QRONO WEEKLY TIMES. DECEMIBER 111h, 1974 -7 Following more than one year of negotiations with the Ontario Government, an agreet has been reached between the Central Ontario groupof Tourist Councils and the Ontario Ministry of Indus- try and Tourismn. Underý the agreement, in- dîvidual Tourist Councils sudh as Great Pine Ridge will retain their identity and at the same time earn better promo- tional* support from the gover- nment. In return, the Central Ontario group - namely Great Pîne Ridge, Bay of Quinte, Haliburton Hi'ghlands,,High- lands -of Hastings, Lake Sim- coe, Land O'Lakes and Kaw 'rtha Lakes ,--- wiIl speed up their joint promotional activ- ities. The Councils will co- operate on administration. President George Coling, Great Pine Ridge Touris Council, emphasizêsthat this accelerated cooperation will help the whole region. For instance, more and bettei promotional material will be produced and distributed. He stresses that , under the new tourismn scheme, success of an individual area will now depend largely upon the amount of money raised by that Local Tourist Council through county and municipal grants and individual memb- erships. The government wil] Kendal news Sunciay, iJecember 8, was another rainy, foggy,- Sunday followed by extremely ýcold weather at the beginning of the week. Several folks are suffering from bad colds. We had a fine service on Sunday. Rev. G. Montgomery ~.chose as his text John .15 v 14 "Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you." "'len he spoke on friendship. liere is a friend that is dloser 1-hna brother. The children are preparing a special Christmas Service for next Sunday. It is also- White Gift Sunday when we give our missionary donation, to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Comie and bring the children to the service. Congratulations to Linda Downes and James Lamore who were married in Peter- le tic its linancial help to the le amount raised in the Regions. i We Wish to emphasize that ýd money raised in, a given io region will be-spent soilelyfor id the benefit of that region. s--For the purpose of adminis- tration, the Central 'Ontario n- Travel Association wilIl be idivided'into three zones: 1) South zone- Great> Pine leRidge, Bay of Quinte and - Lake Simcoe, - 2) North zone ýKawartha al Lakes and Haliburton High- t lands,* 3) East zone '- High- elands of Hastings and Land - O'Lakes. 1_ The 'Great Pille Ridge x Tourist Council would like to ip take this opportunity to thank. v- area members of the Ontario D- Government, municipal off. icials and Tourist 'Couincil members for their support st which, helped . to, make this isnew 'schem e possible. Your Il interest and assistance are )rvery much appreciated. ,r The Great Pine Ridge Il Tourist Region now received L some $35 million annually ifrom, visitors. With increased ;slocal and government financ- wing this dollar income to-our ýecommunities will continue to ygrow. Pl .ans for Great Pine iRidge TRAVEL GUIDE '75 ilare made and space booked at *a numiber of Travel and Sportsmen's Shows for 1975 oromotion. borough on November 30. Linda is a-graduate of St. IJoseph's Hospital in Peter- borough and has been nu~ in Oshawa Memorial Hos while James works for~ -Bell Telephone. They j, neyed to Ottawa for tî wedding trip and will î_ reside in Warsaw. A shoý was given to Linda ati home of Mrs'. Jack Staplei by -Kendal U-.C.W. on Momi nîght December 9th. Ma lovely gif t wer-e receivi Linda expressed lier app< ia tion and invited the ladiej visit them in Warsaw. Wo_-rd has come from west that Mr. Bert Thomp~ passed away December 1974. The funeral was Decq ber. 4th: He was, ninety-; and had been in the hospite Moosomin, Sask, since Ar He suiffered a great deal 1 was the second sonof Touri.st councils to retain i'dentity Thompson and Joan Wannan. There were seven children in the faimily. They lived where Edward Carscadden resides today. When Bert was twelve years old his father died. When Bert was in-his teens the family moved to Saskatche- iwan. There Bert Followed varions occupations, married and had three daughters. His daughters, married and his wiefe passed away so he returned to Ontario and rnarried Jennie' (Langstaff) Hoskin. He helped farmers around- f(endal took care of the Kendal school, did paint- ing, carpentry etc. Many of the improvements around our :hurcP were done by Mr. rhompson. On February 2, 1967 his wife Jennie passed away. His daughter Leta from Californ- a visited him in--Kendal on ,ý.pril 23, 1967. Then he went to Moosomin to make his home vith his daughter Eileen, Ars. Earl Asselstine. The friends of -Kendal will1 remem- plans referred to committee Newcastle council has re-, ferred a plan for a -shopping centre deVelopment 'on - King and Simpson here to commit- tee of the whole for further- study. This came after the presen- tation of a confidential report fromn the chief building inspe- cter pointing out that the westerIv n-f e " ' -ber his last visit here ini August 1969. Since then some kendal folk have visited him in Moosomîn. Sympathy is extended to his sisters Mrs. Margaret Veasey and Mrs. Clara Courtney of Vancouver also to his daughters Eileen in Moosomin, Leta in California and Winnie in Christ Church New Zealand. The Ken dal United Church ladies met at the home of Mrs. Keith Wood on December 4th at twelve noon for to enjoy a Pot-Luck dinner in their spacious recreation roomn. After dinner the meeting was ýheld in the living room. It opened with Silent Night and a pray er of -thankfujness for ail the joys of Christmas and the scripture reading St. Luke 2, Moved by Mrs. J. Carscad- den sec. by Mrs. M. Wybenga that we give $15.00 to the Bible Society. We will also send six copies of the, Observer to the Rama Indian Reserve. The next meeting will be January Sth at the home of Mrs. H. Foster. APPOINIMENT Sue Hynds' Mr. J.A. MeNabb, President and General Manager of Greg May Broadcasting Ltd., is pleased to announned the appointmnent of Ms. Suae Hynds to the news an,-d commentary department of Radio Station CKLY. Ms. Hynds will be responsible for continuons development of news 'reporting froin the newly enlarged 10,000 watt broadcast area. Her exper- lence as a 'news, reader for CBC Radio Vancouver and related positions in merehan- To the Voters WARD 3 Iî would like to thank you sincerely for your support at the poIIs. Monday, December 2nd. I aIso extend Seasoný's Greetings1 everyone. Many tbanks L Greenwoot 8-10, by our president Mrs. A. Downes. Mrs. J. Carscadden read a humourous poem enïtitled, "A credit card is a handy t.hing. " Mrs. T. Stevens read an article entitled "Mary the Mother of Jesus." Several fine Christmas decorations were shown. .Carol singing was led by Mrs. K. Wood. Moved by Mrs., T. Stevens sec. by Mrs.-G. Cathcart that the new slate of officers be accepted.-Mrs. J. Stapleton is to. be President in the coming~ year. A vote of appreciation was tendered our retiring president for her fine work. .Moved by Mrs. T. Stevens sec. by Mrs. R. Elliott that we give $400.00 to the Kendal Church Board. Carried.