Mayor Rickard in addres- sîng coundil paid tribute to the former counicil and its members for their dedication and achievement. 11e said that the restructuring of government in 1,974 was for the purpose of directing more power back to local councils. To accept this responsibility, be said, council must equip itself will all knowledge available concerning munic- ipal affaîrs. "We have no longer a Municipality in isolation." The Mayor said a top priority was improved com- munications with the people we represent and suggested a local office be set up wbereby ail questions could be chan- nelled, regional or local and where answers could be readily available. 11e also pointed out that the Officiai Plan had been implemented and that proposais must now be resolved into action. H1e S said future development must be sensitive to and supportive of that which already exists in the Town of Newcastle. Ans- wers must more readily be given and solutions more quickly found, he said. The Mayor spoke of the proposai for the complete refurbisbing of the Main Street in Bowmanville and said that similar attention should be directed to Orono and Newcastle and more attention focused upon the identity and character of the smaller Ramiets. H1e emphasized that attent- ion should also be directed toward the development of cultural and recreational pro- grams for senior citizens and that couricil should continue tQ work in close co-operation with the Board of Education. St. Saviours ANGLICAN Regular Suîiday Worship Servic e - 10: 00 Holy Communion ist and 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer - 2nd and 4th Sundays Supply Minister Rev. Grant Schwartz Chaplain, Ontario Hospital, inmet ble orks aepart- metand uientioned the inadequacy of office space in the Town offices in Bowman- ville. "As a council, we must address ourselves to the inequality in assessment from wAhich taxes are collect- ed. We have inherited four different assessment factors wbich cause unfairness in taxes and 1 will ask council for a complete review of the taxing structure," he said. H1e spoke of the tremendous pro.posals as the Darlington Generating Station, Regional Waste Disposai, Eldorado and the Wesleyville Generat- ing Station to the east as well as 25 miles of hydro transmis- sion lines to pass through the municipality and the count- less problems these will have affecting individuals. In closing, he asked council to review the whole municipal structure to see if we are prepared. RETIRES (Continued fromi page 1) weather condition at least two days ahead of time from an operator in the States who at that time would have a similar condition which hap- pens in the Orono-Leskard area two days later. Jim is now investigating the possibility of assisting with a radio service to Ham operat- ors under the jurisdiction of the Radio Society of Ontario. Through this Society all radio messages are logged and Ham operators within Ontar- io make use of the service. The service operates seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. with local operators volunteering their service wil.h their equipment for a period of one hour during the day or week, as the case may be. It is through this service that one Ham operator may find out whether another is operating and if contact may be made at that particular lrne. At the present time Jim is sharpening up on his Morse code transmissions and states that he finds this much more rewarding in communicat- ions than through audio transmission which he also carnies on with fellow Ham operators. He said be wished take an interest in this part of communication which can be of a great reward. CHURCU 1e took out bis first Ham Pastoral licence in 1967 when he built ýarge bis first transmittor and ister receiver. 11e bas just complet- .E. Long ed a brand new set wbich be This is a continuation fromn last week frnin the files of the Orono Weekly Timies over the past year. SEPTEMIBER The Faîl Fair at Orono for the first time in our memory was dampened by ramn on Saturday. t appeared that the show was off to a good start on Thursday and Friday but rafi on Saturday put a damper on attendance. School enrol at Clarke is stable, down some in Orono and up at thePines. Kendal eagles win the Senior "D" Cbampionships now prizes and states that the transistors have been the greatest advancement in ele- ctronics of ail times. Wben asked what kindled bis interest in radio and commnunications. he said it would have to go back to the War years when he was a prisoner of war. At that timne bc said they had smuggled an ear-phone into camp along with a coul out of a car and some wire and were able to assemble a receiver using a razor blade for a crystal. Through this innovation tbey were able to get some news into camp from a German station. Ris higgest kick out of the hobby cornes witb distance and he has recorded contact witb stations in England, France, Germany, Norway and even Russia. If this was not enougb for Jim he has also been dabbling with radio controlled model aircrafts and speaks with authority about the electron- ics which control the flight of these model crafts. From a kit, he along with his son, Brin», have assembled a' helicopter and are working towards the day they can put it into full flight. It appears there are some mechanîcai bugs which have limited flîght for the craft but by the end of the year Jim dlaims his will be overcome and the machine will be fully operat- ive. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley have been residents of Leskard with a family of four, three boys, Brian at home, "Buck", Leskard and Don in Sault Ste. Marie and one daughter, Nelly, in Oshawa. Upon retiring from the Tree Nursery, staff and fellow workers met informally with Mr. and Mrs. Buckley and presented both witb a gif t in recognition of Jim's wor'k witb the Ministry. wîtb two straight wins over Ragersville. Both games had local spec ta tors on the edge of their seats tbrougbout. This was the first Ontario Champ- ioinship for the Eagles ai- though at, other times they have come close. Doug Moffatt holds cele- bration in Newcastle Rail in recognition of first annivers- ary of bis election to the legislature. Meals on Wbeels roll into Orono tbrough the efforts of the Social Planning counicil and local belp as well as assistance from the Great . Pine Ridge Kinettes. A Toronto man, 27, charged with murder following the finding of a mutilated body i» tbree garbage bags north of Orono. Bellwood Drive homneown- ers oppose furtber develop- ment on the w est side of the rond in the south of th~e Township. Mayor . Rickard supports opposition. Rydro rates in Orono to increase 30 per cent at the beginning of the year. Ronest Richard (Robert Caldwell) and Uncle"Rufus (Don Adams) make a big bit at Orono Jamboree. Clarke High School Volley- bal team C.O.S.S.A. champ- ions. Board of Education set price of $30,000 for old Nirby Scbool following receipt of appraisal for the property. BowmaRvilIle pool The Town of Newcastie's SPLASR committee mray be- gin raising funds as a charitable organization in the new year after an agreement between the town and the board of eduçation is resolv- ed. At the present time, bow- ever, the committee spear- beading a drive for a pool and squash court facility remains uncertain about their status for raising funds for the project. The proposai was left in the hands of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education following a SPLASR- delegation's presen- tation of the project earlier in the year. The delegation approached the board to ask if they woulcl share thbc cst of maiintrnninR ligbts in tbree Icoations along the facility to be located next OCTOBER Righway !15, Taunton Road to Bowmanvile Righ School Four bundred area resid- and Kirby. when it is eventually complet- . e.. e. Douglas DeweII SUNDAY, JAN. 9T11, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCII Sunday Cburcb School 10 a.m. Mlornîng Worsbiip 11:15 a.m. Annual Reports to be in CbUrch Office by Tuesday, January lltb. Annual Meeting Tuesday, \,anuary 25tb, 1977. KLRBY UNITED ClURCHI Morning Worsbip 9:45 a.m. Sufldny Cbtrch School il a.m. Dîial-*Tbougbt 983-9151 To start off tbe new year, wve thought you might like to bear some of the comments from two Grade Four classes from the Orono Public Scbool, wbo visited the museum before Christmas; these quot- es are tromn their thougbtful and candid thanik-you letters: "I learned'ihat it wQàs not f un in those days. You bad to do everytbing by band;"- "'Ail the rooms were inter- esting. I tbougbt the cabin and the school roomn were the best;"- "We have bec» studying pioneers for the last two weeks but after coming to the mnuseum I1 founid it -was a lot mnore întcrcstingý -1 wisb we could come back But tbe comment we like to bear bcst is this: -1 found out new tbings", or -1 learned lots of things 1 neyer knew before." That's wbat a mus- eumn - your muiseum-- - is for. Clarke Museum Claim r)ffl,-,îbilitv of ston