Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1974, p. 5

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Land banking given approval by Durham Regional council gave the green ligbt today to a city of Oshawa propasal that 'the city be allowed to pursue a landl banking programn for low cost housing. Af ter a heated one hour debate, council approved the Oshawa request With Coun. Allan Pikley casting the only dissenting vote. 4TFIECTIRICA L WORQ/ WERE SENIOR MEN, I/TY 011R PERMANENT JOB-#0OTJUST'NOW ge THEN"<' Orville Chatterton F ELECTRICA'L, CONTRACTING 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO An attemnpt by Oshawa Caunillors Pikley. and Mike Breaugh ta delay approval for, at least two weeks by having the matter referred to the re-gion's planning and devel- opnent cammrittee was de- feated after Coun. James Potticary (Oshawa) tald council: "The Pilkey boys oppased this in city council but there were defeated nine ta three because they d idn't have anything better to sug- gest." Caun. Margaret Shaw tOshawa) said "these boys were beaten down Monday when they tried ta chop the committee and now they're trying it here." Coun. Des Newman (Whit- by), commended Oshawa for its -attempts at solving a seriaus probelm and urged council nat ta "stand in their way." Coun. Breaugh, who had opposed the housing commit- tee's reques.ts at city council and during the early part of the regional deba te, reversed is position by voting in favor of the endarsation, leaving Coun. Pilkey the only member in opposition. AT T E N T ON M Appleand Tomato PickersI *wanted -in a r ea farms *CA NADA FARM LABOUR POOLI * 53 Albert St., Cobourg *4-16-372-8737 * 14A Young Street * Br!ighton, Ontario M 613-475-0344 123' King.St., EastI * Bowmanville, OntarioI * 416-623-4794I Pollice Auction Durham Regional Police Force 77 Centre St., North Oshawa, Ontario Saturday, October 5,, 1974 SALE STARTS 10:00 A.M. By Puiblic Auction Whereas no dlaims have been made by the owner of the property in possession of the Durham Regianal Police Force, by reason of having been stolen fromn it's awaer, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain its rightful owner, further that these articles have been held mnore than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as follaws: Bicycles and mniscellaneous items. Sale ta be held an the ramp on the soutb side of the BRegional1 Police Headquarters. Ternis: CASH JON M. JENKINS CRIEF 0F POLICE QUESTION QUOTES "Yau begin ta wonder if there's a conspiracy," said Coun. Kirk Entwisle. He was referriilg to two quotes for industrial sait given the town by the Canad- ian Salt Ca. in Windsor, 'and Damtar Chemcials in Goder- ich, given the public works cammittee. Bath campanies woud charge $14.898 per ton ta deliver fine sait, and the twa wauld alsa charge $15.918 per tan ta deliver coarse sait. .Coun. Entwisle point-ed out that the sait was being delivered to different places within the town from different places in the province, yet the cost was stili exactly the saine. He made a motion at the public works comm ittee meeting, pasesed by council, Monday, that copies of the quotatians be sent ta Alex Carruthers (Durham MPP) and Allan Lawrence (MP) ta be investigated under the Combines Act.' Town council voted to accept the Canadian Sait Ca. bid ta supply the sait. No condition on womnan Police from the Newcastle Detachment of the Opp saiçl Thursday they have located the car owned by Mary IAnfossi, 28, of Bowmanville who stumbled out of the Ganaraska Forest Wednes- day after being lost since Monday. A spokesman for the detach ment said the car was found iabout one-haîf mile from where the woman was found. She was taken ta Scarbor- Iough Centenary Hospital. jWednesday suffering from jdehydration. Her husband,; Dr. H.C. IAnfossi, reported ber missing Ita police Monday. Mrs. Anfossi wha is sever manths pregnant was incoh- erant when she knocked on Ith e door af Joseph Fralick Iwhose home is two miles east of Hwy 115 near the junction of the Clarke-Manvers bord- er. New eqluipment for The Oshawa Ski Club which operates east of Kirby during the Winter months is now preparing for another seasan for its members. t is expected that the club will spend around $50,000 in improvements priar ta the, apening of skiing this year. This trend of improvemtents bas held forth for the pasttwo ojr three years with mnany imporvemnents being made ta accammadate the skier. Currently the club bas under construction snaw- making equipment for the west run. Last year a new T-Bar taw was installed in the area and with the snaw making equipment this year the run should become a grea t asset ta the club. Also in this area samne contouring af the property is being camipleted. Other warks this year that are underway include the installation of hydro in the west Club House and the impraving af the iaad area at the east T-Bar. Denies violence at pine ridge The allegations oi a Toronto teenager who was a resident of the Pine Ridge Training Sehool in Bowmanville for 18 months that he had beaten tr'oublemnakers at the sehool for. extra privileges. from the staff have been refuted by the Depuity Supervisor, Walter Hall. The unidentified youth ap- peared on a City-Tv prograrn with Williamn Breewer, a probation officer who said he had heard of several instanc- es of brutaity. Mr. Hal said he had neyer heard of such reports during his twenty-eight years at the sehool and that none of bis staff had ever corne ta him ta say that this type of thing was going on-. The youth was alleged ta have said that when a youth gave the staff trouble the tough youths in the dormit- ory would "punch, the- guy out", following staff requests. Hamiltons- Insurance Service: Tour FrieneIly Agency ee TOUR * Personal' *and *Commercial, * Insurance *Sadie Hamilton * Sue Sawyer * * Jim Rare *For dependable service -e * e5ILL ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1974 -5 Newcastle asks for legal opinion The Town of Newcastle Couincil is awaiting the opin- ion of their Solicitor, Edward McNeely on whether or not a certain tract of land in the Hayden area could be classif- ied as an imnproved rond. The decision of the solicitor may determine whether or not Mr. John -Liptay may build -a bouse on- bis property. Some time ago Mr. Liptay had obtained a severance fram theý Regionai land divis- ion committee and he made application ta buiid a- house on the praperty. The issuance of the permit then rested on whether or not the property in front of bis property was an improved raod. Aocording ta the by-laws of the former township of Darlington 'no permit cauld be issued if the property faced on an unim-, proved road. In the meantime Mr. Liptay bas'sold his Oshawa home and is living -in temporary quart- ers in the hamlet of Hayden. The decision is not expected until the October meeting *of council on October 7th. Orono Towing EËNERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono WATSON 'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETE SNOWMOBILES TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRYWALL PLASTE}C REPAIRS WalIy Lucyk ORONO Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic T ank Work R.R.1, Orono 983-5624 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tornpkins Phone 78&-2588 Ends of lunes of Men's Pants at $5.OO per pair New Shipment A new snipment of Men's Polyester Pants in winter plaids, checks, f Iecked material and plain colours. Ladies Sweaters S, M,, and L, in Ladies 100 percent Acrvlic. Sweaters bath in Pullovers and Bttom up styles. ~ ~ . Good selection of sweaters for ages 8 ta 14 years . . and ages 4 ta 6X years... A RAM S T R ON G'fS , IV

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