The Great Pine Ridge Xinette club bas organized -Or ono's fîrst house tour to be held on Saturday, November 2nd. The tour will run from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. for the six homes in the Orono- Leskard area. During the afternoon the Kinettes will serve tea at the Oddfellow's Hall on Churcb Street fromn 2.00 to 4.00 n-m. Tickets for this outing will be available at Mom's Kit- chen, Main Street, Orono and from Reid's Store in Kirby' from 9,45 a.m. on Saturday fickets are aiso available from membersof the Kinettes or by phoning 983-5390. Maps and brochures will also be available- for those making the tour. The price of a ticket is 10-00 which includes the tour and tea. at the OdIdfellow's Hall. Six homes in the Orono-Les- kard area will be visited wîth at least three of the homes well over 100 years old. There are also modern present-day design of other homes. Cana- dian and English antiques will be on display as well as furnishings of modern design and noteable paintings. NOTE It bas been advertised that proceeds from the tour mW~ be allotted to Cystic Fibrosis futxd. It bas been pointed oUt that monies from the tour will be used for comrnunity work by the Kinettes as well,,as for Cystie Fibrosis. Plan your Saturday around the tour this week-end. iez-- Sj-uggests road be scenic trip The Public WVorks Commit- tee of the Town of Newcastle reversed a proposal by the Ministry of Natural Re- source tbat a road be closed and used as a hiking trail. The road in question is north-west of Leskard and bas been referred to as the' swamp rond. The Rond runs soutb from, Mosport and does for a considerable distance run' alongside the upper reaches of the Wilmot Creek. The rond bas in tbe past i in uise by tbe Public and k gravýel com-rpany that bas the operation of aï pit wbicb -bas been in exis tance for twenty years. Under new regulations the pit owner must obtain n permit for operation from the Ministry and from tbe Town. Neither bave yet been obtained. Tbe Town committee wants tbe gravel trucks to enter the,, property from the Ball's sideroad on tbe west side of tbe property. Mm. Wenrn.said it would be a shame to stop area people frm enjoying this scenic route. The Ministry said it would cut down ,-ion pollution to'4be Wilmot to close the rondý altogether and to nllow, only biking. ORONO WVEEKLY TIMIES. OC(TOBER Sth, 1974 Day Care Contres ', cau~ses Tbree new day care centres A cnt crossing the road on are being considered, by Mihn Street, Orono caused priva te- enterprise whicb if Peter Swan to swerve bis car built and completed could and hbit-a hydro pole- with eliminate tbe long waiting esthnated da'mages to vebicle lists in tbe city. One of tbe arid pole over $1,000. tbree proposals would incl ude .Tbe accident bappened a- infant care, cbildren under bout 10.30 on Saturday eve- two-years of age. ning at, Princess Street cross- The region of Durbam ing in thle soutb of the Village. operates a number of day Tbç accident, although it care centres with two ini destroyed a hydro pole did not Osbawa and one each in fiiterrupt bydro or telephone Wibty,, Ajax, and Pickering. service. The region is also to build a Botb biydro and telephone new centre in the west of crews, wvorked on Sundny to Bowmianville witb work to replace tbe pole witb its start in the new year and coxlnections. Manager, C. consideration is also being Pearce of Orono Hydro es- given to constructing centres imated tbe cost of hydro in Port Perry, Cannington and repairs li the neigbbourbood addition, centres in Oshawa of$10. Some damiage was and Witbv dorie to the front of the car. Ruth Chater top 4H Girl On Saturday eveninig mx the Clarke Higb Scbioo! litbeDur- ham Couty 4-H held their annualawards nigbt witb tp bonours going to a Ieskard gWi and t0 a Darlingtont Townsbp boy. Issn Rut Cbater of Leskardws pre- s -d %witb tbe Canadian laiu Ban.k of Comm-erce ha as the top 4-H girl in Durham àCointy for 1974. The wtbwas Presented to Mijss Chýater bjy Mr. C. Ganter, manager of the Orono Branch of the Bank. A like award -was also presenlteIl to Walter Taylor for top 4-H boy for Durbam iCounty in 1974'. The presentation tIo Walter Taylor was made by dieBo a- ville Brancb mianager, Carl Zixin. 1Miss Chater lias taken part in mnany 4-Hlactivities cduring tile year including n leader ir the Hlomiem-akinqg club, a member of the Conservation club as weil as li Lnndscapeî Gardenfing and tbe Durham Daimy Caîf Cluib. She was also an ,echange 4-H m-ember who visited M11iddlesex coun!ty duar- ing tbe year. OTHERMAARDVS EMaine Kellogg, Mlay Lou Malcom, Sue Vice nn-d Janice Yellowless -will al r*ceive a tnip to Ottawa and be the guests of Alan Lawrence, M.P., wbile in the capital city. Tbey were selected for their overaîl work i the 4-HE ~$ movemnent ana genci dl coîu* muniiity învolvernent. happerings Two fatal Uaccidents REPORTING SURPLUSES - School cafeterias are reporting an excess of recei pts over expexiditures this year wiïtb Clarke High School havixig a surplus of $689.87 so far this year compnred with $U81.56 in 1973. Sales are also on the o e ~ R D ixirease. UNUSED SCHOOLS -The Township of Murray bas mad.. purchase of an unused school at Mount Carmel from thL Northumberlanid and Newcastle Board of Education to be used as a commiunity centre for the area. It is also reported that the Board ixtexids to sell by public auctioxi by Port Granby School i Clarke Township subject to local municipal by-laws. CABINET MEETINGS FOR AREA - The Provincial Cabinet of Ontario bas set forth a number of amen meetings with one dated February 12, 1975 li Oshawa and another dated August 13th for Peterborough. Must be getting ready for an election as the last of the meetings are scheduled for October lSth, 1975. ADMINISTRATOR R ESIGNS - Mrs. Barbara Merson, administrator for Hope. Tow nship bas handed i resîgnation to take effect November l2th. She apparently bas beexi offered another job at well above hem present salary of $9,100. Mrs. Merson's secretary is also leaving the Township at the end of October. REDUCING STAFF - To meet financial restraints set forth by the provincial government the Port Hope bospital is cutting back on staff by attrition and bas use of part-time employment. The cut-back should not affect service, it was tated. On tbe week-end two deatlas occurred on Higbway 401 i the Town of-Newcnstle area. On Sturday, October 26th at approxiamntely 10.05 p.m. a fatal motor vebicle accident occurred on the westbound lanes of Highway 401 at the Mill' Street interchange in Newcastle. A pedestrian who was attempting to cross the bigbway was struck by a westbound car. De ad is pedestrian, Anme Ursula Delorey of 15 Lloyd Street, Oshawa. A second fatal' motor ve- bidle accident occurred on Sunday, October 27th at approxiamately 4.00 a.m. on Highway approxiamately one baîf mile east of Hoît Rond, wben a car went out of control and travelled into the south ditch wbere it rolled over sevemal times. Dead is the driver, who was the only occupant of the vebicle, Thomas W. Ander- son, 28 years, o f 7 Deer Park Crescent, Bowmanville, On- tario. It's cider tîme again! Thanks to generosity of Bill and Marie Tamblyn for donat- ing the apples and to Don and Anne Evans for converting them into that healtbful, good tasting brown juice, several gallons were brougbt to the 1Orono Horticultural Meeting on Thursday, October 24th, Our sincere tbanks to tbese* four bard working people. Mr. Frank Zegers was lin charge of the meeting in the absence of the Presîdent. James and Doreen Lowery providied musical entertain ment, James :playing the saxophone whicb was mucb enijoyed by the audience.. Entries in the Faîl show were down but the new, classes for mums were quite ,well represented in spite of, the severe frosts. There were only a few entries in the arrangement classes but iome lovely coleus geraniumný and cacti. Mrs. Orville Challice judg- ed the show and gave some belpful remarks regarding ber decisions. lIn the class "Gîve Tbanks" she made reference to Mrs. Fairbrother who used to say that it was flot just for fruit, vegetables, The Durham County Fedler- ation of Agriculture at a meewting in Newtonville or, MVonday evening re-affirmnec its ernieposMditio inregard& Hydro transmnission line, a- cross this section - of the province. The membership oi the Federation voted that they still held to. tbeir, original proposai tbat the lines should travel tbrougb the Ganaraska forest la the nortb of tbe area. Tbe group will again make this presentation to tbe Sol- antcommission wben biear- ings resumie on NIovember 6tb' in Newcastle and November Tbe Newtonvifle meetin g was cbnired byMr. Mike Sawyer witb assistance from Mr. Bruce Taylor. The group discussed the corridor route along H-Iigbwny 401 witbi those in the area opposing the route. Lt was pointed out that the corridor route alrendy bad two railways, two bighways and now n proposai for a bydro transmission line. They felt this was just too much. Bruce Taylor pointed out that the Department of Agricul- ture had at -one time suggest- OnTuesdny evening of last week the Orono Hydro Commission met witb epresentatives of Ontario Hydro to discuss the financial position of the local system and to receive a proposaI for the increase of hydro rates to users in the system. The new, proposed rates were given approval by the commission with the rates to take affect as of January lst, 1975, provîding nîl requirements çan be met by that tâme. The last rate increase took affect in Orono on- April lst, 1974 wbicb amounted over ten percent. The rate increase on January lst is expected to avemage 9.4 percent for home use and 7.9 percent for genemal use which includesi commercial and industrial users. The end rates of eacb classification flowers that we should give thanks but for ail things of nature. The lunch committee -serv- ed deliciouis sandwiches with tea and coffee. Prize, winners- Geranium - Doreen Lowery, Galdys Brownr- Coleus - Wes Wood, Myrtie Wood Cacti - Gladys Brown, Minnie Zegers Arrangement-bouse plant material only - Myrtle Wood, Minnie Zegers, and Kay Cbapman "Gi ve Thanks - Kay Chapman Minnie Zegers Small arragement 7 dried grasses, etc. - Kay Cbapman, Minnie Zegers, Madeleine Buckley Container of mums- one variety - Myrtle Wood, Mînnie Zegers, and Madeleine Buck- ley Container of mumns - Mixed Myrtle Wood, Madeleine, Buckléy ed that such services be distributed throughout any ipecific aren but this wns shot down bi ecause it meant there «ontinued page 3 Approve concept cf moabile homes Newcastle council Monday approved in principal 'tle concept of tbe Wilmot Creek mobile borne development. But witb the provision that tbe proposed development may not be located on the 273 acres just west of b ere. Coun. Kirk Entwisle, chair- man of tbe planningý advisory committee, said the'approval was for tbe 'mobile home concept witb leased lots. Perbaps, be said, other people will corne up witbL similar mobile home propos- 'ls for otber, areas iii New mastle. The proposal, bas been referred to the planning advisory committee, nnd-the developer Rice Development if Brampton, bas been instru- cted to seek Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Housing and Durham Regior comments on tbe plan. eceved the largest percentage increase. Lt was pointed out to the con-imission that tbey would be experiencing an increase in their costs in 1975 due to increased costs li material anid an increase cost in the purchase of byciro from Ontario hydro. If the local commission was to continue witb their present rates it was estimated that they would have an operating loss -of some $5458 i 1975 with workixig fuxids reducing tona deficit of $361. The new increases will tip the scales to a net income of $6335 and working funds at the end of 1975 i the amount of some over $11,000. Tbe meetinig also npproved a capital budget of $10,500 for 1975 wbicb amount will be used to improve some parts of the local system. Orono House tour this Saturday Mums promînent at f Iower show Federation stili, favour hydro une in forest Hydro rates going -up in Orono