'~\ vs~,, y *~-~- it has always been a great Adegeest gets an assist from as Peter cornes down the (ÎATE RECEIPTS BISE challenge for the young to thie fair president, E.R. twelve foot hiigh plywood Acrdn to r. ifr go over the fence rather than (D)ick,) Lovekin on, Saturday eniclosuire. Jlawke who looks after tVi thirough thie turnistiles. Peter gates at the fair and hias dor boost i- so for the past thirteen years in reports the largest take of e these last thirteen years over ts the week-end. Total receipts îIy amountcd to $8,637.00 com- s pared to a figure of $4,778.00 in ts 1973. Mr. Hawke notes that ie there was a considerable, ts increase in attendance but i- also pointed out that admis- ts sion charges had been increa- sed this year. ie There is no doubt that the ie Thuirsday night attraction of te thfe Carling Aerobatic team y and the harness races, on le Friday night helped to sup- s, port the increase in attend- k, ance, t is also cstimated that i- Saturday's crowd surpassed d that of 1973, by quite a n margin. Býoth Mayor Riekard and President F.R. Lovekin spoke highly of the fair referring to d the rural content anid 'a ie character all its owns. AEROBATIC SHOW The Carling Aerobaticshowi Thursday evening gave the air a great boost which (Conitîued Pgae.3) A "Aq? 4 *-P, The first prize cake at the Orono Fair sold for a total of $72.50 when it came up for auction on Friday e vening. Ten cakes were auctioned off by four auctioneers for a total of $304.00 which goes to the treasury of the fair board. Mayor Carnet Rickard paid the top price of $72.50 for the first place cake baked by Mrs.- Lois Philips of Orono. Mayor Rickard states that this is his way to support the fair as he is unable to give the time that he did in the past. -Other-local politicans were also in the act with Council- lors Kirk Entwisle and Ken Lyall taking home some of the prize winning baking for the fair. BEEF AUCTION The fat caif show at the Orono Fair has been a popular aspect for a number of years and this year was no except- ion. Support cornes from local livestock dealers and buyers in Toronto. The top price of 72.25 cents wàs paid by W. Frank Real Estate for' the prize winning caîf. Church objects to sunday hockey ASK THAT CARELESS "rA letter was received from SHOOTING B3E STOPPED the Christian Reformned Chur- A petition by Jack Elibeck ches of Bowmianville asking of Newcastle asked counçcil tc thiat council, of the Town-i of put a stop) to careless shooting Newc(-astle order the Depart- ln the miarsh area in the souti meto Rcetint rfan of the Village of Newcastle. from ihocýkey gamnes and Counilloi- Lyaillasked that practices on Sundlays. The action be taken immediatel: letter stated that many of on the request while couni] their boys were unrable to take lor Entwisle asked that it bc part finthese gamnes due to the referred to the finance com m-ittee and that the committet fact t h ey were held on review a]] existing by-law ir Sunday. connection wîth such shootiný Counillr Ian Hbbsre- in the whole of the municipal ferred to the existance of a ity. The comeil ttee wiuro Sunday by-law passed il backetoocgatafuu SBow"ma nville against Sunday meig sports and asked that it be reyviewed bthe Cormunity S oc l Is e r, with the request from the churches. f 0o meet di 1happenîRngs CLARKE MVUSEUIM - now hias a 72 year old circus on display. It is on boan from Penny Anne Davidson from Hampton and is still quite complete. The figures are all wooden and jointed. Plan to comne and see this display. CLARKE ORIENTEERING ON -SUNDAY --The Clarke Orienleering Çlub will hold their Faîl meet this Sunday September lSth in the Ganaraska Forest starting at 10:30 p.m. More information by phoning 576-7261. BELL EXPANSION IN GARDEN 1111, - Bell Canada expects to spent some $200,000 to build and equip a telephone switching centre in the Hamilet of Garden 1Hll. The new service is expected to be ready for use May 1975 for somne 600 phones. The centre -will be able to handle 1000 lines. REJECT 16 PERCENT INCREASE - DurhamCollege teachers last Friday rejected a 16 percent interim' wagé increase in their year long battle witb the province. 74 voted to reject the proposal, and only four abstained from voting. 212 INDUSTRIAL PARK APPROVED FOR HAMILTON TWP. - The council of Hamilton Township gave their tk. approval for the development of an 212 acre industrial park in the Cobourg area east of Normar Road. The park is phase one of a proposed 440 acre plan, $90 million residential-indus- trial -commerical complex called Lucas Point. The new park is expected to increase the township assessment by 80 percent. -i te in ig re ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES, SEPTEMBER llth, 1974 Dance1 School is attra cts 1500 behind schedule Priority for Orono senior department The Orono Fair dance hicld In, a progress report on riio in the fair building on conistruci(tioni of Clarke Senior Saturday evening attracted Pbi colNIune- Submitted some five hundred dancers lanid and Newcastle Board of for ti-e evening. Education says that all con- COunilcillor Lyall of the.Town Peole amefrm fr ad ete floors have been poured. oif Newcastle presented'coun- wiefore ae nd to lTerrazzo lhas been placed ln 25r)cil with. eiin from enjoy the music of HIarry percent of the corridor area Newvcastle Village merchants ýIîîdall load hearin.gand . prptestin-g the eli.int joli<> l4ftîbs ndis tirlit a sty , nra masonry and steel angle parking along the main livlynigt ithmay nxvhas heen erected and inistaîil- street of the Village. Hop", as tthedne of ftea.ed. Both councillors LyalI and Hop, a th dace f te ea> The report also say \s approx Entwisle stated that the The Hlarry Hibbs groiup %was 75 percent( of roofing and sheet wishes of the merchants also to present a program mnetal lhas been cmpleted should be seriously consider- aurrng the alternoon on Sat- urday but thiis was cut short due to the lack of timie to accomnmodate the full pro- gram. vices rush eadline A Sept. 15 deadline for applications under the pro- vinicial daycare expansion progiram hlas set Durham region social services com- mittee1 and departmnent in a bit of a tizzy. First round of provincial approvals will biegin Sept. 15 and applications received aft- erward, will be considered only if funds permit. The crunch - andi to depart- ment staff it's a big one - is that the sites the committee choose miust have the approv- ~al of the local district director of the mîinistry of community and social services before Sept. 15. That means locations must be spelled out by the commit- tee at least within the week. It's unlikely many applicat- ions submitted after Sept. 15 will be approved. The province has offered to pay 100 percent of renovation costs and 80 percent of new construction cosis under the program. Normal provincial aid is 50 percent for day care facilities. "It's a real tough order to get the land and facilities (Continued page 3) with l follo\\ metal doors and framnes installed. About 6;5 percentl of mnechanical and electrical wvork has been .fiiiished. Hlowever, the total job is three weeks behind the pro- jected schedule of Oct. il. cd. Councillor Wearnis stated that a b-l,aw now exists and should be enforced. Thle imaterha been referr- ed to committee to make a studly of exîsting by-laws and to.report back to council. At the recent meeting of council of the Town of Newcastle a letter was rece- ived from Mr. E.R. Lovekin stating that the Durham *Senior Citizens Committee who are proposing Senior Citizens developnient in Orono and the Village of Newcasi1e are agreeable to pay, the cost of rezoning thbe lanids on which these develop- mients are to be build. Mayor Rickard asked what Project hiad priority to which Counicillor Eýntwisle stated that the Orono project held Piority over the Newcastle project anid that it wvas the MÎSI, of the Senior Citizen organizatjio o-et along with thie Oronlo plan as soon as possible. Nancy Knox of Hampton the largest ever at the local competition in the contest. (right) Dairy Princess for fair with 8 herds in competit- Ruth Chater, Orono, Sue Fice, 1974 is showxn above as she ion. There was also a good Enniskillen and Ruth Kellogg hands out a first prize ribbon showig of Hoîsteins and of Port Hope were the other to Earl Nelson showing the Ayrshires as well as beef contestants. The contest was prize winning 3 year old Classes at the Orono Fair. held in front of the grandstandi jersey fromn the farmn of Dave Miss Knox was choosen and was another great feature Merrill and Sons of Wark- Dairy Princess on Friday at for the fair at Orono. wot.The jersey show was the fair when fur were * '1 rai fair Cake selis