Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1974, p. 2

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2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, DECEMBER loth. 1974 o rono weeklIv t imes __ Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published Every Wednesday* vAt the Office of Publication SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada $,3.00 U.S.A. $4.50 GOVERNMENT AGAIN BACKS OFF Just before Christmas the Legislature of Ontario gave approval to a watered:down piece of legisiation affecting snowmobiling in the province. This government in Toronto, althougb holding a wide majority in the legislature acts as if the woif was at its heels, and repeatedly backs away from decisive decisions. This back-off is evident in the matter of the snowmobile legislation. It is also evident in a land-use poiicy wbich Premier Davis bas repeatediy said was in the works but bas neyer materialized. The Toronto Centred Region Plan in 1970 was tentatively planned and given pienty of circulation as the direction in wbich the government would be following. Yet today reports state that it would almost be impossible to follow the plan as it bas been over-developed tbrough the past tbree years. Also wby does it take montb after month for a decision on th~e proposal of the CF dump in Hope, again a> locak of decision. In the past four by-election the Conservation government at Toronto bas not faired too well and was away back in the' polling of votes. Premier Davis feels that the government is not getting their message over to the residents of the province. But what message bas he to tell if nothing is ever completed. It appeared in this area that the original legislation governing snowmobiles in the province bad been accepted even to the extent of the snowmobiler. Yet the government backed off and of course the opposition was no better. The legisiation was watered.édown and bas very littie meaning., The most damaging part of the back-off is the allowing of snowmobiiing on municipal roads and to turn this matter back to the municipality to govern if tbey so wish. The act as is now exists could well force snowmobiling off private property and onto municipal roads. Mr. Alex Carruthers is reported to bave supported the retention of this portion of the legislation bu'even thougb he beaded the committee on Al-terrain Vehicles he was voted down. The member from Durham points out that only some 84 municipalities out of 903 bave approved by-laws governing snowmobiling. Furtber he said, "The reluctance of municipalities to enaet by-laws bas, in my opinion, encouraged the operation of the machines on. highways. " Even the manufactures were in favour of the ban of the machines on roads this could also be said of most operators and owners of the machines. It is most puzzling wben the governiment had the support of the majority of the people in the province tbey had to back-off from the original scope of the legisiation. This is hardlyv a leadership in the affairs of the province. The use of snowmobiles is a recreational outing for many in the province and it is flot that this should be curtailed. But the use of roads and bighways is, not the proper place for the machines. The government this year through the Ministry of Na tural Resources is opening uii many- area for the sport and it is here that the mq1st can be made for snowmobiling. t would appear that the governiment in Toronto bas lost contact wîth its people and surely a littie decision making would go a long* way to improve their position with the eetorate. Obituary ISAC OCARADAMS survived by two daughters, 111I for the past three years, Laverne (Mrs. S. Barrabaîl), Mr. Isaac Oscar Adams dieà Yvonne (Mrs. N. George) and at Memorial Hospital, Bow'- five sons, Elmer, Gordon, manvîlle, Wednesday Dec- IMiltorr Kenneth and Fay.r A emnber 18tb, 1974. He lived in agtrGediee pe Bowmanville and the Oroni deceased hînm on November area for the past eigbtyers 2tb, 1926. although spending most off hiý Mr. Adamns rested at the life in Roseneath. Northcutt Elliott Funeral' The frnie, Oscr Adms -omne in Bowmianville \wbere The ormr OcarAdans the services was hield on waqs born at Newpàrk, Clarke Decemiber 20th, 1974 witb Township, a son of Thomras Rev. Basil Long taking tie Adams and M~aria Bullied- in _s rvicee Temnporary inter- 18941. He w-as educated in nment a made at the Lang Clarke Township . .1 1920 the Chapel in Orono with inter-, late Mr. Adairis was married ment in the sprïng ini Hamp- to Alice Agnes Gordon and the ton. couple residednin Roseneatb whiere Mr. Adams followed bis rofh~dof rrnng.i F ior-al trib9tes wXere by wife predeased binm in Jff1y Strathiaven Nursing Homne, 21st; 1962. .He was a lnember Oddf'ellowA's, Lodge No. 436, of the United Cburcb as weUl Rebehak Lodge No. 334, as a ni ember of th~e Loyal~ Canadian Tire, Bowmanville, orange Lodge. Smith Beverages, Rolph Th.e1lateOscar-Ada1 s-is -1s ip. ORONO NOVICE TIFE WITH BOWMAINVILLE The Orono Novice Team with a supreme effort from Glen Jenkins tied a visiting Novice teamn from Bowmanville. Thc final score of the gamne stood at a tbree-all tie with Gler Jenkins scoring alI three goals for the local club. ORONO ATOM FLYERS WIN OVER MILLBROOK The Orono Atom Flyers took a 5-3 win over Millbrook or December 2Oth at the local arena- Kfen Farrow scored two ol the Orono goals with the others by Scott Prescott, Tom Lycetl and Brett Johnson. Assists went to Brett Johnson, with three, two to Scott Prescott and singles to Steve Graham and Jeff Gray. ORONO PEEWEE KINSMEN TAKE BIG EDGE OVER MILLBROOK The Orono PeeWee- Cînsmen took a big 7-2 win over Millbrook recently. Wayne MacLean scored his bat trickw with three goals while single counters went to Ross Stutt, George Popadicfr--Kevin Philip and Tom Hollinger. ALL BANTAM TEAMS IN ORONO REGISTER WIN Botb the Dutch Oven Bantam Team andl the Flyers regîstered wins on the week-end of December 2Oth. In a game witb Millbrook, Orono took a 8-3 victory. In the game Marcel Charland landed a bat trick with tbree goals. Single counters went to Doug Kramer, John ANtoniades, Mark Charland, Allen McCartby and Kevin Russell. C.F.TO. tertam&%s eàdges 0Orono teachers DRAW BIG CROWD AT ARENA The Orono Teacher-CFTO Employee game played at the Orono Arena on Decemnber 2lst drew a near capacity crowd at the Orono Arena with the game proceeds in benefit of Cystic Fibrosis. The Orono teachers had to take the short end of a 3-2 score. The Oron goals went to Doug Moffatt and Bob Trerinun wh*le the goal scorers for CFTO were Pete Landers with, assist to Fergie Oliver, Glen Mowatt and Jîm Simpson. Kirby news (Intended for last week> Kirby U.C.W. Held tbeir- monthly meetings on Decemn- ber 20th after a pot luck, dinner. The ladies had been busy quilting a Christmnas Gif t. Grace Reid opened the meeting wvith a Christmnas prayer. Christmnas carol, White Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night was sung, foiiowed by the script- ure Luke 2-1-16. We then sang another carol O Little Town of Bethlehemi with Mrs. Lowery at the piano. The Lords prayer was repeated by ail. Dora Morris read the scripture Pifllipeans 4-4-9 for the Least Coin followed by a scripture, tex-t John 15-16 and' prayer. Lila Chapman read. the minutes and roll cal]. After thie business was taiçen care of mnarion McKelvey rend - pool-FiPliceie"ss Gif t of Christ mias andi prayer. Grace 1Reid rend, Where wili You be for Christmnas foiiow;ed by Joy tIo the Worid and payç!r. We closed with the Mispah ben&e- diction. Dora Morris served a lovely lunch of MUincemeat Tarts, Chieese and biscuits and Tea. Sbaptizinai service was held at the Church on Decem- ber 151,h wlien Christine Joan- nejilenderson daughiter of Mlr, and Mrs, Tom Henderson Bowmýi-anvýille was christened hy Rev. Long. The fanlily bad a birthiday party for Christine after, at Mr. and Mr's.- Tomt Henderson, Bowmanville. S1w was one yea-r oid on Decemb- er 13th. Mrs. Hl. Lowvery is on a.. holiday tip to Florida. We hope the weatber is loveiy and warîn and she has a nice trip. Miss Marilyn Hamm, Sault Ste Marie is spending the Christmas flolidays with ber parents Mr and Mrs. Don Hamm. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater onl their recent Marriage. ,Mr. Cecil Tebble of Orono, passed away bis funeral was held on Friday fromr Barlow's Funeral Homne. Grades Kindergarten to grade six of> Kirby Centennial Scbooi held a cbristmas concert on Thursday after- noon wvith a packed bouse in attendance. Instead of paying an admnission everyone brought a white gif t for tbe Salvation Army. Mrs. A. Oakley and chiidren Nova Scotia arrived Satuirday evening to spend the holiday with her parents Mlr. and Mrs. W.A. Redi. THey camne by train and were on the train following the one tbat was in the biead on collision at Napanee. Mirs. Bruce Mlercer and sons, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and rs. Ken Bail. There wvas a very good turn ont for- church on Sundayv. Jim Wilson played the org an in absents of MUrs. Lowery. We were also glad to have Mrs. (;race Redi and Miss Sharon Lowery, help us with tbe choir. Mrs. Dora Morris and Mrs. Yoemnan are spending the ioiday at Durhamn Ont. 1 wish you ail a Very Merry ,bristmas and a Happy New Year. The Orono Dutch Oven crew in their game with Bewdley was lead by Ron Bambrick with his hat trick followed by Pat Williams with two goals. Single counters were scored by Robert Grant, John Malda and Ron Opoka. NEWCASTLE TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY REPORT BY' H.A.D. PARTNERS 3-REGIONAL RECLAIMERS 2 Ron Farrow scored two goals Sunday nigbt at the lice ?alace, giving Partners a 3-2 win over Regional Reclaimers. Ron Farrow deflected a shot from the point at 9:45 of the second period to tie the score 1-1, then made it 2-1 at 1.05 of the third with a low drive to the corner. Winning goal for the Pipebenders came on a superb passing play of the Rodgers brothers, with Randy beating goalie Don Todd. Both goals for tbe'Reclaimers were scored by defenceman Dan Norton. SPENCERS 5 COWANVILLE 2 Mike White, started a scoring spree witb three goals Sunday nigbt pacing Spencers Real Estate to a 5-2 victory over Cowanville Auto Parts. The Real Estate men forechecked throughout the gamne, took the body and made sure the forewards were back quickly to help the defencemen. It was this basic style that gave goals to Mike White, a bat trick, Pete Henderson and Bob Tugwood singles. The Wreckers on the other hand failed to get shorts fromn key forwards and the defence were under constant pressure from the Real Estate men forchecking. Wreckers marksmen were L. Burns a pair, and singles to Pete McCullough and C. Mason. QUEENS UPSET LEADER Queens Hotel set the tone of weekend play in the town league Sunday night as they scored a 3-2 upset over first place Elmburst Hotel. The win was only their third of the campaign but along with two ties leaves them only two points out of first place. Glen Murphy, R. Morrow, Brain Rowe scored for Queens and E. Cobbledick, S. Black, responded for Elmhurst Hotel. FUTURE GAMES Queens Hotel vs Cowanvîlle Auto Parts. Spencers Reàý- Estate vs. Partners Plumbing and Elmhurst Hlotel plays host to Regional Reclaimers. The players, co aches, executive and this paper would like to wish alI their supporters a very prosperous and Happy New Year. Newcastle Recreation Department SWIMMING CLASSES FOR VolUNG ADULTS AND ADULTS AT THE PINE RIDGE SCHOOL and rLYI1NG DUTCH EMAN MOTOR INN STARTS WED, JANUARY 19th 15 WEEKS FEES $10.00 PER SWIMMER REGISTRATION DATE IS TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th FROMI 7: 00 Io 9: 00 p.m. in the RECREATION OFFICE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMIAN VILLE APLICANTSIMUST BE 13 YEARS 0F AGE FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION, PLEASE PHONE 623-3378 NEWCASTLE RECREATION 1DEPARTMENT GYMNASTIC CLASS FOR GIRLS ANI) BOYS AT BOWMANVILLE HIUM SCHOOL STARTS WEDlYb9J AN UA RY 8t h

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