Susan Cash, also of Orono, a scarf fromn some home spun learniag the basics of weav- with her tabby loom, weavîng' wool. This loom is great for ing. This particular loom was homemade. weavîflg ai In an effort to get more people interested in the spin- ning and weaving arts, the Visual Arts Centre set up a display in the Bowmanville Public Library on Saturday. Volunteers from the various aspects of these arts display- ed their talents dressed in period costumes of years ago. Elizabeth Bunton, of Orono, explained she was spinning With a pre-carded wool from New Zealand. The end resuit of this was a very fine textured spun wool which would be used in sweaters and garmeats. Over on the other side of the roomn Penny-Anne Davidson was spinning a comniabation of Samoie Dog Wool and Sheep wool. She explained that carding her own wool would not be as fine textured as a pre-carded wool. To.card a woolen fibre the wool is placed between two wire brushes and comnbed out. This results in a very fine Wool that sticks to itself whea being spua. once the wool is spun, it can be dyed or go to a loom which Susan Cash of Orono was operating. A tabby loom, such as this, is excellent for learning the basics of weav- ing. A loomn of this sort will do just about everything a larger loomn will b)ut ir is ail done by hand. Joyce Guna of Courtice was weavmng on a back strap loomn. This was primarily used by the Indians. They would put the strap around their back and attach the other end to a solid object like a tree. This gave the required Advertising.-. a showcaseI for intelligentI shopping.I CANADIAN AOVEPTISING AODVSORY E30ARDj CORRECTION ln last weeks edition the EMERGENCY NUMBERSS in Bev»'s Floral Art advertisemnent shoulId have read a s f ol1lows: Bey. 983-5811 Jean 725-7871 TOWN0F NEWCASTLE ELDERLY PERSONS TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Council of the Town of Newcastle is considering financial assistance, by means of a tax credit of $100. to elderly home owners ia the Town who are qualified as follows: The owner or spous e or the owner must- A. Be 65 years of age by March 31, 1977 B. Be la receipt of monthly Guaranteed Income. Supplement provided under the Old.Age Security Act (Canada). C. Occupy the property on which municipal taxés are imposed, and D. Have bee n continuously assessed as the owner of residential property la the Town of Newcastle, or Town of Bowmanvile, Township of Darlington, Township of Clarke or Village of Newcastle for not less than 5. years immediately preceding March 31, 1977. If you believe that you qualify for the above, please apply la writing as soon as possible to J.M. llroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario. Jackie Hook is shown demonstrating a larger more intricate loom. Weaving on one of these requires a certain amount of expertise ia that you must rememnber what set you were on and wnat set you need next to obtain the pattera you desire. Jackie's mother Gwen, was demonstratiag the use of a Navajo Spianer. This is simply a long rod whifl me wool is spua around. The wool from this is very coarse, but it was once used for a cheap way of spinaing as a spinaing wheel was very expeasive. Cut energy costs in the kit-chen With the cost of energy constantly risiag, consumers are tyriag to concentrate their efforts towards coniserv- ing energy in daily household activities. "La the kitchea. alone there are maay routines that can be changed to cut the use of energy", say food ý,ecialists at the Ontario Al Council, Miistry of XAjgriculture and Food. For example, every time the refrigerator or freezer door is )pened, additional energy is burned. Tiie cold air lost from inside theseapplian- ces must be made up in order. that the proper temperature is maintained. Thus, the appliances use more eaergy. So avoid opening the fridge and freezer unnecessarily. Above ail, don't leave the door open while you decide what you are going to take out for dinner. Avoid freezing large amounts of food at one time. if you purchase a side of beef or other large portion of meat, have the butcher treeze it for you and t hen store it in your home freezer. Not oaly does your freezer work much harder when freezing large quantities of food, but the quality of the frozen food could be lowered. For best utilization of the eaergy required to maintain your freezer, keep it at least th ree-quarters fuIL.operating a freezer with oaly a few items la it adds immeasely f0 the cost of that food. Overalis Many new articles of clothing now in stock include Overalis for 12-14C months sizes. They are in blue (Navy) Denim and in plain red, blue and rust, WàMwith snap-open legs. Price $4.95 Rubber Boots Do you need* Rubber Boots for the muddy season? We have them in ail sizes. Ladies' Shoes We have a few pairs of Ladies Shoes left sô they go at $2.00 a pair. Several pairs of House Shoes are 4. selling at greatly reduced prices. Special Sale Rack Many articles of clothing have j todybeen added to the Special Sale Rack. t- Ay rmstr