CANAADA NO. 1 GRADE P.E.I. Potatoes 20 LB. BAG FIRM RED S LidER1S PRODUCE OF U.SA. NO. 1 (iRADE Tomatoem 39 FLAVORFUL PRODUCE OF US.A Spinach 3ioKtz99 FARM FRESH BRAND CANADA NO.i RAD Carrots ý 39e CANADA NO, 1GRADE Cookng onfions 1 3LI CRISP, PRODDCE 0F U.S.A. Celery Stalks EACH 39H TASTY, PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. PittedDates 0 9 IGA "Cistmaës" FutCke CHICKW,SýALISýBUPY STEAK OR TURK EV Sava-irin FrROZEN o5 PEEU FREAN - DIGESTrIVE, SI4ORTCAKE on NicE PUSSNBOT Cat FoodVAP. I OF IG;A Salad Dressing CIPITS SEMI-SWEET ~chocolate Chips mincemieat Pies TOASTM ASTER (41 DFF') Bran Muffins ~PLEASURE MIX Candy Luncheon Ma 4TINS B 32 FL E oz JAR 12 OZ SIZE EA 0F0 PKG O 12-0z1 fl TINj CHRISTIE'S Bits 'N Btes JOHNSON'S DISPOSABLE Daytime Diapers GreenorGe * 11N S STUART HOUSE 9" PG 590 Aluminium Pie PlatesF1279 OF12 9 Brussel Sprouts "'.%Z390 ALUMINUM F011L Reynolds GROUNIJ Naboh Coffee 25-FT 90I,81110c PKG. BAG .D SUNLIGHT SLEEVE OF Liquid2 x 32-F1. DZ. Atheletes'- Foods .. Chances are theie s ail active Yoeigs te' iv o r1am111 engagvd ivo gýnized winter sportsetraduits whoeno ch eng - skidove g WeeVthet ho actîvîtes are corn il titive r or.1rpleasure orny, beware ot game-tîrve tovd tallaciesý Eatrno a chocolate ba usot Fifore gav-etitre vwon't givt a grvat horst ot errer gy at the start of the whistle t tahes abvut 30 mirotes tar it te b, available for enorgy EvergY is sepplied omainly hy the Pre game ,,[alun eropet vou rshment one gets throogh constant good eatin g ha1bits.ý That "good steak dîrmre 2 te 4 hecto before the game wo't worh greatet miracles than top other 'soure ot vocýjeletý prot eî we enjoy such as omelet, chieken, hambutger, etc. Pie-ivg training and sports actîvîtie s the best diet is a halanced one that includes a varîety ef food$ te keep the body in top physîcal condition. Mi,. Green is available to tolk "shopping" to groupa. calt 259-6633 or write 300 The East Mati. sington, Ontarro MgS 6B8. ÉLUEWATER FROZEN 'Haddock Fish Fries 65 F B I UNSWEETENED PUIRE Ium'~, ~ 32 FL Orange Jîeoz.-BTL45 IA R DLIS PKG ,Brown 'N Serve 39 ràeck ýn ý0Fq 1 2 ~ IG~Fooôj ui G eiHcatee, n 6 ChCkyorIocIiGRtor Play ...LUCK'Y PUCK FEATURE 0F THE WEEK (CREAM OF MUSHýROOM,TIIMATO OR CHICKENt) v- Habitant YOU COULD iN r4 oz. 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT.DEC. 11, 12. 13,14 WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT ûUANTIT IES ..RSTRONG'S