Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Mar 1977, p. 4

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fin this week's colun i would like Io mpresent a resolution that wais passed rce"ntlyý at the Provinciail C'ouncîl of the Ontario New Demorati Pary, arch 5-6,. 197 and discuss somne of the reasons for iifs presentation. Resolution passed at thie Provincial Council of the Ontario New, Democratic Party, -March 56,1977. Since the imposition of regionail governiment by the David Governîment there bas been growing disillusion and outrighit hostility to regional governmient in ail areas where it bas been imposec1. The merits of larger uni ts of administration have been eroded by the methods of the David Governmezit. There- fore, be it resolved: 1 That an enquiry into ail aspects of each region will be establisbed by an NDP Government within one year of coming to office; 2. That the results of these enquiries will be made public in each region; 3. That alternatives to struc- ture, finance and operat- ion of the Regions wililibe within the terms of refer- ence of the eniquiries. The people of the Region of Durham have a number of questions wichi need to be answered im-imediately, with re'gard to regional govern- ment. The situation is deter- iorating to the point where a great many people feel tlhat any alternative is better than tbe present set-up. Whlat I am afraid will happen is that we wilI wind up "Th row,Àin-g the baby out witb the batbwater- and will replace regional government with something also equally unworkable. The purpose of this resol- ution which I originally draft-~ ed was fo guarantee to the people of the Region of Durham a full and open eenquiry into the workings of the rules, laws, acts, every- thing pertaining f0 regilonal governiment including - the costs of benefits in as neutral a situation as possible and then a posing of alternatives so that the people in the area will have the choice of the kind of governrnent they wish Co be involved witb over the next couple of years. The present situation with water and sewer rate increases, the tremendous increases in local taxation is one whîch is causîng great hardships 1:0 people on fixed incomes, pensioners, and also to ordin- ary working people and r Orono E lectric Herbe and (Gerry Duvali CO(ýNTRAC7T1NG ELEC(TRIîC 11E A T N G ElcrclAppliances- T.V. -CLURTV RCA ELECXTROHOMEj,ý Guaranlteed Service indeed ail citizens who have to ýPay tbi e char1ges which ha-)ve been hroughit to us by, regional govern-ment I thiink it is fair to Say that nof ail the increases and costs are attributable to ïregionial government but since these increases coincide with the setting up and operation of regional government it is being blamed for- ail the charges. t may well be that there are advantages to regional gov ernm ent but 1 for one ami of the opinion that until we get a complete balance sheet on regional government we are not going to know exactly where we stand. 1 have attempted to follow the progress of 'the region from its inception and have questions answered and 1 find a number of industrious and hiard-working people who are local and regional coun- cillors attempting to over- corne inherent problems in the face of great adversity. The onfly way in my line is t0 solve some of these problemis is to open it up to a complete reviewv and at the conclusion of that review >mrake recommnendations for alternatives chosen by the people. oV . Pr Dur-inig the period between March 7th and MIarch 13th1 the Ontiario Provincial Police at N cateinývestigated 8 mot- or vehice collisions and apprxîmtely100general Two of the eight collisionis investigated resuflted in per- sonialin1juries f0 4 persons. Foliowing thie determination-r of thle causes of these collis- ions 4 persons have been charged withý offences con- trary, to the Hlighway Traffic Act,' and onie person has beenl cbarged with impaired drivý- ing. The general occurrences inceluded inivestigations into complaints of tchef t, break and enter, assault, fraud and disturbing thie peace and resulted in a total of 12 persons being charged with offences contrary to the Criminal Code. Crime Prevention Tip: Mark your property for identification A new systemn for mnarking personal property hias recent- ly been developed and is alreadY proving helpful to poice and Àcitizens in areas in hihpeopfle are using it. The new sýystem is the "Invisible Ink Pen". The idea is for the owner 0f the ýproperty to cmark on it w.iith te !pen his or her driver's liceince number. If a thef t Occurs the police now ihave a mneans ofidnf- ing the stolen propertyv. Each detachmnent is equipped with a black light, th-e only mneans by which the invisible ink can be see-n and on suspicion that property is in fact stolen, an officer will return the prop- erty to the detachment and check it w.,ith the light for possible markings. If mark- ings are discovered by7 the officer, it is not only solid evidence which can be used in court, but. it also ensures that the owner will have his or her property returned. The marker can be bought at many retail stores and its uses are as infinite as the Attends f actory training course Don Clayton of Orono, attended a factory training school for shop and service, personnel in Peurr, Okla- homa March 7-10' at. the Charles AMachine Works, Imc. The firm manufactures DitchI Witch service lîne trenchers and attachments. Thirty-five mechanies and shop personnel attended, rep- resenting Ditch Witch dealers in the U.S., Caniada and Engtand, as weli as several private equipment owners. Cinyton is employed as a mechanic by Ditch Witch of Ontario, 7390 Woodbine, Mlar- kham, Ontario, whiicb mnust be re-marked foilowing dry-cleaning. Whený! a person marks his or ber poet a list should be prepa-reý,d and should include where the property was mnarked and what mar-ýikings were put on the property. In the event of a theft this list can be turned over to the police to aid them in their investigation. The invisible ink m~arking system hbas prbvýeditself in areas using it andl if is our ~hope that with your co-opera' ion it wllproyesuesf. here also. Ify ou have any questions regarding the invis- ible ink marking systemr contact thle C;rmmunity Ser- viceý(s Offic2er at your local Ontario Provincial Police Detachnment. C.J. Strachan, No. 5202, Comimunit-y Services Officer, Provincial Constable. e,,, OSS@*S.O.eOe,,,,,,,***e, * e * s * s * e * e * e e e e e a e * e * - e * r, * -e * s e e e e e e e e e e s s e e e e s e e e e s e e e e s s e e e e e e s e s ORONO, ONT. * 983-5009 e e e e,. [f you are employed and going to have a baby, you re entitled to pregnancy leave. idoing to mnake certain i. you receiveit We have a law in Ontario which permits any pregnant benefits during ber pregnancy leave (even if shne does flot woman, married or not, to take a 17-we nadlae0 intend to resume work when her leave expires) if she had absence from- work to have her baby. This law covers çpart-time at least 20 weeks of ensu red employment du ring the year as well as fLI-time employees, provided that they have been before the birth. At least ten of the 20 weeks should have working for the same employer for aleast 63 weeks before the fallen between the 30th and the 5Oth weeks before thé epected date of birth.birh When she retu rns to work, the new mother is guaranteed If youI would like more information about pregnancy the right to her formier position or to a comparable leave or other labour legislation of interest to working position wilh no loss of seniority or benefits at the same salary. womnen, write to: Naturally, pregnancy does not prevent an employee Employment Standards Branch from being dismissed for v.,alid reasorv§ rnot connected Ministry of Labour wîVth pregnancy, but pregnancy alone cannot be the cause 400 University Avenue of d ism issal where an emip!oyee is'el ig i be for leave. Toronto, Ontario M7AliT7 An expectant. mother is required to give two weeks' and we will send you a brochure. notice in writing of the day she intends to leave. She is etitted to begi.n r laeaytm ihni k Bette Stephens,:on, M.D., Om*,, William Davi s, before the babys birth but she must take at Jeast six Minister of Premier weeks of her leave afterwards. if the employer wishes the LabourE'L I employee to begin hier leave before she wants to do sol11 the employer mnust prove that she is unable to performnU her normal duties adequately. The employee is elîgible for Unemployment In surance Province of Ontario

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