i OR<)N< WEEKL1Y TIMES, NOVEMBER -27th, 1974 -9 $70 million worth of buiïlding 'permits in Durham Region Consuit With Us for Expert HeIp Good Starts Here Whatever business forms you may need ...bis, letterheads, file cards, work sheets, envelopes, ledgers, labels ... we do the job! ORONO WEEKLY TIMES PHONE 983-5301 Almost $70l million in build- ing. permits l'or commercial and industrial development was issued in Durham Region by the end of' Septem ber, Bob Nicol, regional director of' ec<)nomic development, re- vealed Friday. More tha n $40 million of this total was taken up by a major expansion of> Ontario Hydro in Pickering where the company plans to build a service cnetre f'or transi ormers and -other cqui pmen t Mr. Nicol said the permit was issued in late September and the centre wAi employ about 45(0 men in a 200,000 square ftoot plant to the immediate north of the Pick- eri ng Nuclear generating sta- tion. The plant will likely be finished by early 1976 said Mr, Nicol. He estimated about two mil- lion square feet of industrial development was eitber con- structed or under way during the first three quarters of 1974. "Because the rgion didn't exist before 1974, compara- tive figures are pretty diffi- GRAND OPENING Be sure to be on hand on December 4th to help us celebrate our Gr-and Opening in Orono. We are arranging a host of specially priced items to delight your taste buds. Wednesday December 4 MOM'S KITCHEN, Phon e 983-5310 Orono Main St., r cuit to get, but 1 think the reýgioni's d<ing farily well," said mr. Nicol. "The $28 million outside the Hlydro plant is pretty healthy he said. A num ber of new develop- ments are close to being c>nstructed, explained Mr, Nicol. Just two days ago,aWi Corporation plant wvas officia- ly opened on Brock Rd. S. in Pickering. Plans caîl for employment of 700 workers in the 120,000 square foot build- ing on a 20-ae site. Within five year, this could ballon to 500,000 square feet. Jensen Steel relocated to Bowmanville- from osbawa and the plant is, to open November 26th. A major expansion was involved. In January, Trillium Tile will open a ceramics plant of about 50,00 0 feet in Bowman- ville. Later in tbe spring. Monarch marketing Servi es will begin construction of a 70,000 square foot_ plant in Pickering. CT Windows plans to finish a 200,000 square foot plant on Brock Rd. S. in Pickering in February and Aco-Assmann Ltd., a West German firm making its first venture into ,North America, will start operation in January in Pick- ering. The West German Plant will engage in plastics inject- ion molding. In the mid-summerInger- soîl Casket Ltd. will construct a plastics plant in Pickering and FMC Canada Ltd. ,(Link- belt division) will begin site plan preparations on a 42-acre site in Pickering. That plant will be 400ý000 square feet. Sometimes in the future, General Motors of Canada Oshawa plan Repesetatvesfrom the provinciall ministryv of transr portation and conmmunicat- ions nd a company doing a study of proposed hwy 407 m et Friday with city officiaIs to discss the mnany proposed routes the new highway night take. Hwy 407 on the drawing board for some time, is planned asan east-west route whicb will relieve the existing Hwy 401 of much of its current traffic load. Earlier this year it was revealed that the City of Oshawa was in favor of the route north cif Columbus, but the ministry is considering a number of routes, some of which are south of Oshawa's preferred route. Mayor Jim Potticary said following the closed sessi on he was pleased with the new organization set up) between the city and miistry in planning for the new highwýay. 'We've set up a structuire whereby our plannerýs will work with their planners, and our politicians will work witb tbeir politicans on this thing, ho nre n imdeiini wiIl likely construct its hatt- ery plant, which will be 2(g),000 square feet. Althoughi r. Nicol said he coufldn't indicate the name of the company, an electronics firm intends to build a 60,000 square foot plant in Pickering with plans to- expand it to 120,000 square feet a short period later. Pickering Mayor George Aske said Friday Pickering has about 20 plants either constructed this year or under conis truction. He estimated the town has' 1.5 million square feet of industrial floor space either constructed or in some stage of construction on land the town sold with the stipulation construction must at least be well under way by mid-1975. BYAMS PLUMOBING -HElATINGU Sales and. Service 2-1 4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF VINANCING Low Interest~ Raters Phone: Tyrone 263-2650Gu 'lhle sale of land began in mid-197:3 Mayor Ashe said. Land to the immediate easi ofl the Pickering Nuclear genlerating station is curreit- ly heîng graded and prepared for' the construction of four ore nuclear reactors. Estim- ates. indicate that the price tag for the development, announced by the- province eaj-lier, would be in the neighborhood of $1.3 billion. And if the proposed inter- national airport, receives the go -ahead from the federal government, "we'll be .runn- ing around like crazy trying to accommodate the 'industry," said Mr. Nicol. An announcement on the international airport is ex- pected in about two weeks time, said Mr. Nicol.' 1 N S TA L L AN FýURNACE BOILER <~HUMIDIFIER OP HOT Wi ER HEATER ýNo ayments for six montls. Harvey Partner Your Esso Service Dealer Free Estimates 983-5206 Orono TELEPHONE 983-5536 ACCOMMODAITON AND FOOD 0F EXCELLENCE LICENCED DINING LOUNGE SPECALIZING IN Noone 'S Hotel & Restaurant Hlwy. 115.&35 9 Miles North of,401 R.R. 2 ORONO Vour Hosts EILEEN & GERRY NOMN The Sale of your- property? Farm - Acreage Commercial FOR prompt attention to this matter: Please caîl or write: Ross Gilbart P.Ag. 439-8913 W. Ross Gilbart Real Estate 3967 Lawrenice Avenue, East, Suite 2i11, Scarborough, Ontario