Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1974, p. 1

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Scho'oI Elections December 2... The four aboveý candidates being sponsored by the Or ono a.m. to 8 p.m. From left to spoke at the Candidate's HMe and, School Club. The right George Cameron, Lawr- meeting lheld in the Oruioo eection is being held this ence Greenwood, William Public School ilast Tuesday coming Monday, December Carman and E.M. Creighton. evening with the'meeting 2nd with polis open f rom 11: 00 undler way The necw Oronio well wiil be ,a 'ter isrl re1izaido after WVednesday's meeting of the Durham Regional Council when Council is expected to take positive on a WXorks Comiteerecommniendat-ion to 'construct a welpum-ping station, a well pumip and watermain in thel area. The next move would be for Regionai Solicitor Jain to prepare a by-law,ý whichi on 'iceptance byN Couneil, would )e forwardled to the Ontarjo, ultiiicipa1l Board for fili approval. A\ccording to Regional Comi- mnissioner of Works R.F.. Ritchardson, this constructioni This coming Monday, Dec- embýr.2îïd publie anîd separ- ate Isehool ratepayers are bei ng called upon to chose their representatives to the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education. In Ward three separate sehool supporters wiil elect, one of two candidates 'to represent them on the board for the next two years. Incumbent E.M. Creighton is again being challenged by Franics J. McNamara.' Three candidates are seek- ing election to thto seats from Ward Three to) repreýsent the- Ward on the Board of Education. Mr. George Gamtn-. eron of east Newcastle is making his first bid for office on the Board and faces incumbent Williaîî H. Car- man of Orono and incumbent WL. Greenwood of Kendal. The poils on Monday open ai 11:00 a.m. and will remain ooen until 8:00 o'clock in the evening. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, -NOVEMBER 27th, 1974 lnterim Plan support to the existing water distribution systein in the roosection of the Town of Newcastle. The work wili conneet the second weli to the existing system on Somerville, Th'le cost of the work will total $50.000. It is proposed that an amouint of, $29,525 be paid frmexisting re serves and ilhat the balance of the cost in the amount of $20,475 is to be debentured and repayable over aý period of fifteen years. The dlebentures wili be paid fromi the revenue produced by the sale of water in the Town Stre In preparing the Interim The T1 Plan for the Town o'f New- a mnee castie the Planning Advisory MondaN, Commrittee bias set a number topic o0 of areas aside as deferred proveir industrial. Such areas have in the1 been defined in"'the Courtice familieý area south of 401,-ighway, in and in the Orono area east of approv Hfghway 115 and south of the the Tow Town porper in Bowmanville. The p These areasin generai arfe the sys the same areas as were Ontario appointed as industrial landi in new Ii former officiai plans by the vapour then individuaf mumicpali Asin ties. heid in Set lot leviels work is required to addof tiecs o Newcastle ~ ith only Coun. KnLyall aplaný ofs r-~dissenting Newca7stle counl c i a r zor has adopted a schiedule o hna ppe n.n g s deveiopment c harges recom- mecnded byý the planning advisorv comimittee. TWENTY-FIV'E VOTED Onlytetyfv voted at the dne Polis on Satur day to elect'trustees to'the Northumbnerland and Newcagtle Board of Educaition. 0f this nu.mber 17 voted in.Bowmanville for 'Ward2,wt 7 voting in Ward 3 (Newcastle, Clarke and Althouigh a polil was open in Dariington Township there was not even onie ballot cast. The vote in Darlmngton is only for the' Separate Schiool representative to.the Board-. Be sure YOU vote tis coing NMonday, Decemnber 2nd. DES NEWMAN Pl(CKED ON FIRST BALLOT Last wveek Liberals in the Ontario South Riding chose Des Newmiian aýs their standard bearer in the next provincial, election expectedi sometime in 1975. It was a three-way contest with Newman taking the contest'on the first ballot. 1000 wer hiiiat-tendance at the meeting. SOM,,E SMOKE DAMAGE On Monday the local 1fire department-was calied'to the homne of Mr. Alfred Fitze, nr-th east of Kendalfor a furnace and chne y fire. The fire was contained with only some smioke- damiage resuiting. Afree Puippet show f lor children seven years and over is b eing held iinte' Bowm an ville Librar-y on Thursday evening, December 6th. The show is being put on by a professional i-rop fromn Toronto and mywi beworthwhile More detinxt \week. Coun. Lyali said the charg- es are realiy lot levies,, and that they will increase the cost of houses in the area. He added that these levies would be added to the region's levies;also coliected by the local municipaiity. When it was pointed out that the charges were already in effect in Bowmanville, he urged that they be removed from that town as weil. The charges are $150 for a bachelor apartment, $300 for a on-ejom apartment, $450, for a two bedroom a partment, $600 for a three or more bedroom . apartment, $375 for a senior citizen dweiiing unit, and $600 for al other permianent dwelling units. Thley will appiy to al developinent or -redevelop- ment or land use that requires %et Lighting' Town of Neweastle heid eting in Kendal on1 t' evening ,w.beri. the~ f discussion %was in- nent to the street lighits H-aiet. About twelve ,s attended thie meeting ýgeneral gave their ýa of the proposai by .'n. plan fortb updiating of stem was devised by [Hydro and ineludes ights of the Mercury type. nilar meeting is to be iNew ton ville. subdivision, sever- rang change. The Photography Galiery vof the Newcastle Library Board placed its first showing in the Orono Library last week witLh the show to continue for the next week at least, Few attend 'local1 candidates nmeet Last Tuesday evening the Orono Home, and ,School Association Ùeld a candidates meeting in the Orono Public Sehool with, about thi rty residents of the area in attendance. The meeting was chaired bv Mr, Douglas Mdffatt principal 'of the school, and following the presentations by the four cand idatesan open discussion was held. Three of the candidates speaking at the meeting are seeking. th 'e two positions in Ward 3, of the Northumber- !and and Newcastle Board of Education. They areMessrs. George Cameron, William H. Carman and W. Lawrence Greenwood,. Mr. E. Crieghton, seeking election to the Board as ýa respresentative of the Roman Catholie sector also spoke at the meeting and took part in thediscussion period. GEORGE CAMERON Mr. Cameron, who is runn- ing9 for office for the firýt tirne said'he was in support of sehools being more accessible and feit that students 'did get los ,t in the larger units. He said he did 'not want larger schools. H1e referred to the fact that the Kirby Public Sehool had students trans- ported as far- away as' Mýorgaxl's Corner in the south to fui it and said this was wvrong. Mr. Cameron stated that busing wvas a large item on the budget costing $1.500.000 a year and that each day buses travelled a total mileage of 12,000 miles. He spoke of the safety measures and said that even though cars had padding school buses had very littie. He feit that ail drivers should be required to att end training courses and that each driver should have passed a, First Aid course. He said it w aý, most important that ail vehic, les be thoiroughly inspected & said that on the opening day of ,sh'oolone of the busýs brâ-ked had failed. This is not good en-ough he said for the buses are carrying our children. In the' matter of the building of the Clarke High Sehool off hwy. 115 he said everyone knew of the problems this bas created since the highway was now a freeway. However, he said, the present board have added the ýSenior Public Sehool to the site. to only compoundc the problems. H1e was hopeful that something would corne of the meetings and ýstudy by the Ministry to improve the entrance into th( schools. WILLIAM. H. ,CARMAN Mr. W.H. Carman an' in- (Continued page 3) Tangle over town, correspondence For tLhe second tîme in as maymeetings Mayor Rick- ard( and Counçillor ýLyaIl tangies over the hantlling of correspondence at the Town's council meeting. The Mayor was abiding« by a decision of' Councîl was was alotting the correspondence to various comnmittees for study and a report to council. Councillor Lyaii again stat- ed that if it was done thiis wayN they were going to have a problem with hlm. "If I was on every committee I could have my say, he said, "but some I have to debate in council." It had been ai decision of council that the 1Mayor sug- gest to council the disposition of the correspondence to committees who wouild then report back to council. Coun- cil again on Novemnber lBth supported th is actioni. The Monday meeting at times did break-don itih the discussion of th!e disposai of the correspondee. On display is the work of 30o personai documentations and yea r old Robert« Biilyard from tbe3f explorations of the nature the Weste5'rn- Provinces who of reflections. The show was ha 's been interested'in photo- arraniged' by Neil Newton of graphy. for the past seven Enniskýillen. years. Thesmall showing is of Iii Up, r-Municipal well - ý -. j - .......... .. maizvmvm, i

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