:W. FRANK ~REAL ESIATE :LIMITED *231 King Street East 0 BOWMAN VILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 885-4543 : For prompt, courteous, : efficient service when *buying or selling and for the largest selection *of properties in the area * Contact * Orono Area * Representativ1m * CharlieReid ' 983-5914 * Roy Foster 983-580-1 :Wiliam Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 * Ron Hurst - e 983-5131 'Christa Winterhell * 983-5465 e e e e e Judy Schuett , 983-5016 e RONO LCTI Herb and Gerr Duvail ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC 1HEATJNG Electricai Appllalioes T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI1-FI RCA- ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service e e s s e e s s e e s e VENEZIA Restaurant IjWY 115 and 35 12Mile Souith of Orono Phone 9831-.5651 OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO *Weekend Specials Oxford. BRICKLAYERS, STONEMASONIS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Ail types of House Remodeli.ng *Ceramic Tiles Flagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PlION Il'982 -56W6 * rno Landscapingl SODDING -PLANTING * SEEDING *COMPLETE LANDSCAPING ~:~ 983-5598 ..1 Durham Countyý Sa les Arena (MONO, ONTARIO LIVESTOCK SALE EVERY THUR SDAY EVE NING AT 7:30 p.mn. SIjEEP- CATTLE HOGS - HORSES Business 983-9363 -Home 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY (Ken) 0Mc Ka y's P 1lastering R.R. 1, Blackstock, Ont. Phone 1(416)986-4691 PIast*ing Stucco Drywal Randy Thompson Oronoý Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelll-ng We build from the, foundation up CHEAP FOR CASH' ALL STEEL MULTI-PURPOSE QUONSETS- NE VER ASSEMBLED' P.O0 Box '313 TRENTWAY TOI SPECIAL to WWVA JAMBORI (Wheeling, West Virj DEC. 6- 8 Show Stars: STATLER BROI for Details contact: TRENTWAY TOURI, P.O. BOX 772, PETE ruBoRoUGH,c Phonbie Toîl Fre( 1 -800-461 7615 PAPE R DRIVE] SAT. NOV. 30th, Il 9: 00 a.m. Orono Youth Groupý se tie and put at road rndcoor pick up cali 98 COMING EVEN' The Durham Federi Agriculture. Banquet, hield on Thursdlay, No 28thi at 7.00 p.m. in thi Cenitre, Bowmnanviile. Rýickard will be the speaker. Tickets a\: from directors or sec phone 263-2325. HORTICULTURAL1,N( Orono Horticultural wili hold it's Christma on Thursday, Novemb at 8 p.m. in the Main the Church. There classes in the show so g entries ready. Everyoi corne. NOTICE The Senior, Citize meèt onThursday. De 5th in the Oddfeiiowes' ai pot luck supper at o'clock. Eac h one is to gif t the value of one d( the Christmas party. URS HELP WANTED Applications will be receiv-> ed by the undersigned until Thursday, December th, 1974 for the foilowing positions: HEAD CARETAKER' CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Applicant must have pract-7 ical knowleâge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of caretaking procedures. The ability to work harmoniousiy- with others.- The ability to organize own work and work of others. CARETAKER CLARKE SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL, Good knowledge of àchool caretaking procedures and, cleaning methods. Ability to' work fromn verbal and written instructions and to get aiong with peopi-e. Repiy in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to:- 'EE Applications will be receivl- .ginia) cd by the undeisigned until Thursday, December 5th 1974 for the position 'of Head S. Caretaker at the Kirby Cen- tennial Public School. Applicant must have pract- ical knowledgc of mechanicai S LTD. and electrical apparatus. 1 1Good working knowlcdgc of Ontario caretaking procedures,. The e ability to work harmnoni&uIly with others. The ability to 13-20-27 organize own work and work - - of others.- R Rcply in writing statng 1974 qualifcations, adcress andI telephone nunr -l s. P lea- CHOLFOR SALE sidc, for BY TE NDERF i 83-5716. ac Sealcd tenders, clearly ýT ' markcd as to content, and 'ation Of accompanicd by a certified will be cheque for. 10 _percent of vemnber tender, for purchase of pro- ie Lions perty know as, Lakeshore Mayor School in Lot 17, Conle. B.F. in guest Cak Township, Town of vailable Newcastle, will be rcceivcd :rtrby the undesigncd until 12:00 p.m. Monday December 9th. OTICE This property will be sold, as is, subject to local municipal Society by-laws and subject to a Is Show prepaid lease to the N.D.P. er 28th Association which wiil expire Hall Of December 31, 1978. are 8 Repiy 1;1 wriuing stating letyour qualifications, address and )ne wel- telephone number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Ad- ministrator and Treasurer, ns wili The Northumberland and Bember Newcastle Board of Hall for Education, six (6) 'Box 470, bring a COBOuRG, Ontario. olar for K9A 4L2, LEARN TO DRIVE~ TRACTOR TRAILFRS .Nowyou cantrain right here in Canada! .Tuition, Tax Deductible! .Placement assistance guar- anteed! .Weekend training also avai- able! For application and interview Safety Department The Canadian Institute of, Tractor Trailer Training Lt. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario. or Cal 416-864-9381 (Formcerly Trans-Canada Transport Training) HIELP WAN TED Clcrk, retail. Part time and full time. Appiy Orono Weekiy Times, Box 500,..Orono, ont. a-c HELP WANTED EXPAN DING CANAD IAN OIL COMPANY nccds dependable person who, can work without supervision. Earn $14,0 00 in a year plus bonus. Coccstomcrs in the Orono arca. Limited auto travel. Wc train. Air MaiJF.P. Dick, Pres., South*vesrn Petroieum Canada Ltd., 87 West Drve, Blramnpton, Ontario L6T 2,X. Heather Social Club BAZAAR> Sat., ýDecem ber 7t1, 2':30 p.1m. Oddfellow's Hall 0% m Apples Honey Pea rs Cider F R ED'S F RUIT MARKET IlIIIWAN il5 SO)uTH 0F ORONO HELP WANTED Men and women required for factorY work. Positions open in sanding and moulding departments. Incentive system with good henefits. Apply in person to south plant office- Curvply Wood Products Orono- FOR SALE Five piece bedroom suite of rosewood, used only two months, also one heavy duty washer-spin dryer used six months, ail in excellent cond- ition. Owner moved to United States. Best offer. Phone 983-5074 evenings. FOR SALE Six ton of mixed grain, 70 ercent barley, and 30 percent oats. Apply to Tyson Far 1ms, R.R.1, Newtonville, Ont. 786-2927. à-27-4 FOR RENT Single bedroomn apartment. Aduits only - availabie Dec- ebrlst. Phone 983m5009. WANTED 500 bales of corn stalks. Apply to Tyson Farms, R.R.1, Newtonville. 786-2927. DEATH NOTICE LYNESS: Mary A. at Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday November 2th, 1974. Mary Lyness only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lyness of Toronto, aged 90 years. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Ser- vice wa s from Lang Memnoriai Chapel on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Intermient Orono Cemet- ery. a-c