Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1977, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 9th, 17 Lawirence ouffines position on Eldorado I know people in Port Hope are worried about the future of Eldorado Nuclear..With the present controversy surroun- ding just about every aspect of Canlada's nulear industry, there is some fear that the jobs of local citizens and the large economnic stake which the entire commiunity bas in thec continued weli-being of Eldo)rado Nuclear, arè some- how endangered. But no matter what hap- pens elsewhere in Canada , or in Port Granby - or to our misguided and mishandied foreign nuclear sales pro- gram, Eldorado Nulear will stay in Port Hope and can only continue to prosper. The Port Hope refinery is too important a part in our total nuclear industry, too essential to our domestic needs, and it represents too large a capital investment by the people of Canada for'it to bceclosed down or moved. Indeed, I know of no respon- sibie person who bas even hinted- that this should be doue. Everyoue should under- stand, however, that two distinct and separate prop- osais are 'being advanced right now for Eldorado's -expansion. First, a new refinery is to be built, perhaps in the Port Granby area. It would be an addîtional plant for Eldorado, and not in any way, a replacement for the BOWMAN VILLE IBROADLOOM Our New Loc-ation j 17CHURCHSTREET BOWMANVILLE 623-5054 Cushion Floor f rom $3.95 sq. Yard Roll Ends and Remnants new 4 j ava ila ble Port Hopeý refinery. Eldor- ado's second proposai is to enlarge its waste disposai site at Port Granby. I firmly believe that al property fronting on Lake Ontario must be utilized to its very ultimate ptoentiai. Good availabie lake frontage ai- ready is in short supply. Some new projects such as electrie generating stations mnust be close to the water. Such land is aiso in growing demnand for recreational purposes, such as parksand marinas. Per- haps the proposed refinery- fits in the same essential category.1 At no time, in public or priva te, have I ever indicated any opposition on my part to Eldorado's announced pre- ference to buiid its new refinery in the Port Granby area. I have indicated that such a refinery couid con- tribute to the new prosperity for the whole Port Hope,- Bowmanville area. It certainly makes sense to buiid upon the pool of skillëd nuclear industry workers which already exists ln the Port Hope area, There would also be obvions management advantages for Eldorado to have the two plants in close proximnity. But the contînued and expanded use of such potent- iaiiy valuable lakefront land for the dumnping of materiais that must sterilize the area for any other use, no matter -what safeguards are appiied, is totaily wrong. It is short- sighted, wastefui, and in the long mun will jeopardize the future of the entire com- munity. These two separate prop- osais by Eldorado require separate solutions. Surely, now that Eldorado bas been given a further six month extension of its license to dumnp at Port Granby, the company should be bending ail its efforts to find a different location at which to dispose of its chemnical and radioactive wastes. There have to be several alternative sites, iocated away from the liake, with no other potential use, and where there will be no local opposition. In ail of this discussion we must remember that Eldor- ado Nuclear is a Crown Corporation. Utlimateiy, that means it belongs to ail the people of Canada. No one would want Eldor- ado to either cýlose down or miove away. But EldJorado's management is certainly pia- cing its future in jeopardy by situbbornly insisting that no other dump site meets its requirements, ln the face of opposition by the federal government's own reguiatory agency, the Atomic Energy Control Board, the Ontario ,government, some officiais of the federal Department of Energy, Mines and Resourc- WOODYARD FEELS GITITY 0F TAKING $11,000. Cjolimmiittee says'NO' .to pay raise The management commit- tee for the Region of Durham has turned aside a move to increase regional council memaber's salary this year. The matter will now corne before council for their react- ion to no salary boost in 1977. Regional co uncillors now are paid $11,000 with the c!hai-rman being paîd $32,00. Regionai councillors now are paid $11,000 with the chairman being paid $32,000, Mvayor Potticary had asked that the salaries be increased by 7.5 per cent for 1977 or an amount of $825.00 bringing the total regional saiary to $11,825.00. Counic. Woodyard in speak- ing on the matter said the workload of local council in the Town of Newcaste wias three times that at the regionai<level. Hle felt the salari'es~ paid to municipal politic-ians should reflect that. Counc. Woodyard also saîd lie felt guilty receiving $11,000 for his regional work. Chair- mnan Walter Beath made a simnilar statemnent as did Counc. Woodyard. Beath said he feit counicillors at least spent fifty per cent of their time a, the local level of governmnent. in speaking 'with Counc. Woodyard he did say thatÈ the Newcastle council was hold- ing a muqltitude of Meetings but had found that this was not the case in some of the other local munmicipal govern- ments, especially in the north. es, the Durham Region, and above ail from many concer- ned citizens. Eventualiy, public opinion has a way of triumphing over such attitudes. Stop Lights for Kirby and Taunton Roads The foliowing letter to Mr. D. M1offatt, M.P.P. for Dur- ha m East is self -explanatorv. Ministry oif Transportation and Communications January 28th, 1977 Mr. Doug Moffatt, M.P.P., Durham East,, Dear Mr. Moffatt: Further to my letter of Novemnber 26th, 1976, regard- ing traffic problems on High- ways 35 and 115 at Taunton Road (R.R. i) and Kirby Pumnping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tonipkins Plhone '786-2,552 786-2636 (R.-R. 9), I amn pleased tio inform you that .our invi gation of the requirementtraffie signais at tiese two locations has been comnpleted. We are satisfied that there is a need foi, traffic signais in each case and arrangements are in hand for installation of the signais. I trust you wili consider the problems of the two intersect- ions as having been resolved satisfactorily. With kindest regards, I remain, Yours sincerely, James Snow, Minister. Rstaurant HXVY 115 and3.i M2Niile South of Orono Phone 983-565 1 MIEN6(;DAYS x WEEK WeSpecialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO %VeeI<end Specials Willam . HllB. comm. (ha rtered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATLJRDAY PROC LAMAT ION WHEREAS the Association of Krnsmen Clubs has been a vibrant, responsible, Canadian Association of Service Cluibs, devoted to the concept of voluntary service by hundreds of thousands of members dedicated to serving their communities throughout Canada since its Founding in Hamilton, Ontario in 1920: and WHEREAS the Association of Kinsmen Clubs has been cognisant (of the needs of our Town of Newcastle and bas diligently sought the developmnent and conduct of timiely, relevant programs to meet 'the needs andf challenges of constantly changing society: and WHEREAS the anniversary date of this birthday of our Canadian- Flag is February 2lst and: WHIREAS the Flag of our Country is symbolic of the heritage of ail groups and ethnic backgrounds forming the cîtîzenry of our- Country: and WTHEREAS the Association of Kinsmen Clubs feels that each citizen would welcomne the opportunity to pause and reflect with pr-ide on the rich heritage of accomrplishment created by the desire, dedication and determination of those who proceded: and WHEREAS a day designated HERITAGE DAY wouldl allow the Kinsmen Club of The Great Pine Ridge to give the citizens of Newcastle an opportunity to rededicate themnselves and to demnonstrate their pride in the herîtage of their Country: NOW THEREFORE 1, Mayor Garnet B. Ricl<arcd of thle Town of Newcastle, do hereby proclaim the MONTH 0F FEBRUARY, 1977 as NATIONAýL HERITAGE MONTH and thie WEEK 0F FEBRUARY l9th THROUGH TO FEBRUARY 2'7thi NATIONAL HERITAGE WEÉK and -more specifically Februar.y 2lst, 1977 as NATIONAL HERITAGE DAY and urg,,e al people of Newcastle to sharie and demonstrate justi fiable pridie in our heritage by cebainand 'joining wi1th the Kinismlen in salutîng theConr's Flag, thereby strengthening and unifying the deternijnation of the Country's future. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF 1 have hiereunto set my hand and caiased the seal of the Town of Newcastle tob afxd this . day of Februa,197 GARNET B. RICKARD MA11YOR TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE r - 09 m R-- -qu - -

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