Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Mar 1977, p. 8

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8_oronoWeekly Time, ,Wednesday, March I6th, 1977 Sludge rernoval Costly Regional council bas decided to make sure the provincial environment minister is a- ware of the extra cost borne by the region's taxpayers because of the ministry's new sewage plant regulations. Coun. Garnet Rickard, chairman of council's works committee, told council Wed- nesday the ministry's req- uirements have încreased the cost of treating sewage and removing sewage sludge. "It's a horrendous cos," Rickard saîd. Water-Sewer rates again discussed Water and sewer users througbout the region of Durhami have been up in arms recently over what they have termed increasedl costs of this Regional service. This matter was n)efore the Reg- ional counceil last Wednesday and discussed for over an hour and a haîf witb little result other than debate. It was pointed out at the meeting by Couin. Aker that errors in billings are only contained in about one per cent of the billings. Couin. A. Pilkey presented a notice of motion suggesting that the regional water and sewer rate be dropped on June lst. H1e wants the council to endorse ihe charge-back, systemi. This would then mnean that eacb municipality would be in charge of those operations within their own municipal- ity. Counc. Allan Dewar in speaking of cutting costs pointed to the extra costsnow incurred for sewage treat- ment under new regulations and the expeInsive capital "Ever follow that which is good". 1 Thes. 5:15. We have enjoyed two weeks and more of the perfect spring ike weatber. However next week is equinoctial time and we may expect equinoct- ial gales. It is also the time of the winter break for the scboo] children. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cath- cart are the proud parents of a baby girl born Iast week in Bowmanville Hospital, a sis- ter for Robert. Mr. Fred Thompson of Vancouver is spending a few days with bis sister Mr, and Mrs. G. Catbcart and his brother Mr. A. Thompson. H1e called on Mr. Carman Bell of Garden Hil11 wbo is confined to bis home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood bave gone on a trip to Utah. The special speaker on Sunday morning was Rev. Rex. Norman, Secretary of Bay of Quinte District Canad- ian Bible Society from Belle- ville. The roads are bad in places due to the heavy ramn on Saturday night and early Sunday mnorning. One lady on expenditures now being made by the region. Trim i ncrea se to 10 percent The region's finance comn- mittee started the long pro- cess Thursday on reviewing budgets presented by varlous boards and committees in an attempt to keep the regionial tax increase down to 10 per The budgets presented to the finance committee would require a total increase in the amounit raised through taxes of 26.6 per cent, a figure Most - if not ail - regional counillors would find un- acceptable. Finance departmnent offic- ials have estimated that the amouint of assessmient has increased about 412 per cent since last year. Figures released by Fin- ance Commissioner Jack Gartley show that $1,725,418 has to be knocked off the amnounit to be raised through taxes in order that the increase could be kept at. 10 Sunday said, "We've been complaining about the snow, now it's the mud." Mrs. Jack Carscadden. ret- urned home from Bowmran- ville Hospital Saturday even- ing feeling mnucb better. per cent. The most significant in- crease in the cost of operating the region in 1977 has occured in the police budget. The police commission has asked for an increase of almost $2 million above last year's police budget, which was set at $8,456,676. The increase proposed by the commission is 23.6 per cent above last year's budget. However, the board also expects to collect 29.2 per cent more from other sources than it collected last year, which means the net increase in the budget for the region's tax- payer would be $1,236,332. This would be 20.6 per cent increase. The police commision set the proposed budget on the basis of having to create 45 new positions in order to meet an arbitration ruling on two-man squad cars and to expand the territory patrolled by the regional police. The works committee bas MORE CLASSIFIED NOTICE TO CRE DITORS - IN THE ESTATE 0F WIL- LIAM FREDERICK AN- DREWS late of the Town of NewcashIe in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Far- mer-, deceased: iqE WWO 15 IMPATiENT TO VECPE A 5sUCLgSSPoeNw 'TOF-71R IWATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 AT THE Busin<ss Men's Luncheons Mon. te Fri. 12 noon te 3pa. Wed. Nite Specia I "Flamning Mixed Grill" with.9lass of red or Whjte Wine $4.50 Sunday Family Menu inci. children's portions 5 to9 P.m. Exciting New Evening Menu Candlelight Buffets with entertainment by Mr. John McKenzi.e Fri. and Sat, 6 fo il p.m. Banquet Rooms for Receptions, Dances, Card Parties or Business Meetings up te 200 R ES ERVATIONS 623-4925 Lake Road Off Libertyv Stree South Exit 75.-401 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of the said WILLIAM FREDERICK ANDREWS, who died on or about the 4th day of April 1975, are hereby notified to send. to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 2lst day of March -1977, their names and addresses and full particulars of their dlaims and the nature of the securit- ies (if any) beld by them duly verified by statutory declar- ation. Immediately after the said 21st day of March 1977, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto bav- ing regard only, to the dlaims ofwic the undersigned Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this First day of March 1977. NORMAN EVERETT ALEXANDER ANDREWS R. R. 1, Orono, Ontario. DOUGLAS NORMAN MOFFAT Orono, Ontar io. W.K. Lycett, Q.C. Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrators. 2, 9, 16, a c. MAN -AS MAOn EOR WOMAN JUST $0 4E COULD HAVE A FEW ÂNSWERS IN ADvANCr.!! Orono Iowing IGENERAL REPAIRS Phione 983-5249 Oreno Pumping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 786-2636 Bob Veomans Pluinlg and Hea2itinig 24l 1Hour Service New Inistallationis AltratonsRepairs Spec(ializinlgjn Hot'Wa ter 1Hetijng Forced1A ir 'Heati ing Septic Tanýk Work RI-il. O (-ronio9352 ________Cal your - liensed Plumblng and - W-"7-5Mechanical Contractor BuilIding a House ? Who sella, Instalis or remodeffing your and guarantees present one? % A Then contact: CARMA Floyd Ptimblng and Heatng Nicholson Phone 983-1207 Or-ono 983-5049 Orono sent a budget to the finance committee calling for in- creased expenditures of $1,- 447,978. 1It expects revenues to increase by $682,016, whîch leaves a net increase of $765,962. The finance committee dec- Walk it to me!» Clarke Public LIBRARY PHIONE~93-5> XIonda'YTusdy Thuriisdaýi and Friday 2:30 te 8:30 p.m. Saturdayv 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Orone, Ontai ided to suggest that $29,463 be trimnmed from the fianage7- mient committee's budget P $21,732 be cut from planning and' developYnent committee's, budget., Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Aliltypes of House Remodelling F iagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs IPhone 983-5606 :Expert Ear Piercing: MARCH SPECIAL ALL FOR $10.00... * Ears pierced including Surgical e * Steel Studs *PLUS - 1 set of Hypo-Allergenice * . Genuine Stone Ear Rings e :Hooper's Jewellers L. 99 Ki ng st. F. Telephone 6213-5747 Bowmanville* Wednesday Night 5 -9 p. m. 4 Course Meal Top Sirloin Steak $3.95 Thursday Night 5 -9 p. m. 5 Course Meal Spaghetti 'N Meat Sauce AIlI you can eat $2.75 Every Day - Noon - 3 p.m. 4 Course Luncheon Specials$19 New Dutch %Oven Attention Farmners!!@, Reasonable Prices On SAVE ON O ~ Diesel Fuel j Gasolinp Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL 0â11L For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY ~mmmm~mm mmmmi * I I * KendalNews I * I 1

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