(t) ~,, :W. FRANK : REAL ESTATE~ * Realter e *234 King Street East * BOWMAN VILLE e * 623-3393 e * Toronto 923-9174 * @Port Hope office 885-45430 e For prompt, courteouse I e : efficient service whenq *buying or selling and: for the largest selectioun *of properties in the -aream * Contact * Orono Area i Representatives * Charlie Reid 0 983-5914 0 Roy Fo-ster e 983-5801 :William TÙranskye * (KendaI) Q- 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 aChrista Winterhelts 983-5465 * Judy Schuett* * 983-5016 Mister T.V. Towers 378 King St. W. Oshawa, Onta rio Phone 723-9525 Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELFUFRIC IHEATING Electrical Applianzics T.V. -- COLOUR T. RADIIUO -I-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROXIOME Guaranteed. .Serviee VENEZIA Restaurant HWY 115 and 35, ,2 Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Fireplaces Chiminey Repairs Ail types of House Remodeling Ceramic Tiles. Flagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHIONE 983-5606 IOrono Landscaping, SODDING- PLANTING SEEDING 983-5598 Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONTARIO LIVEFSTOClK SALE EVERY THIURSD)AY EVENING AT 7:310 P.mn. SHEEP - CATTLE HOGS - HORSES Business 983-9363 Home 623-4685 BILL NMOSLEY (Ken) McKalky's Plastering R.R. 1, Blackstock, Ont. Phone 1(416)986-4691 Plast&ing Stucco Drywa1ll Randy- Tkompson 1NEWS -Orono, Onti Phone 983- Carpentry1 Remodellii We build fronr foundationi SALES HELP Wi Excellent 5ppor make money in business with we company. Chances for advan 983-9554 NOTICE 1, Gary Simpson, Orono will not be r( for any debts incuri name after Decer 1974. GARY SI NOTICE Dr. A.F. McKeni- will be closed on evenings during the December. FOR SALI Winger washîing for sale. Workini 983-5353. FOR SALE Fîre wýood for s fireplace. Cut 16 ar split. Will deli vei reason. Cail 983-551 FOR SALE Two (2) Truck Ti-re LT, 6 piy nylon turnpF one winter $25.00. 983-5224. CARD0F THAh We would like to1 opportunity to thé people of Leskard Iovely shower. Mr. and Mrs. Bob E Mrs. Ken BaIl, Mrs. Don 5759 Cochrane and: Mrs. Ernie Ransberry, attended a shower Work at Mrs.'Ilarry Mercer's Orono tor Miss Wendy Mercer on ng Monday evening. Her wedd- i the ing is to take, place this coming Saturday in Orono to up EDr. Peter Maartense. Con- - - gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer 'ANTED and sons, Hampton -Miss tunity to Susan Bail and Mr. Les cosmetic Hrebicek, Toronto visited cil known with Mr. and Mr s-. Ken Bail on icemeits. the weekend.-1 cemets. The card party on Sat. eeigat Kirby Centeniiiial School was not as well attended as before but every- ManSt., on e enjoyed 'thenmselves. lsponsible, There were five tables *of 'red in my1 euchre with the Ladies High nber 80b, going (o Mrs._ Bertha White and Iow lady, Mrs. Almna IMPSONS White. Gents High was won by Roger Downes and îow gent was Charlip Cooper. Charlie was also the lucky winner of ýe's office the door prize donated by STuesday Warkwortb Cheese. The don- emonth Oï alors of the other lovely prizes were Ray Good's Hardware, 41-8acOrono Electric, Mom's Kitch- en and Stedman's Newcastle. Thanks to al] who donated. E ~The next card part 'y will be 1machine January llth, 1975, under a g. Phone new committee. The cor.ittee that bias a-p -been iookin)g after the card parties this past year are to be thanked and congratulated on their time and effort par-t into making these parties a suc- tove and cess. id 18 inch The- Kirby Unîted Church ýr within Sunday School heid their .31 after 5 Christmas Party in the Sun- day Sehool on, Saturday after- 4-1noon, about twentyv children _____took part. Mrs. Glady's Brown, Orono did some acts with her puppet and everyone enjoyed singing Christmas s 700 x 15 Carols. They were ail served ike, used lunch and of course good oid Phone St. Nick' was there to bring goodies to the children. a-p The ladies are busy quiiting _____again this week with the monthly U.C.W. meeting on NKS Tuesday also a pot luck ta ke thijs dinner. ýank the Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ruther- 1for the ford attended the Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital din- Barrabail neron Saturday evening in Bowmanville. Mrs. James Lowery attend- Ted a bridai shower for ber nieve Mrs. Dale Brown (nee Barnes) in Bowmanville at the home of ber niece, Mrs. Darla Allen on Wednesday evening. To meet with snowmobilers The council of the Town of Newcastle in committee of the whole are to meet with a delegation from the Central Ontario Snowmobile Associa- tion as well as thie Ln a R'idgerunners Sombl Club. The latter hav rqus ed the meýeting to presenit their views onmecet lgisat- ion as well as obtajiinjg the thoughts of the cilouncîl on the SUbjectî. Sý'NOWMOBIILE TRAIL MAINTENANCE PBOGRAN. The Provincial Secretariat for Resources Development thelIlonourable Allan Gross- man, recently annoanced that the, Ontario Government will establish an extensive net- work of recreational traits throught the Province. The trails will be available to people who enjoy such outdoor sports as snowmobil- ing, cross-country skiing, hor- seback riding and hikinÈ. The Ministry of Naturai Resources has been delegated the r*esp)onsibility of impIe- menting tËhis program. A tra ils council consiting of representatives from various rc-reational organizations, wiIl provide recommendat. ionIs to our Ministry. Beginning this winter, as- sistance will be offered to organized snowmobile clubs, municipalities and conservat- ion authorities for the upgrad- ing andc grooming of existing snowmnobile trails. Oficjiais from any of these organiizations in the Lindsay District (Counties of Durha, Northumberland, south part Victoria and Peterborough) interested in the- specific deta ils of the snowmobile trail assistance program, many contauct the Ministry of the Envirollnment. Demsnlstratio,ï Childreni who attended this lemonstration given by- Mrs. 9. Tansley were shown an imazing variety of, easily made puppets. The simplest was a clown cut from aà piece of cardboard with holes for he fingers to go through, )thers were made using carrots and apples for the head, which certainly gave 'hem a comical look. Other puppets were made fromn paper bags, socks, and styro- foam. Mrs. Tansley.explained the history of puppets and perhaps more importanly that to make a puppet you onl need the simplest of materi als. that can be found around anyý, home. The Library expresses it appreciation to Mrs. Tans- ley for her excellent demon- stration. WATER CONNFCTION Charges increase A letter was received by lthe Town of Newcastle fromn th-. Region of Durham- outlining standard water connection charges throughout the Reg- ion. A .three-quarter inch con- iection for water in the Town af Newcastle wiil now cost $40060O where a trench is required and this is tQ the street line only. If the water connection can be included with a sewer connection the cost would be $200. In the past the Village of Orono bas charged $150 for a water connection. Willia.Ïm c. Hall, B. comm., Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ÀLL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATIJRDAY piX SERVICE STATION' R ighway 35 and 115, just north of iNewcast1e * Featuring. Premnium Quality Products9 *-At the Most Èaoaî S Wprices e - Stove 011 c& * Djiesel 011 * Available in any quantty * Phone 987-4215 Apples Pears A ood selection f Christmnasof Honey re F R E D'S FRUIT MARKET 't