Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1977, p. 1

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 2nd, 1977 Ru les ouf relocating new Orono arena on present site The Town of Newcastle Committee of adjustment last Wednesday evening voted in the majority not to allow a variance for the construction of a new Orono arena and agricultural building on the site on Park Street which now accommodates the present arena building. The rebuild- ing of the arena on the present site did receive some object- ion from residents on Park Street who mainly objected to parking along the street from those using the facility. The Agricultural Society Which ownis the arena build- ing has the opportunity to contest the decision of the commrittee but this bas yet to be considered by the commit- tee. Messrs. Jim Riekard, pres- ident of the fair board, George Carson, fair man~ager and Russell Major, Mike Sawyer of the Orono Athletie and Peter Fleming of Totten, Sims and H-ubicki spoke in support of tlhe application for a minor variance at the meeting which would allow the reconstruction of the arena on the present site. Mr. Jinm Rickard pointed out to the committee that the present arena building had to be dismantled as use could not continue after April 15th, 1977. He said the Society had consîdered all matters and possible locations for the new structure on the Agricultural lands and would like to place the new structure on the (Continued page 4) Approve new w..ater plant for Newcastle The Region of Durham bas given approval for the con- struction of a lake-oriented water plant for the Village of Newcastle. The new plan could service up to 10,000 residents and is estimated to cost $2,800,000.00. The n ew plant would have a capacity of 1,8 million gallons a day. In the debate over lhe proposed water plant Counc, -A. Dewar of Oshawa stated it was "a terrible price to pay for wýater." The former chair- man of the Durhamf Regional Works DTepa.ýrtmenit said it was going to cost $2,200.00 for each new bouse that was built ini the Village, and this. was only, towards the cost of the said it was practice to permit such services as water to be designed to accommodate 50 per cent more persons than projected by the officiai plan. Councillor Dewar did get the Regionial co)unciltLo ask the planining and develop- ment committee to review the population projection for the Village of Newcastle now ,contained in tlhe regional ofiilplan. In speaking with Couin. Woodyard following the meet- ing hie said he had asked if tbe plant could not be scaled down in size but was informed there was not time to do so. RUSES CALLEIi OFF ON MONDAY !)Le to road codtn(snow) and stormr warnings out buses did flot run on lM\,onday or Tuesday for the various scbools in the area The sehools however .,ere held open withi staff that was able to get to scýhool. Last Friday bus schedules w,,ere greatly hamppered by the snow storm an n u a o remn.aîn at the Pinies Senior Publie School1 until welloe the supper hour. Another bus carrying students from a Bowrnfanville School waited out the stormi at the O)rono Public School This bus was carrying students who ha,ýd been at the outdoor education centre onthe WVilmot Creek just souXh of the Tauniton Road west of Orono. Erpoesof General Motors, Oshawa, on tHie car and truck lines have been off work for three days due to the storm in the U.S. which has eut off supplydo certain parts needed in teOshiawýa operation. CUJB WEEýKEND NOE OUT The Orono Cubs -were unable to attend a camp at the Ganaraska Forest Centre due to roads being imnpassable caused by the Friday stormi. The road to the camp was not open until welI into Saturday. The outing is now rescheduled for sorueti'me in March. frThe Ganaraska Forest Camap is proving a popular site frwinter camp for area scouts and Cubs with it now being bookeex until almost. the end of March. Some Girl Guide groups are also shlowing an interest In making use of the camp îrt the near future. FIRE CAU10SES $400o TO $5,000 DAMAGE The local f'ire department received a ealî around 6 p.m. Trhursday to the apartmnent house on, Main Street at the Park Mil Rond ownr.ed by Ediward Woodyard.' Thïe departmfent was able to hring the blaze under control however répaîrs to one apartint is estimated to cost from $4,000 to $5,000. Twý;o other apartments in the building were untoiuched by the fire. BEYOND THE CALL 0F OFFICe-Fý Mi's. Margaret Ibbotson who recenitly was elected to the Board o; Education in Ward 3 extended the duties of ber office on F-riday wben she served r roasti beef dinner tIo stranded students wnose b)us became snow Dounci ani flnially failed on a hili on the fourth uàne of Clarke. A second bus was dispatched later in the evening Io transport the childre-n on to their respective homes. HEART FIJND CAIMPAIGN Mrs, F. Lycett of Orono iniformred this office last week that a fuinçra.*iîng campaigni bas been organized for this area for t*,- Canadian Heart Foundation. Local canvassers ilil be C, ý at your homne for votir donations. ljeart and blood ve,-ýdiseases caused forty-nine per cent of ail deatbs in Canada in 1973. Sevenýty-on.e cents of every dollar collected for the H-eart F'oundation goes to research, 18 cents to community education and programs, 5 cents to administrat- ion and 6~ cents to the carnpaign. Jast weekend's blustery Towing spent. more time weather kept a lot of people the road. As of Saturd off the roads. However, Orono mnorning they biad towed M, ý ' 7ý, - 1 , m ý i

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