ORONO 0. M. H.A. MIDGET HIOCKEY NEWS On Thursday, January 27, the Orono O.M.H.A. Midgets continued their series against Sunderland and came out on the losinig end with a score 6-1. Scoring the ]one Orono goal early in the second period was Terry Deriet, set up by Doug Hancock and David Sunstrum. Monday, January 31, the fourth game of the series was played and again Sunderland was victorious, 6-2, over the home team. Pat Williams scored the two Orono goals, the second being a penalty shot goal. Sunderland now bas a two point advantage over Orono, 5 points to 3 points. Orono must win the next game, which is Thursday night, February 3, in Cannington in order to stay alive in this series. MEET OVER ARE NA INORONO A meeting was held in the Orono Town H-all last Sunday with representa- tives of the Agricultural Society, Orono SWIM AND WATER POLO CLUB The Swim and Water Polo Club sponsored by the Depar- tment of Parks and Recreat- Fire Tuesday afternoon took the lives of two Clarke residents, Mr. Milton Green, 58 and his wife Valetta, 64. The couple, former resi- dents of Orono, were living in a bouse on the Lovekin farm, east of Highway 115 and 35 in the south of the former "ownship of Clarke. Athletic Association, Town council and Mr. D). Moffatt present. The decision of the Committee of Adjustment was a topic of conversation with nothing concrete being decided. Miayor Rickard and Counc. wood- yard are to investigate further the decision of the Committee and re-port back to another meeting of the interested parties. An arena meeting was held in Newcastle on Monday evening of this week whe re agaîn, little w,,as accomplished toward the start of a niew building in the Village for winter purposes. It would now _ appear that the replacing of the Newcastle arena will run into the samne problems as the Orono arena concerning set-backs which are establish- ed in the Town's by-law. It is feit that the conditions are such in Newcastle that they could not meet with the conditions of the by-law. < Mayor Rickard is again to further investigate the problem and report back to another meeting of the Newcastle com- mittee. ion, held a t the Pîne Ridge members welcomne. Boys and School on Saturday and girls ageslyears to 20years. Sunday, from 2 to 4 p.m. New Fee $2.00. Prior to -movmng to New- castle Mr. Green was employ- ed by the Mi nistry of Natural Resources at the Tree Nur- sery in Orono. At that time the Greens lived in one of the Nursery houses in the south of the property. During the fire on Tuesday a farrh hand endeavoured to gain entrance to the bouse but was forced back due to flames and smoke. The couple were found ln a combined living- bedroonm area of the bouse. Firechief Hayman for the Town of Newcastle did not disclose the cause of the fîre but did say the Fire Marshall would investigate the fire todày, Wednesday. This revamped barn at the for a chalet. It lias become a ine rustic character of the Enniskillen Conservation m-ost popular centre especial- building entices mnany indoors Area makes an ideal setting ly during the wînter rnonths. for lunch and a little warmith on1 these cold winteryý days. PORTS Quantity Limited Quality Guaranteed Also a variety of other doors priced with Savings in Newcastle Recreation Department %ORONO ORONOYOUTH CENTRE TOWN HALL Sun., Feb. ô6th 2. 00 P.m FAYADAMSandthe COUJNTRY HITS With PaY, CGlorY and Don Adams; LenSoecas on Stel uiar Jogy I4owe on Lead Guitar. _ *# GUEST ART ISTS: Harold Fife and his 4-string Banjo The McGriskin Faily fromy Warsaw Mary Bunting Orono's Old Tyme Fiddler Bonnie George & son Jim CoL M.C. - Sterling Mathier untry Singer from Roseneaïn CLOS ET DOORS We now have in stock a truck toad of select Varnish BifoId Closet Doors in a wide range of sizes in the standard height of 6'8. 2-' O" -'4'f 01 $14.50 $29.50 1 5 1 - D u $16.50 $31.50 Two diien Cla rke'r