8-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, DECEMBER Iith, 1974 Committee structure remains unchanged Several members of Dur- ham Region council charged Wednesday that the presen' counicil committee structure is "undemnocratic" because it does not allow membership on each committee to every area municipalitv. But council decided not to change the structure, Coun. Mike Breaugh (Oshawa) said changing the structure would "lmake some members more powerful than others," by giving themn more than one committee vote, and Coun. Keith Ross (Oshawa) com- mented that democracy "is ê wonderful thing," but must bE, controlled "or it will get out of hand." A lengthy debate resulted fromn a report on committees which council had asked Chief Administrator William Mann- ng to brepare. Mr. Manning's report sug- gest(ed that each member of council be allowed to sit on as many as two committees. At the moment some areas have only two regional councillors, but the region has four committees. Coun. Breaugh threatened to take the region to court if it "lvîolated the constitution" by giving some members seats on mîure conuLtees than other members. Couni. Jim Potticary (Osh-- awa) said -we must have representation by population,' which prompted Coun. Lyall (Newcastle) to inquire "ýWhy? Oshawa has about haif the region's population , but only one third of thie council seats. According to Coun. Pottie- ary "the chairman (Walter Beath) should flot have a vote on any committee because he is flot elected. " Mr. Beath was appointed by the provincial government. The present system, which council decided to keep,. allows iir. Beatn to be a member of every committee. Ideas which couiteil acices on usually originate at the committee level. WednesdayI Coun. Des New man (Whitby) faced a re- commendation from a com- mittee he does not~ sit on. Coun. Newman did not care for the recommendation, so he tried to change it. H is attempt drew sharp criticism from Coun. Breaugh for "Off the cuff amendments. As Mr. Manning explained in his report, that problemn might be solved if every area council had a representative on every committee. Reports could be fed back, and each member would be fially in- formed before recommendat- ions arrive at council. In order to make that work, four area: Brock, Uxbridge, Scugog and Ajax which have only two regional councillors each, would have one man sitting on two comimittees and gettinýg a-vote at each. Coun. Alan Dewar (Osh awa) said that was rather "radical surgery," to cure a simple ailment. He said the committee vote is not import- ant, since every member of council has to vote at ful councîl meetings before any committee recommendation can be acted on. According to Coun. Dewar, ail that needs to be done is to make sure all memnbers are entilled to attend ail commit- tee meetings and expresQ opinions. They could be fully informed without having an extra committee vote. Coun. Carl PuterbougI7 (Uxbridge) spoke on behalf of One Of the areas not now represented on every commit tee and said Coun. Dewar',, suggestion made him "happy "I don't care about the votE so long as I can attend th( meeting," he said. Drive like you'd lMe everyone cise to drive This is the moto that was adapted by Canada. Safety council for safe driving week December Ist to 7th. To drive like you'd like everyone else to drive, your car must be equipped for OId Man Winter, here are a few hints: BRAKES: must be faultless and equalized so there is f0 pulling to one side with a resuiting skidd and possibI4 an-accident. EXHAUST: The muffler anc tail pipe systemn should be checked for leaks fa preveni deadly carbon monoxide gas poisoning. TrIRES: snow tires in crease traction on winter r~s WINDSHIELD WIPERS: Should be checked for proper tension and anti-freeze added f0 the washers. Demonstfration Nurserymen and Florist Due to the great success of our Christmas Flower Demonstration last week, we are holding two demonstrations again on Friday at 3: 00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. RS nd artistic ns for the- GIFT SOLVER" touch oten eludes us d it most, but you can iFlowvers! !I!An t of White Mums with led set in with Pine 2 canies. Excellent ,y Dinner Table. 50 and $18,00 ORANGE TREE earing> n a sunny place. )ce a month. Plant flowers at the same Philippine lslands, 'ntal citrus known. '10w $9.99 i. Sat. Only ýfNSETT1AS"1 onal Christmas plant. iOur stores a fine ,ushy plants, from the to Our Jumbo size. In mnd soft Shell Pink. BATTFERY: Battery power declines in cold weather. Have your battery checked and replaced if necessairy. HEATERS AND, DEFROSTERS:- Should be checked to see they arn operational. At this festive time of, year, the' Canada Safety council would like to remind us thaf the soc ial1 drinker is one'of the leading causes of traffic accidents in Canada. Alcohol is involved in ap- proximately 50 perceni of the fat-al automobile accidents which occur in Canada. There are somne 6,200 deaths and 215,000 reported injuries in traffic accidents yearly. If you cooýn't want to be one of these statistics, please do not drink and drive. APPOINIMENT $19.95 Oeivered. $2 .00 d Saturdav i Ay Jeanette Reedl MIr. J.A. McNabb, Presideat and General Manager of Greg May BroadcastingLtd. takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of Ms. Jeanette Reed as Mlusic DOirectoýr for Rladio station CKLY. In adition te behsng responsible for, the music played 0on CKLY, -Ms. RUeed retainls ber own air show Mdonday te Friday 1:0)0 to :0pm Formeurly ýglp1Oyed by a ruimer of Ontarlo Radio Stations Ms. Reed brings to lier new p)osition broadcast, nmsic and writing eprec - a ackgoundwhich WiII be of interest to" listeners in the nwyenlarged 10,000 watt VAN BELLE Ch rs tm as