Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1974, p. 1

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Port Hope Fuir Architect outlines wy wn~l- o SudayStret f Oono. It is shown IMrs. Jack Arnott. No real ought about the end] of a kaaist the homne of Mr. and damnage to thie house ge mianie on the Maini Public invîted to Reachos Ne Hiqh Like the Durham Agricultural Society in Orono Recently 'Hope Fair registerE cess over the past we t is- reported thai 8000 were in attendai fair which apparen increase over former The fair featured1 lin Midway show successfuil local taler The fair also feâ horse drawing con)teý as fiddlinig contest, ( idog show and a neý and pet show. In ail the directo XAgricultural Sociel quite pleased with th, the support from the the area. ORONO WvEEKLY TIMES, SÉ,PTPNMBER lTh, 197, Planner ta lk to Queeni's Park objects Newý Democratic Party to regarding the imposition of hlold two "inti caucus" Regional Govertnment in that sessions in Durham. Doug area. Thie nicuswa M.lvoffatt, Provincial candidate originated :3 years ago by the for Durhain announced to-day N.D.P. to take the govern- that plans are behng finalized mient back to the people. Such for several mnemlbers of the meetings have since been held provincial team of elected, al! over the province with N.D.P. mehmbers ta hold two generally enthusiastic w.efigýinthi aea Fspor e tie peo-ple in the The meetings wil be in lbe- area. Bowmianvile on Friday, Sep- An imiportant feature of tember 27th, in the evening such meetings is the amnount and on Saturday morning in of information the memibers Hampton. gather to use in dehate in the The "mini ca ucus" will house following such public probably include 7 or more (Continueai page 3) M\.P.P.'s of the party. To date l a nc Ted Bouinsaîl (Windsor), BudP aâýcnm r Germa (Sudbury) Regc Gis- born (Hamilton), lan Deans ~(Wentworth and deputy lead- sle nior c tiz er)Y and Stephen Lewis Pro- vinicial Leader have stated Municipal Planning Consul- they will be attending. tants have submitted a report This will be the second such to the Planning Advisory caucus meeting in the Dur- Committe e in regards thie ham Riding. The last meeting. Senior Citizen's Lodge deve- was in February 1973 when 8, lopment in Orono. The report mnemrbers listened to the views notes that they are only- of 'the people of Port Hope commenting on the first stage DANCE AT ARENA THIS SATURDAY NIGHT The Orono Amnateur Athletic Association are holding a dance in the Orono Arena this Saturday evening with Ted * Koss and his orchestra in attendance. Proceeds fromn the dance to go towards the sponsoring of winter sports in the community. FRIDAY ACCIDENT KILLS SCARBOROUGH MAN An elderly Scarborough man was kifled and his wife is ir intensive care in Scarborough Hlospital following a accident on Highway 401 1 miles east of Newcastle. Mr. Brodie was attempting to turn into a U-Turn by-pass used by police when his car was hit broadside by a truck. DURHAMI MASONS HONOURED Stewart R. Alger, Oshawa and W. J. Carnegie,. Port Perry, both members of the Scttîsh Rite Club were honoured in Ottawa last week when they were coronetted honourary 33rd degree Masons and made members of the Supremne Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Canada. SCHOOL ENROLIMENT School enrolmnent in the area remnain comparable to j. that of last year. Clarke igh School bas registered 557 students comnpared wvith an enrolment of 539 at the end of Septemiiber in 1973. 3041 students are enrolled in K to 6 at the Orono Public School with 80 in grades 7 and 8. The 7 and 8 students wilI be mnoving to the new school when completed. -Officiai records to land , ooking offer ý for home Newcastle planning direct- eill d nitao or George Howvden says that if Rgoa diitao the town accepts a $21,000 William. Manning has been offer from-i Royal Canadian înstructed to meet with a Legion Branch 178 to buy thiree man archives commit- thee aereýs of lad-bore it wijlý.tVe andwork ,out dL j e,- in effect be granting a $24,000 storage program which will, subsidy to the legion to hopefully, preserve official relocate. records of the 23 municipalit- H1e also said thai if the ies to make up the eight proposed two year option the, Durhamn areaqs. (LConintued page 3) The execuitive commnitteeý ,,% Oqn received a four page letter :onim flen tU1 from archives committee chairmiani Brian Winter, of Whitby, Wednesday. The let- te requested that the mater- o i ai be stored in the regionai of the development due to the headquarters building. fact that information on the second and third stage is not, Mr. Manning told the exe- adequate enough. cutive the headquarters build- The planning consultants ing is already overcrowded. ask that a revised site plan be e expressed the opinion that presented showîng an impro- it would be impossible to store ved entrance to the property anything there. and also showing a second access to the property. They Mïr. Mlanning has been also recomnmend that wider instructed to do a study of al] internai streets be designed space available mn the region with additional parking spac- which might be of valu<e to the es in a second location. The archivists, present the results revised plan, they state, of that study to the archives shouid show topographic con- committee, then report back tnu a u .LL vv inv ipmnf c uctn4l otexeui. for the second and thirdi stage. The Consultants also quest- ioned the suitability of the extension of Station Street (old, railway) as an access road capable of handling the traffic which may be generat- ed by this development. In their recommendations they state that the Town should examine the extension of the Street to see whether it is adequately constructed to permit use by the traffic which wiil be generated by the developmnent. The Planners also stated that if the scheme is approved it should be included in the Interim- District Plan and an amenmdment to a former by-law of the Township of Clarke shouid be enacted. n. Central Fair held the Port ed a suc- eek-end. it at least senior citizens develop ment. Mr.- Langmaid, architect fbr the Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge development in Orono outlined some of the aspects of the development to the Newcastle Planning AdI- visory Board on Thursday nce atthe evening. tly is an The architect stated that ,r years. the Orono development would the Conk- be on a six and a haîf acre plus a parcel of land and would be 2t show. accessible off the old railway ature the track with possible entrance ýst as well to Ma in street out of the north obedience of the-property. Hie said the ýw poultry traffic system wvouId be a one-way systemn with small. rs of the parking areas. ty were The first stage of the .e fair and development woufld include peoplIe in ten units with each unit liavizig four apartments- A seýcondI stage is planned which could mean another six units briniging the total population of the complex in the neigh- bouriihood of some 70 to 80 residents. The development in Newcastle would have a higher density, rate than the 71 one in Orono. The first stage in Orono could have a population of around forty- eight, stated the architect. There would be four two bedroom suites, 1 6 single apartmrents in the first stage of the de.velopment. There would also be con- structed on the property a small community and service building. Mr. Langmaid said it was mne intention to preserve the environment of the area. The architect stated that they wished to start on the project in the early spring. He also said that they did not' intend connecting to the Orono Water system as it would bie too costly to ta ke the water across the old rail track from the Main Street of Orono. The establishment would operate on in1dividual wells. In answering a question on the rent of the units it was said that $8500 a month had been set a year ago. It was pointed out tliat ccsts had increased in building and as no one would. give a firmi price for any of the work the rentalsha not at this time beeni set. Mr. D. Moffatt asked a number of questions of the architect' and spoke of the road (the old railway track) as not being a township road. H1e pointed out that the Board of Education had looked into this road and as a resuit are not using it now as a route for the school buses. He said it was very narrow. Mi. Lang- maid then referred to a possible entrance to the north. Give priority to Bowmanville for day caré The Social Services Comn- mnittee of the Region of' Durham 'is recommending that priority for day care centres should first bc given to the Town of Bowmanville wi th Port Perry, Canningtoni, Whtby and Oshawa following in that order. This propQsal aroused theMayor of Oshawa, who asked how the priorities were determined. It was said that the choice was made on the need in a municipality and also on the fact that some centres did not have day care centres at this time. Mayor Potticary was not impressed and stated just because a community does not have day care centres was no factor to give it a priority. Couneilor Ken Lyall was attacked verbally by the Mayor when Lyail suggested that any new Oshawa C entres should be placed in the east of the city so that this service would be near Bowmanville. H1e pointed out that Handi- capped chiidren in Bowman- ville now attends facilities in Oshawa. Mayor Potticary stated that Oshawa was spending their own money to look after- the Bowýmanville handicapped but when Oshawa approached Bowmanville council to help they didn't get a red cent. Potticary said that Osh- awa's day care centres were going down hill. He pointed out that Oshawa had 8 to 10 new high rise apartments with many youing families.... and we haven't caught up with them yet, he said. It is feit that the province will at least approve two of the centres this year and perhaps a third at the outside. Under the new program the province will pay 100 percent of renovations of an existing building and 100 percent of a new building. Port Hope-Cobourg Great Pine Ridge threaten annexation Kinsmen Club The Towns of Port Hope and Cobourg are reported now to be considering annexation of portions of Hamilton and Hope Townships and at a joint mreeting of the four municipal- ities made this point known. The announcement was made by both the mayor of Cobourg, and the mayor of Port Hope at the meeting when amalgam- ation and boundary changes were being discussed last week. Both Mayors stated that if amnalgamnation did not corne to pass that both towns would take action to annex portions of tLhe two townships. SCobourg would apply fo& annexation from the east boundary of Hamilton Towvn- ship to the centre ine between Cobourg and Port Hope, Theatre Road, and possibly north to the fourth concession of the Township. Port Hope would annex the remaining portion between Port Hope and Cobourg and a portion of Hope Township whichi portion has not been decided upon). ft was pointed out that the (Coiîîiuueo page .) Th'le Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club met at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant to start a new season off with twenty-five members present. Our new President Kin Don Hyland was in the chair. Alil the committee's were formed for the coming year. It was decided to donate a trophy to The Newceastle Teamn League Hockey Teamns for the comning season.(Iý The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmnen Club mieets every 2-4th Mlondays at the New Dutch Oven in Orono at 6:30 p.mn. "s"q m- , 1 - 11, - 1 m , ii i m w a ne

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