WITH SOCIAL The coaches and managers of the Orono hockey teams spent, a pleasing eveniing a week ago Sa turday at the Orono arena which brought to an end the activities of the hockey year. Close to sixty were present for the outing which included a bt!ffet uncheon and a social hàour fôllowîng the luncheon. The luncheon was provided by some of the ladies connected with the teams during the year. The Kendal Royals who are practic- ing on Sundays at KÇendal at 10:00 a.m. are looking forward to playing three of their homne games in the Orono Park. These games will be early in the sehedule with, The Kendal Eagles who last year ~won the Ontario Senior D championship as well as the E.O.B.A. tournament cham- pionship in Littfle Britain, have been somewhat on the thin side as far as turnouts at'their opening workouts so far thîs year. -11 .1 At the present time the club is praetieing Thursday at 6:00 p.m. as well as on Saturdays and Sundays commencing at 1 - 00 p. t has been noted that shiftwork for muany of the players does interfere with the f ollowing dates as tentative', Thurs day,- June 2nd, Thursday, June 3th and Thursday, July l4th. The club has yet to clear the dates with the Newcastle Parks and Recreation Department. practi 'ces as was also witnessed last year. It is reported that two new players have shown up so far. Bill McCullough who has been playing first base for a number of years for the club may be side-lined for a good part of the season due to a recent knee cperation. If you are interested in bahl the Eagles are interested in you Be sure to contact the club which may be done during the practice sessions on Thursdays, Saturdays or Sundays. From the concessioni booth at the. Street Fair we had a profit of $9i198. Mur annual Penny Sale at the Oronio Fair m ad us a profit of $5115.85. We held a Clhristmas Dra w a t the Arena Christmas Party. From this our profit wvas $531.25. We also sold donated, used skates and hockey equipment for a profit of $18092, had a tea and bake sale which brought a profit of $181.40, a charm demonstrat- ion- $3555 and sold small toques, which were made by two of our ýdirectors, for a profit of $55.23. The Hockey-Mothers donat- ed fî«350.0O to the Athletic Association for the purchase of hockey teamn socks. We also gave thel hockey coaches $2.50 per player for a banquet or trophy for the boys. The total amounit given was $437.50. We also sold hockey jackets and hockey pins this year. Our annual N.H.L. Draw for $50000 will again be held this year when the final game, is played. After this draw is over we will be donating most of our funds to the New Arena Fund. We would like to thank all the mothers wbo helped in any way during the past year. P umping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2553 786-2636 Oronio Weekly 'limes, Wednesday, April 2'7tih 197-9 133 Church Street Bowmanville FR ESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME Bev.and AI Anderson, I>,rop. * G.A.L. ROOFINGi I NOWINORONOI * SPIECIALIZING IN RE-ROOF and NEW ROOFS * FREE ESTIMATES * Phone 983-9643I DIDYOUI. K NO'%W? lncreased Fuel Costsý The cost of ail fuels in the 'thermal generation of electricity such as coal, gas and oil have increased as much as 240 percent since 1964. Sponsored by the... OronoHydro Electric Commission 'aining Sessions, r Track and eld Club 'he Bowmanville and Area lion Track Club will start iining Sessions on Satur- ',April 23rd, at the vrmanville High School )uids from 10:00 a.m. to )0 noon. his Chlb is for everybody ïears of age and over. For- ther information please iMr. Chris Stones at 4039 or write 570 Hilicrof t OaaOnt. Wo me n s Exercise Prog ra m oga, Calisthenics, etc. Get ýihape for bikini season, ýsday mornings 9:30 a.m. 1:30 ar. The programi start May 9th and run for 'eeks untîl June 7th. .egistration fee is $5.00. tve your name and number he recreation office, Town [, Bowmanville. Caîl 623- 4 or 987-5039. harles Reid ')ro no0's i e s e ,uconosee Valuator pecalzeinFarm uu ýre Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 9831-5914 More people than ever want to, own their own, home. Ontario has a plan to make it e asier. AHOP/HOME (Assisted HomeC Home Ownershîp Made Easy Pl provincial prog rani designed to ownership within the reach ofn income familles by offering fina of loanssubsidies and g rants.ý1 receive depends upon your hou income and the monthly carryir new home. Ail types of new houses are el as long as they are AHOP qualif Mortgage and Housing Corpor, within thermaximum AHOP pric municipal ity. Through an AHOP lnterest RE first year's mortgage payments interest rate. An AHOP subsidy available during the f:irst year ci would not spend more than 250 income on mortgage payments You may also qualify for a Prove up to $750 in the first year shoi Ownership Prog rami 'Ian) is a federal- to bring home m -derate and lower iancial aid in the form ýHow much aid you usehold formation, ng charges for your eligible for assistance f ied by Central iation and are sold ices in your 3eduction Loan, the S are reduced to an 8% y of up to $750 is of occupancy 50 you % of your household Is and municipal taxes. Mincial HOME Grant of )ld your mortgage and tax payments still exceed 30% of your household income. Subsidtes and grants are not repayable. Loan repayments begin in the seventh year of the mortgage. If you are intferested in buying a home under the AHOP/HOME Program, > ook in the real estate section of your newspaperfor participating builders. For more detailed program information, write: Communications Branch Minist ry of Housing 56 Wellesley Street West, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ont.ario M7A 2N5 John Rhodes, Minister of Housing O William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario PLAN TO PLAY SOME GAMES AT ORONO PARK CHAMPION EAGLES SET SCUEDULE 0F PRACTICES