i-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 9th, 1977 Kendlal News Intepioneer days most of point at the west end of the tefarmers chose a site for sixth 111ne and Mr. Chas. Waye their buildings in 'the centre of is planning on building a their homestead so they house this sumumer on the would bc near their fields. If highest point at the east end they were hoeing their turnips of the sixth. "Robin Heights" it wouldn't be too far to walk is a home built on a high point home for their noon mneal. north of Jendal. Water also was a prime consideration in selectîng a site. Thus homes like Miss C. Stewart's were built down where there was plenty of water rather than along the sixth ine. Then the children walked to school or if the day' was cold and the snow deep the farmer hitched up the teamn on the sleigh and took aIl the kids aiong the line. A sleigh ride to schooi was lots of fun. I watched some chîldren wait for a bus this Monday morning from 8 a.m. ti11 9 a.m. on. top of a huge bank of - snow about fweive feet high. It wns zero with a stiff wind blowing. I think the sleigh ride was best. The pioneers built homes in places like "Happy Valley" where the Acres Restaurant stands to day. Many's a summer day this writer drove from Kendal to Salem on a hot summer's day. What a relief if was to wind around the cool shade and beside the brook in Happy Valley. Now there is a new house built at the very hi ghest The funeral, of Mr. Russell Sutcliffe was held in the Lang Memoriai Chapel on Tuesday,. Feb. 8th, 1977. Russell came to work in this area as a lad from Port Perry. He married ,Violet Curtis of K(endal. Most of the chiidren were born north of Kendal where Don Cafhcart lives today. Russel worked for several years 7at the Jackson saw miii. Later he worked for farmers then the family moved fo Leskard and he worked on the forest- ry. He has had a, lot of suffering during the lasf two years. Sympafhy is extended to the.family. Kendal church service was held on Sunday, Feb . 6th in spite of the drifted conditions of the side roads and the extreme cold. The scripture reading was Leviticus 17, and the subjiect "A Sacrifice". Levificus is a book of lnw thus if is difficuif to find a verse to use as a topic. However Rev. A. Tizzard said he had chosen "For the life of the flesh is in the blood,-" GM sales set new January record General MIotors deniers in Canada set new ali-time sales records in January - beating the old January record, set in 1974, by a whoppipng 21.3 per cen t. Total vehicle sales of 41,961 units during the mnonth eciip- sed iast year's level of 26,604 by 57.7 per cent, surprising even GM officiais. The figures were released today by J.D. Duffy, vice president and general sales manager of GM of Canada. Passenger car deliveries of 30,277 were 64.8 per cent ahead of last year's level and Dear Editor: Eldorado wants to buiid a nwuranium refinery in Port* Granby by 1980. Lt shouid be very clear that this refinery wiil oniy produce UF6 (uran- ium hexafluoride). There is not one atomie reactor in Canada which uses UF6 maferial. Ail of the radioactive materiais pro- duced by this proposed refin- ery are therefore oniy for export. Andc what is Our benief ifW will receive thousands of tons of radio- active and foxîc materials and xill take 650 acres of agricultural land ouf of pro- duction. ccordingý to the literature Eldorado hias sent to A househoids the refinery wil cost you and 1, the taxpayers, $80,000,000. We wili have fo pay $80,000,000 to produce nulear materials for export, and in addition to this cost we wiii niso have to accept the exceedéd the previous hi 1gh set in 1974 by 21.3 per cent. Truck deliveries of 11,684 also recorded a new high for January, 42 per cent ahead of last year's total and 21.3 per cenit better than the comn- pany's 1974 record. It was the fourth consecut- ive mnonth truck deliveries have esfablished new highs. "The buoyant level of deliveries by GM deaiers across Canada during one of the stormiest Januarys in history was a littie surprising, but most welcome," said Mr. Duffy. radio active wastes in a larger dump. t seems like n terribiy high cost to pay and certainiy not of economnic benefit to us. We wiil have fe pay the $00000because Eldorado is a crown corporation and is therefore supposed to be owned by the people of Canada. Therefore ail costs are born by the people. Eldorado states that if wiii emnpioy 150 people. The nuc- lear industry is a highiy technoiogicai and sophisti- cated indusfry which requires skiiled and experienced peop- le, prohabiy the' type of worker presenfiy empioyed at the Port Hope refinery. Port, Hope is only eight miles from Port Granby and therefore it wouid be veî y easy to have the Port Hope empioyees drive the extra few miles each day. Eldorado has stated if wiii cease producing UF6 in Port Hope when the Freezing meat the right way The freezer is not a magie box into which you can just pop f res h, store-wrapped mneat and expect i-f to be juicy and flavourful when cooked. To maintain the fresh quality of m eat in the freezer, protect it - and your meat dollar - by always wrapping meat carel- fuliy bef ore freezing. say food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In the supermarket, the wrapping on fresh meat prot ects if against over-hand- ling and drying. This type of wrapping lets the fresh meat "breathe", and is designed for short-term refrigerator storage. It is unsuitable for long-termr storage in very cold 'and dry air, such as freezer air. Freezer air grnd- ually pulls moisture from improperly wrapped meat and leaves you with a dry, Grow ha rdwood' cuttings indoors t is not tooearly to begin planning for your hardwood nursery, says RI.A., Fleming, Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food horticulturisf.1 Cuttings from hardwoods taken in February and March can be forced to bloomn and1 root indoors. "We have forced-forsythia shoots to, bloom indoors during the late winter, and' often these samne shoots can be rooted from hardwood cuffings,'ý says Mr. Fleming. 1The cuttings should be six to eighit inchies long and abou t 1/4 to three-eights of an inch in Up & Down the Book Sak ADULT Getting in -Shape f0 Ski by Tage Pederson (excercises to limber you up and take awny the aches and pains) Lemon Aid by Phil Edmonson (the hest seller the Auto Industry could flot sup- press) The Peter Plan by Laurence Peter (a proposai for sur- vivai) Los Viejos by Grace Halsell (secrets of long life in the Sacred Valey, Ecuedor) Moncrieff by Isabelle Holand (romance and suspense) Crisis on Con Shelf Ten by Monica Hughes (for young adults, a novel set in the future of a community living beneath the sea) Black Mountain by Robert Leasuire (two men vow to kîlI a grizzly bear) Two Sfrand River by JKeith Maiilard (novel set in Vancouver) 4 new light romances JUNIOR From afar is an Island by Bruno Munari (a book about stones) The Rlolling Stones an Illus- trated Record by Roy Carr Hooray for Hockey by M. O'Brien Weicome Hrome, Jaime (2) by Eileen Lottman (the bionic woman) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Listen! by Marion Crume (a book of sounds) Some Sweli Pup or Are You Sure Vou Want a Dog? by Maurice Sendak The Wingdingdiiiy by Bill Peet Albert Herbert Hawkins the Naughtiest Boy in the World by Frank Dickens Crafts for children every Saturday morning from 10 to Il a.m. Madeleine Hadley new refinery is buit. So Newcastle, have to put up where are the new jobs? with this kind of industry and Where is the advantage? Why ail of that radioactive waste? should we, in the Town of John Veldhuis Hatve Steam&Ier ... WiII Travel Water Pipes and Septic Tanks Thawed Out Phone 983-5206 H. Partner & Sons ORONO, ONTARIO tasteiess produet. Before putting meat in the freezer, remove the store wrap, then re-wrap the ment in. heavy-duty aluminum foil or durable plastic freezer bags. Press out the air by pressing against the meat and seal tightly. Use a twister and freezer tape when using bngs, or seal open edges with freezer tape when using foul. Air lef t In a package or eptering a package can cause oxidative changes in .thie ment. These changes result in off-fiavours and odors; that's why it's so important to mold the wrnp tightly around the product, then fasten the diamfter. A shoot several feet long, providing it is good sound wood, can be cut up into cuffings. Make thie cutting jusf below a bud for optimumn rooting. Place the cuttings.'n a box of peaf and snnd mixture to about fwo-thirds of the length of the cufting. Then thoroughly water the soil mixture and cover with a sheet of glass or plastic to keep the tops of the cuttings fromn drying out. Water the cuttings fromn time to time fromn the top. The cuttings should be well-rooted by lafe spring and ready for planting in a nursery row to grow into garden-size plants. Hardwoods which may be rooted in this mannel- are shrubs such as forsythia, the willows, the shrubby dog- woods, piladelphus, and some types of viburnumns. package s0 air cannot enter. Label the contents as to type of ment, quantity, date it \was frozen. :PZZÀA: * 300 King St. E. * * NEWCASTLE * 987-4709 * Is pleased to S announce * Mr. Terry Thompson e à of Newcastle in 0 * thre positiion of * DELIVERY SEVR 7DY e Su Teiur n4 povd. 12 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 12: am -2 am. *Please allow 30-45o *minutes for in village.e *delivery and 45-90 0 *minutes for out of 0 :village.0 *Howvever delivery may e be sooner on oc-* * casion depending on *number of orders at *thetime. 06660 0 te: Love is SSending Flowersto à your Va lentine 1 Mondayl February * l~~4thFles* I Fresh Q% Flwer * Floral Drec Arrangements Arrangements * ORDERNOWI FREE DELIVERY * TOORONO * 133 Church Street Bowmanville CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES SeOur Une of..-CHEVRON TRAILERS -TRUCK<CAPS FIBREGLAS CANOES Stock somne parts for above items OPEN WEEKDAVS& WEEK-ENDS 9:00 a.m. to 8:OOp.m. v Closed Mondays at Noon 1114.iIWAY ,115&3.5 NEWCNSTLE PHONE 987-5174 Letter to Editor