Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1974, p. 6

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6flRflNOWEEKLY TIMES NOVEMBEFiR i3th. 1974 PORTaIBoy CLIARIKE.JUNIOR GIRLS WIN Holding a î5-10 leaçi at the haif, Clarke High School went on to hand the Donevan Blue Devils of Oshawa a 28-22 setback in the Lake Ontario Secondary School Association (LOSSA) Junior Girls' basketbiall contest. Kathy Taisma led the Clakre scoring with eight points follwoed by Janet Lovek"in with seven. Jane Staples and Kari Hfillus notched four each with Michelle Fenineli, Laura McKnight picking up two each and Rosempary Spry a single. Lori Bolton topped the Donevan girls with sixteen of the twenty-two points. kiIIed A 20-year-old Newcastle man, who was once a,,war-ded a mnedal for saving another boy's life, was kilied, and a 30-year-oid Oshawa man in- jured in a h'-ead-on collision on Hýwy 2. west of here Saturday night. Newcastle OPP said David SIENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP COMING TO OSHAWA Peter Shearer, of Sunset *The city of Oshawa has been awarded the 1975 Bivýd., Newcastle, was kilied Canadian Amfateur Softball Association senior men's wben bis eastboundj car col- chamopionship which was announced in Calgary last weekj, ~Adwitb a westbound auto The Oshawa bid was taken over six others cen(i Oulds,, of Quebec, Richmond Hlli Niagara Falls, Kemptville/ wa, just Burlington. In the bid twenty-five percent of ail receiptý go to the winning team to assist them to attend the 1976 noriai championships to be heid in New Zealand. Hospital spoizesiï-sid ?Mr. The series in Oshawa will be held in the last week of Oulds was taken to hospital August. This year over 50.000 people attended the witb Ieg injuries and bruises, caposisin Victoria, B.C. treated and reieased later chamionsipsSaturday ,,nigbt. Police say nio charges have ______________ __ .~» been laid. À à POST TWO WVINS AT KAWARTHA On Saturday evening Junior West driving at the Kawartha posted two wins with the first coming in the opening race of the nghit. West in this event was driving Fifehili Blaze and took the win with a timne of 2:'12. Second ini the event was Our Lad o-wned by Char-les and Bill Armstrong. In the fourth race West came out in front again driving In the fourth race West came ou, infront again driving Fair Weather with a time of 2.112. Second Dreamy's Goid and third Sjar's Jade. In the third race Junior West finishecf fourth with Larwil Don, a horse owned by Willaim and Larry Boyd. In * the fifth race he piaced fif th with Jan Barmin. and was fourth with Geisha Richelieu in the seventh. Keith West also competed in the seventh and placed second wvith his new borse Sunset Anne with the race being won by Maxi Valley in 2.12.2. Junior West driving Wee Abert finished in second place in the final event of the nighit wîth the win going to Arawania Belle. Mand Dale was third at the wire. loon't Leave Be sure your norne is truly protected by a good policy. Cail us '10W. Milison In rnc '\Qency. 0JE1lce:'%-Orler of (C.Iurch and Cobbleilick Street Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanvj lie 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service wvhen buying or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Uavidson Î77-2321 INSTALL AN 1 FURNACE BOILER 5pHUMIDIFIER ORl HOT WAfER HEATER No paymet fr sixmonths Your Essu Service Dae Free Estim~--- 983-5206 or-ono David Shearer was award- ed the gilt cross award of tbe Boy Scouts of Canada about seven years ago bDy fromner Governor-General Roland Vichener when he and two ther boys rescued a boy who feli through the ice whiie skating on Lake Ontario. ,le was aiso a noted hockey )layer, starting out in mrinor nockey in Bowmanville 13 years ago and piayed in Newcastle for the past 12 yýers. Last year he was a miember of the Newcastle Junior OHA teami. I YAMS PILUMBING - REATING Sales and Service 24 HFOuUR BIJRNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Inter0st Rate& Phone: Tyrene 263-2650 ( - TII!VEHILESTLIEYRE IN T14EMONEY[LATELY A FEW WEE9 A60 TREIR DOCTOR QEADY Tro 7TAVE,ýgltpuyTTHEn ON A STRICT DI ET! FIECTA/?CAL AÇOBLEMS sW! CA N îNRA VE-L Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Phone 983-5130 isob Yeomans Plumoiflg and Hleating 24 Hlour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Hleating9 Septic Tank Work R.R.I, Orono 983-5624 decide to agree Tt now appears !hat the Township of Hope and the Town of Port Hope bas decided to agree upon new boundaries in a move of annexation by the Town of Port Hope. The new north bo-undary would reach north to highway 401 while the western boun- dary would extend to the sîderoad of Bauich Motors. Tt ,was feit at the meeting that Port Hope would need this land prior to any restruc- turing that may take place through restructuring of the county. Port Hope would like to see the easternl boundary of the Town be pushed ont to the Theatre road. This area presently belongs to Hamilton Township and no meeting has been held in this matter between Hamilton and Port Hope. A recent survey conducted in H-amnilton Township by the council showed that the ma- jority of citizens favoured no change in the municipaiity. They carried a majority against annexation, amalga- mation or restructuring of the counlty. The council received a forty percent return of the question- aire. CANAD IAN DRUG SCENE "DECEPTIVELY QUITE" The apparent quiteness of the current Canadian drug scenle is deceptive and cannot justify, Canadian government inaction on the recommenda- tions of the Le'D'am Commis- sion, Dr. J. Robertso)n Unwin, bias charged. Dr. Urwini is director, Allan Memoriai Institute of Psychi- atry, Montreal, and an inter- nationally recognized authQr ity in the aicohol and drug field. "No,)sleight-of-hand trick will conceai governmenta' do-nothingness", he toid a twc day symposium in MWontreal on Alcohoiism and Drug abuse sponosored by McGill University and the Miontreal General Hospital. "This tendency is not new witb respect to government commissions. Exactly tbe saine fate bas met the (US) National Commission on Mar- ijuana and Drug Abuse". He said tbe reason tbe current scenle aPPEARS QUIETER 15 SIMPLY THAT FEWER DRUG+RELATED CRISIS ARE PRESENTING at dinics and there is less media attention to the prob- lem as a whole. What can bappen when controis are estabiisbed and exercîsed was evidenced' in tbe first six mnonths of 1973 when there was a 90 percent rdcinin tbe use of ampbetamines against a simi- lar precontrôl period in 1972, be said. Although Dr, Unwin made no pretense of an amniscient view of tbe current drug situation, he did provide a random survey. "In essence, the change is to poly-drug use - 'chemnical promiscuity' as Dr. Lionel Business, Personal Stationery On Topî Of it _ Letterheads are our specialty. Choose a creative design and we wilI print themn up fast. Business cards, forms, pamphlets. ~'RQNQ WEEKLY TIMES PHONE 983-5301 TENNIANT FUELS Your Fina Sales Agent. Orono, Ontario Serving ail of the Town of Newcastle 983-5693 Enjoy the warmith of summrer throughout the winter montbs wýe provide everything you need. -FREE annual furnace conditioning. -PLUS FREE, Emnergency hurner service. -lot water tank rentai. -Monthly credit termns. -Interest free budget accounts. -Futrnance financing and installation. Fpor complete personalized home comfort day or night. li PETROFINA CANADA LTD. Orville Chatterton CON TRAC'TIT'.. 983-5546 or 983-5940 OHONO, ONTARIO Solursh of Toronto has calleci it. The drift is to legally available drugs, mainly downers, e.g. alcohol, seda- tives, imethaqualone." Mlost aiarming, he said, is the steep increase in the use of alcohol by bigh school 'stu- dents. "At present, more thanl one percent of 16 year old Toronto h ig-h sehool students are chronic alcohiolics, one study has shown.I ."fironically, Dr. Ralphi Mil- ler, research director for the LeDain Commission. has In- dicated that bootieg liquor, espec.liy in Mlontreai, is a significant problem." Dr. Unwin reported an increase in the use of canna- bis in Canada, a probable decrease in the use of haîlucinogens, and a signifi- cant spread of cannabis use amrong aduits. There is also an increase in narcotics use, hie said, but a reverse drift to a younger group. "As an indication of recent trends among known canna- bis users, 40 percent are under 20 years and 40 percent Blood Donor Clinic .held last Wednesday at the Lions Centre in Bowmanvilie. Red Cross officiais were pleased with the response and wish to take this opportunity to tbank ail] those whro' attended. Spe- ciai tbanks are also due the mnembers of the Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club who assisted during the clinic and with the advance publicity, and the mnembers of the Newcastle- Take-A-Break group who ser- between 20 and 24 years. recent Addication Research -Foundation study suggests there is now more cannabis use among the over-18 popula- tion than under-i8 age group. "The youtb of the 60s have taken their taste for cannabis into later years. Hlerion convictions nearly doubied between 1971 and 1972 and cocaine convictions more than doubled.* "The Federai Bureau of Dangerous Drugs in Ottawa had, at the end of 1973, files on 63,378 known. cannabis users aznd 10,250 files 1 on known users of illicit narcotics in Canada. The LeDai Commission's report tabled in May of last year estimated marijuana and hashish users in Canada at between 841,000 and 866,000.

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