Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1974, p. 9

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<>R(>.N( WEEKLY TIMES; SEPTEMBER i8th, 1974 -9 Parents Upset Over '-Chonge 0f Schools Changes made last Jume in the school boundfaries of the Oronio, Clarke, Newýcastle, ar- va hias Sonie parents u1pset Iw len their %%lde were nioved to othier sehools this scihool terni. The changes were made bY the Board of dcaonin an] effort tolel out the accommodation in the a rea. The chiangýes were %Norked out byv the area trustees, prîncipals and scho- ol ad ministrators. The Board received a delegation at their recent meeting over the changes but the Board hield fast to their decision making no changes. One parent Robert Stiles said hie had two children in five and six who were to attend the Newtonville sehool under the new scheme. He pointed out to the Board that these children were attending the samne school as last year, the Newcastle sehool. The Stiles live on the boundary fine of the Newtonville-New- castle diision and thus buses for both Newtonville and Newcastle pass along the roa d. He said his children wPre taking the Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. John Reid whose children have been mnoved from the Newcastle L--hoo1 to the Krby sehool mnade their second request to the Board in an effort to have their children moved back to Newcastle. Mr-. Reid sai the plan to send children to Kirby was made without consulting the parents. Mr. Rei said his~ children were around the last to b peicke'd Lup)for sholat 8.5p.m. Hle said they were dissatisfied with the arrange- ment and askedc that their children be returned to New- casie next y;ear.ý At timnes thé, discussion became quite hieated forcing the, chairmnan to uise his gavel. S. T. Worden said there was no reason to have boundaries if peoie could send their children whiere they pleased. We can't let everyone go where theyv like, hie said. Mr. Stiles replied that he would continue to send his chilàren to) Newcastle. WV. H. Carmian said there were, students transferred from ail the schools in the area whien the new boundaries were set. Mr. Green)wood said that many parents hiad objec- ted to the moves. H1e said if al towho wished to go to Newcastle were allowed to do so it would require another classroom and the use of the gymi for this Purpose. After a meeting in comïmit- tee it was reported that the board had decided not to alter the boundaries or allow any of the children to attend schools outsicle their bounidaries. Letter to editor September 12th, 1974 Letter to the Editor, Orono Timies, Orono, Ontario. Drar S;r; The new Clarke Senior There is always a first time and Rick 'Payne of Oshawa used kt could enhance the and oni Tuesday the Durham are shown above erecting the safety of the students but inl Region Works department signs at the corner of Main the mneanitime it eleiminates started to erect signs on the and Park Street. White lines onie more parking space on Main Street for School Cross- will be painted to cross the theNMain Street. SBarker (left) street. Providing they are Elementary Sehool is schedu- led' to open in Decemiber, on, Highway 115 -35 alongside the present Clarke High School -- what are the traffic engineers provincial authorities and the sehool board going to do to improve the safety factor of the school's entrance to the highway? Hlighway 115-35 is one of the most datigerous highways in the Province of Ontario. We have had too many terrible accident~s in its 12 mile stretch to endanger our students by allowing a very inadequate entrance to the school com- plex to exist any longer. There is not only heavy local traffic * composed of Ontario drivers, there is a very heavy flow of American and, out-of-Province drivers chauffeuring large tractor trailers using this stretch of Highw\ýay 115-35. Strangers not knowing this school entrance could cause a school bus driver disaster at the Clarke entrance. L'àsI year the Provincial Goverrnment spent a large sumn of money improving 115-35 but very little work was donc to improve the school driveway that is protected only by two small signs on either side of the school perimeter. The shoulders were paved so buses could merge with the traffic, this did not help much for trans- ports use this shoulder for parking thus obstructing the view of the bus driver and making the -situation more dangerous. Concerned citizens, espec- ially, parents or students atedng Clarke school comn- plex should write af letter to either Premnier William Davis at Queen's Park ori'el se Alex Carruthers, our local M.P.P. A demnand should be made that the Clarke School Comn- plex be protected by a better school bus entrance and exit. *We mnust have action now'! George Cameron Box 415 Newcastle, Ontario Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Ail types of Flouse Remnodeling Cera mic Ti les Flagstones Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs PHIONE 983-5606 A contract has been let for a sum of $105,000 for a well puimping station and mains for the Village of Nwate The contract wa]et recently hy the Ministry of the Environment and awarded to 'Korsan Limited of Cobourg . The system will be hooked up with the second weli developed foir the Village and will bring this second well inito operation. Tme second weIl will service the present comi- munity and allow for some mninor development but would not 'support any major devel- o pment, in- the Newcastle Vill age area. Mayor Rickard hias stated that w'ater would have to come fromn the lake foi, anyý major scheme in the village of Newcastle area. M orRickard alsodon played Counicillor Ken Lyvall's conicern 1ab)out the nitrate content in the second well, saying that the tests show the levýel to be wýell beiowv the, bordier liueormnirate coni- tent". Councillor 1Lyali as ibeen criltical of developing wells in Orono and Newcastle as being ton 'ostly, a system and that the moý)icny spent could go towards building a lake-water syýstem' Mlayor Rickard explaïined that a lake-water systemn had to this Point beenl ton costly for th(, smaller centres. The Mlayor stated that thie firm of Murray Jones Ltd. is looking into 'the supply of water fromu the lake in connection with the report t hey are making on housing in the, Newcastle, Bowmnanville and Courtice area, This report is exe tt be completed sometime in 1975, he added. EXPECT TO HEPAIR, DAM AT BAL'S ILL TIHS' VEAH The Ganaraska Authority expects word shortly from the Ministry, to proceed with the repairs to the Ball's Mill dam which washed away in a flash flood in July. The second and third phase will include widening the banks of the dam and con- .structing an emergency spill- way. This work is to be carried out to eliminate any further destruction of the dam and pond at the Baltimore site. Orono Bulding Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work CarpentËy -Cabinet Work Floors -Tule 983-5441 Orono Charles Reid Orono's -Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator Specialize in Farm. Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 John De With Real Estate Limited Realtor Bowmanville 623-3950 and 623-3111 For prompt, efficient service wheni buying or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson 2177-2321 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaVeS uothing to be deired Ask the person who boughit fromn us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phione colleet V. %V. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Hlomne 885-522i $105,OOO Contract Awarded For Newcastle 4f)1o ha ve Ilot vyet seeni our inobile home, drop in and visit. 'l'le coffee andlt the vijsionj of hom>es of the futore are both fr'ee

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