Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1974, p. 2

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2-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, NOVEMIBER 6th, 1974 orono weekly time Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published Every Wednesday At the Office of Publical SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada $3.00 iion U.S.A. $4.50 mi editoeiaJ ALGONQUIN PARK The province of Ontario has been critized repeatedly for its poiicy governing lumbering in Algonquin Park. This criticism has corne from the opposition parties as weli as the naturaiists whoô would have the area untouched by mari. The province, on the other hand,, is aliowing lumberîng to a degree in the park on the basis that it does provide jobs and does make use of a product from the forest. The province does restriet lumbering along the shore uines and roadways in the Park. The government poiicy does have logic. There is no reason for mature trees, suitable for lumber to finally die of old age and rot away. Man should make u se of this renewable produet, of our forests especially if it is required. The naturalist however, argues that through lumbering man does break the cycle-of nature and this is true. But it is not a damaging break, it may weil only speed up the cycle. It is a proven fact that lumbering does improve.habitat for, the white-tailed deer "md other animais as it opens areas for shrub and smali tree growth. These animais as well as the trees surely can be enjoyed by the naturalist and by al others. No single area, even under the control of nature, becomes home for ail animais or plants. Each area is selective to what survives. To say that Algonquin Park should be a wild-life area for ail to enjoy is unrealistic. Few will ever venture away from the roads or lakeshores. But the untraveiled area can produce lumber without upsetting nature., Hysteria too often overrules reason., ITS GREAT FUN AND EDUCATIONAL Last week your reporter spent a period of time at the local Brownies meeting where over thirty children from the community were enjoyîng a Halloween party. It was quite evident that the children were thoroughly enjoying themseives with the games and of course being dressed up for the party. It was also evident thet such undertakings in the cornmunity do serve a rmal purpose and in this case especially for the younger set. It is not only the fun connected with the program but the experience of association and learning. Something wouid be missing without it and its value could neyer be measured in dollars and cents. Such programs rely on volunteer help,, dedication and innovation and it is the individual with dedication that makes it ail possible, whether it be guiding, scouting, hockey, basebali or church groups. These wor.kers are to be commended for their efforts within the community which goes on week after week with litte reward outside of self -satisfaction of a job well done., - '.. . .. .. . ..................... November 2nd, 1974 Letters to the Editor, Dear Sir: Canadians must be the largest collection of gowks in the world putting Up -- as they have, with rotten eggs, slau- ghtered calves and stupid officialdom. Where else in tfhe world w ldpeople endure officiai- domn alloing milions of eggs to rot while daîly news-papers are full of iiew starïes concerning hungry ebý,ldreni Where else in the world would people put up with the sight of seeing calves slaught- ered and wasted by frustrated farmers who can not obtain fair farm prices for their products in the market place? Where else in the world would people hear with a civil service gone bonkers wanting to clutter up a beautiful and productive countryside with eiectric pylons, high powered wires and electrical generat- ing stations -- this ciuttering W be done in the namne(if, Progress'2 Trhe anSw'er Co the questions îS -- iIO where else but right here in Canada and Ontarjo - andtats the rea-son why wýe are a bunch of gowks. We are ail aware of the egg situation and the caîf situation but are we ail aware of what Ontario Hydro has in mimd for this area? As background. During the course of last summer Ontario Hydro held a series of circus meetings in the district so that local residents could debate the best route with Hydro officiais concerning their proposed line of towers and high powered electrie uines throu- gh this area. These meetings held in several different locations discussed three routes where the towers -- according to hydro -- could be run. Thes'e routes inciuded the Gatineau Route to the north, an upper middle route and the third through the central part of Northumberland and Dur- hamn. Present at thesegathierings were Hydro experts on ecol- ogy (even if they wvere experts fromn the United States) computor printoutswith maps and charts by the dozen to aliow -- apparently -- the public to know what the. options were. That is the background. To begin with I caîl them circus meetings because they were just shows. In my opinion Ontario Hydro had rio intention then and stili have no intention of running hîgh powered uines through any of the tbree routes offered last sumamer. Ontario Hydro wiii be running their uines right through the lakefront area close to the Lake Ontario shorelîne. Here is my reasoning con- cerning this statement. In an October 25th, 1974 release by the Solandt Com- mission mention was made of yet another electrical gezier- a.ting station to be built in our midst. The Central Lake Ontario generating station. Ail last summer when the Hydro :Ontario circus- was gathering crowds not a word 'was, uttered, that 1 heard, concerning any Centrai lake Ontario generating station site. This site was not mentioned until in 1974 when mention was made of it in two releases, the Solandt October 25th,, 1974 release and the other "The Long Range Planning of the Electrical Power System." This was issued by Hydro in February 1974. Where will this Central lake Ontario generating station be built? According to the Soldant release it "wiil be iocated, between Cobourg and Brigh- ton. " Therefore with a generatîng station built at Bath, near Napanee; with another stat- ion to be built between JCobourg ànd Brighton and awith another generating stat- Sion building at Wesleyville Jand one of the worid's-iargest inuclear atomic generating rplant to be lSuilt at Bowman- ?ville -- ail lakefront locations 1-- does anyonie think for a. 1moment that Ontario Hydro wili be stringing. wires throu- 1gh any other location but the ifront along Lake'Ontar-io to 1pick* up and transmit the -power from these generating stations? 0 transmission line running east to west through the Ganaraska Forest?~ No way. Ontario Hydro to save construction costs wiii place their power uines aiong the lakefront to pick Up the power from the four generating stations. We can flot do anything about the rotten eggs -- they have rotted and been bulldoz- ed into. a pit. 1We can't do anything about the Quebec caives--they have been slaughtered and wasted. However, we can do some- thing about these unbuilt electric generating stations and the unbuiit power uine. We can write to Premier Bill Davis or hisright hand bower D'Arcy McKeough and tel them that we do not want the, Cobourg generating plant and that we don 't want the Bowmanvîlle atomic plant and we don't want the high power wires interfering with the front of Lake Ontario. We can tell Mr. Davis to build the power plants up in the Hudson Bay area where there is lots of space as weli for his power 'transmission lines. Water is needed, plenty of water for modemn eiectric generating plants -- Hudson Bay has lots of water. Let us not add the name of Lake Ontario to the list of Great Lakes in danger of being killed in the name of progress.t Look for a moment what< progress has done and will be doing to our ]and east of Metro Toronto. We have the York-Dlurham sewer outfall -- the Big Blue pipe -- one of the real big sanitary sewers that will ernpty into Duffin's Creek in the Ajax Pickering area. Then we have the doubling of capacity of the Pickering nuclear plant. Sure as fate we are going to get the new International. Airport at Pick- ering -- some 20,000 acres of good agriculturai land out of production. The aforesaid mentioned Bowmanvilie ato- mic plant that wili be among the largest sized plant of its type in the world. Then the Wesieyville oil fired electricai generating plant with its 600 foot smoke. stacks. Then there is the CPR garbage dump in Hope Town-, ship west of Port Hope - Hope Concil has already accepted the principle of that idea -- ail they are doing now is haggling with the CPR over the cost per ton of garbage that will accrue to the Township when the garbage dump is -function- ing. And now, another eiectric generating station between Cobourg and Brighton. Where are ail the, people who are supposed to be on our side while ail this is gomng on? Where are the Regionai Planners who are costing us $1 mil lion per year. Where are the planners and planning advisory people of the Town of Newcastle? What are the Councils doing? l'Il tell you friends where they are -- they all have, their heads stuffed in the sands like ostriches -- too busy with daily mundane matters like land developers, parlochiaýl polities- and squabbling o.ver thé issuingýof building permits to thank, worry or even care about the life style of our children and our chîldren's chlldren or to think, worry or 1even .care about the future of our Lake Ontario., If this is flot so -- why arn 1 the only'eiected officiai fight- ing the actions of Ontario Hydro?, Lt is later than we think. Kenneth E. Lyail Regional Councilior Newcastle, Orono and Clarke HANDCRAFTED - ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Art Ma rt 174 The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Friday, Novcmber 8, 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturda y, November 9, Noon - 5 p.m. Sunday, November 16,Noon -5 p.m. ANTIQUES, DeCORATIO$, BRIC-A-BRAC REFRESHMENTS - FUN' Admission - Aduits 50c, Children under 12 accompanied by an aduit admitted free William C.e al,0. Comm (ha rtered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY mDX SERVICE STATIONI *HighwaY 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle I PrmunQuality Products At the Most Reasenable DieI011 Availatile in any quanityi m m m m mim Phone 987-4215 i - Chrls Rid Orono's Làcensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm -Fu-r.niture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 WANTED Fresh Dead or Crippl 'ed Farm- Stock 'viargwill Fur t-arm 203-272]L Cail your licensed Plumbmng and Mechanical Contractor Who selis, instalis and ouarantees CARMAN Plumbimg and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono *Get our *price turst! :DIESEL FUEL: *GASOLINE *MOTOROILS *FARM TANKS AND *PUMPS AVAILABLE* : FRANCIS : * TENNANi * FUELS * AND SERVICE Phone * 9831-5693 *Orono ADULI COUNSELLING SERVICE if you want to do something about your edbcatlon ... you probably can. See Your Adult Counseflor EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANViLLE 111GH SÇHOOL GUIDAN4CE OFFICE -ne appolntmeult hnecessary. I

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