Orono ath leic rea lize Theu Orono Amateur Ath- letic Association thro(Ughltei anulcarnlival expects to raise arounid $000'o assist wMihtheir potsprogram in the cmuiy The carnival was held in the O)rono Fair Gýroun-ds on Aýug- ,,st 14th(ith -nmerous gamnes of chance anid kiddies rides being themantrc tion for the eveninig. Althoughi the crod ia"-have been down ilsomeiýwh-at thefud raised for, amateur sports appears to have equalled thiat of recent ye ars. The sale of 50-50 da tickets amocunted to only 126.00i tthe winner of the draw, Jennifer M unr to ecstetaking a sum of $6300o. Randy Nixon of Orono won thle gian-t Pan'da Bear whliich wxas second prize in 'the draw. orono United Church, de- corated with baskets of peon- les, lilies, orange blossomn andj other seasonal flowers, was the setting on Saturdayl, dune 922, 1974 when Rev. Basil Long united in marriage, Ellaine, *eldet daugter of Emil and Hielen Schimid of Orono, and *Ronald, son of Joseph and Betty Reffle of Weston. Mr.. Gladys Browni presidled at the organl. Given in marriage by her ~father, the bride chose a gown 'o.Af -white chiffon with train, fashinned witb full siýev-es, lace epaulets on the shouldeýrs and lace bodîce wth ruicheing along the V net insert front and back. A beaded pearl cap hield a short scalloped veil. For her bouquet the bride chose pink and white roses, sltephanotis and baby's,- breati withl pink ribbon streamners. The maid of honor, Miss Ann Arnott, wvas gowned in a formal, bluc and white A- une with matching- bNuerion The bid(esmýaid, Mrs. Jolie Wilson, sister of the bride, was also gowned in blue, wore a similar gowýn in pink and white with pink flowers in her liir. TIhey all carried white baskets of m-umis and carnat- ions. MAaster Darren Lewis, cousin of the bid,-ge, was ring bearer. Thle brother of the groomn, Mr. Jamles Reffle, was best man and Mr. Robert Lewýis uincle of the bride was ushler. - Duiring thle signing of the r'egisterF two friend1cis,NM1i s s Eilen Milison and Mrs. Geke (de Jonge) Daye, accompan- ied by Mr-. Ralph d(e Jonge on guitar, sang three nlumlbers, "WdigSong", -I Will, and 1"leut It Be Me." P1rior to the reception the wedding party and guests fgathiered for phot6 graphis on the grouilds of the Provincial Forest station, a familiar, place to the groom 1wbo is empilloyed( there. Out of town guests wyepresent 1from Espaniiola, Midlanid, Caleaonia s West To)ronto, Mlississaulga. J W\hi tby \, Oshaw-a, Port Pry 0 Lindsay, Lakefield, Newton- -ville, and Newcastle. The bride's mother recciv- ed thee gtiest,, in a floral blue and orcidff ormial gown wýithI white, accessories, and--clan orchid corsage on hier cldutch baýg. Theic groom's mother a;ssisted receiving in, a formal gIOwn ofblUne chiffon with mnatching beaded jAkt white aiccessories and a corsage of pink roses; on her Following thewedn dance !in the (Oddfellow's Hall, the happy ýCouple left for a wedding trp to Qu (eity. On thIeir returol they wîLl be at homle to their, friends in Sho)wers andi parties wýere gvebyMrs. Robert Lewis, atteénded by relatives; Miss Ellen Milîson, Miss Aïnn Arnott and Mrs. Geke Day, attenlded 1by\ friends jind neiîghbours. Stalff members of the Foreýstryý made a present- ation to thie groom11. A party and prsnainwas Iheld forl filebride and groom in St. PIatrick's Chuch Iallin Toronto attlended 1)y\ three hulndred persons. Thei bride is a gradluate of OrIonlo Public School and Clark- High Schools anicisý emlydas receptionist in the office of Dr. E. Ninacs nin hiy.The ,groomr is a gra'ýdu ate of Toronto schools and tfi actilty of Forestry ,at thie Universi[y' of Toronto'. (harles Reid I Orono's Licensed1 Valu ator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for, tenus and dates, 1 NSTfALL AN 4 ori-JOT No paymeflS forsixmonths LNa 6;2 3-39?5 0 an d 623-3114 For prompt, efficient Service. whenbuyig orselling Gar2-y9 H amo ck 786-2202 Ross Davidson and Fum'ï»ly Menioriauls Our (quality and ser-ve leaves nothing to be deired Ask the person Who bought from us, a nieîi- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Gr1anitLe Comapany 7.3 Olitardo Sûreet PORT HOPE Plhone collect V, W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 1fome -885-5222 LDNG'S FASIIION CENTRE JEANS L Plakis, Checks, Flowered Appliques Fashion Wîse - Value Plus Size4to6X ,$4.39ftc,9 Pa nt PDre sse s $7,9 18 Boy's and Girls Turtie NecI< Tan "O Shanter Turte Neck nlu dsand checks size 4-14 $3.99 to $5.99 BABY GIFTS sout brused Nylon SEWIMNG CENTRE 60", ikoki Hu'sot G5 Pr- inlidPletrSte FREE Rubber Balis with every complete Paint Job durfing the month of Septeniber What's A Mobile Home? Corne and see for yourself -- in front of the Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle. Wilmot Creek Cove retirement park wiII be good for the Town of Newcastle. It wilI not only provide a pleasant home for the reti red people of the area, but considerable tax dollars to reduce your asses ment. Il you have not yevt seen our mobile home, drop in anld visit. The coffee and the visionl of hlomes of the future are both free. For Free Estimates phone Miarty 623-4481 rTOFIDA, i-pm. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1- 5.30 p.m..