8-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, AUGUST 28th, 1974 !L9PORTS JUNIOR WEST CONTINUES WINNING WAYS On Thursday evening at the Kawartha Junior West continued his quest for a first place finish when in the sixth race he drove Geishr RichW3..euo a win in 2.08.2. Second place finish went to Superior Ted while in third place Jack Williams took the money driving his own horse Harwill Shirley. West wa*s'second in the fifth with Fair Weather beaten bv Stewart's Battie with a time of 2.07.2 Riddell's Duke brought Junior a fourth place finish in the third race behind the winner Coalhun, Ivan's Dream and Flame, Messenger.- Derek Newman came in second with Rogerland in the fourth race. Frank Stacey driving Wil Lor Amy finished second in the seventh race with Oval King taking the win. Gord Irwin sixth with Hoot Van in the eighth.ý Derek Newman started the Saturday card witb a second place finish driving Hammers Miss in the first race bebind ResbonahWand a fourth place finish in the tecond race driving Tarport Scotty.. Gord Irwin placed behind the winner, Diamond Linehan, in the second'race driving Angela Grattan. Junior West-in the fifth placed third witb Fair Weather behind Fly Fly Irenee and Beautif;ul George.,West Was fourth with Wee Albert in the-tenth with the race being won by Nçewton Star in 2,12.1., KENDAL ROYALS WIN OPENING GAME 0F PLAYDOWN SERJES On Saturday af ter-noon in Kendal the Kendal Royals took a 3-0 win and a one game Iead in the playdown series witb Streetsville. This was the first game of the series. Eric Moore pit5bed the win for Kendal giving Up only two bits and taking twelve by the strike out route. He was in command througbout the game and only once did Streetsville threaten to score with a lone run reaching third. In the final franie Moore struck out the first two batters and had a 2-0 count on the third wben be hit to second for an out. Kendal won their game in the first two innings with two runs in the first and one in the second. Pandoff walked in the first and came home on a tbree bagger by Michael Carman wbo then scored on a single bit off the bat of AI Pears. It was the top of the batting order that again scored for Kendal in the second. Jerry Thompson walked to first and stole second and came home on an overthrow to third. Kendal only mustered five bits in the game. Defensively Kendal bad littie trouble witb Streetsville. -jerry Tbompson played a solid game at sbortstop as did Mike Carman on second and AI Pears on first. But none bad too many bot balls to bandie and they were able to keep Streestsville contained. TABLES TURNED ON KENDAL ROYALS The tables were turned, on tbe Kendal Royals on Sundav in Streetsville whenthe Kendal Juniors went down to defeat 7-4 in the second'game of the playdown series. The third game is/now to be played in Kendal on Saturday afternoon in Kendal witb the game being called at 2:00 p.m., The series rests at one game a piece. On Sunday,altbougb Kendal outhit Streetsville 10-7 they were unable to group theïr bits to edge a win. Ted Becker was on the mound for -Kendal witb relief comning from Michael Carman. Kendai made, the first mark with two in the top of the third inning. Donny Pandoff bit a single with Mike Carman thien coming to bat and drivîng out a home run. Tbe lead wa.f short lived as Streetsville sent home four runs in the bottomn baîf of the frame. Somne bail bungling by Kendal gave Streetsville an assist in their score. Streetsville added another mark in the fourtb to make the score 5-2. Doug RIekard witb a single bit in the sixth starte d a rally for Kendal whîch was followed by a double to J. Wright. This scored one and put Wright in position to score -nJ. Wallace's single bit. At the end of the sixtb fram-e the score stood at 5-4 but Streetsville came up witb two more runs in the seventh to make it their win and to tie the series. SOCCER IN ORONO CATCHING ON According to a report from the Town's Recreational ,pepartment Soccer is catching on in Orono and in ahl iikelibood wîll be in full kick- in 1975. There are some 20-22 players in the 9 to 14 year age group and 15-18 players in the 15 years and over age group. The older age group are planning some games witb Salem and other centres in the area. Look for more action in this sport in Orono next year. ORONO MIDGETS WIN PLAYOFF ROUND WITH PBESCOTT The Orono Basebail club played come-from-behind basebaîl to win the besttwo games out of tbree with Prescott. This win advances the local team to further playdown play in the near future. Orono lost the first game of the series to Prescott with the game being played in Orono Saturday. On Sunday the Orono group travelled to Prescott and won botb games of the double header and thus the series. On Saturday, August 24 in the Orono Park Orono was defeated 11-8. Although Dan Martin pitched a strong game on the Orono mound numerous errors in the field gave Prescott the game. Tom Moffatt carried the big bat for Orono with four hits while single hits went to Allen Farrow, Gary Cox, Dennis Knapp, Nicky van Segglen, Don Martin and John Cornish. Prescott outhit Orono 14. 10. On Sunday the Orono team travelled to Prescott for the second and third game. Orono with their backs to the wall came through with' two wins. In the first game of the doubleheader strong batting by Jim Jenkîns with 3 hits, Gradon Moore, Ron Clapdorp, Dennis Knapp followed with two each. John' Cornish and Dan Martin with singles secured the win for Gary Cox who pitched a very strong game. Final score orono 9, Prescott 6, Orono il bits, and Prescott 9 hits. In the second game Gradon Moore, started th~e game for Orono on the mound. But in the third inning Orono again bad a to rely on Gary Cox's strong pitcbing arm. Af ter striking out 0, il batters in the first game Gary seemned to get istronger in1 the second game by striking out 13 batters, seveil of the 13 -in the last 3 innings. Orono batters obtgined 9 bits. Dan Martin 3, Jim Jenkins 2, one double aid a triple e Gradon Moore witb 2. Denni s Knapp a triple and Nicky Van. 0 Seggelen a double. Final score Orono 12,- Prescott 6. A fine0 teani effort by al the Orono players.0 NO WINNERS OUT 0F ORONO IN CNE FRISBEE CONTEST Tbree from Orono tripped to the CNE in Toronto last* week to conipete in the CNE Frisbee contest ... but no * winners. Competition at tbe Ex is sometbing elsç it bas been* reported. Those representing Orono were Duane Major, Mark Konzelman and William Van Segglen. SPORTSMAN'S WATERFOWL TOURNAMENIr AT DARINGTON On Sunday, September 8, 1974 the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, in co-operation witb tbc Ministry of Natural Resources will present- a Sportsmen's day at Darlington Provincial Park. Activities will inchtide retriever trials, trap sbooting, frog jumping and bip buot races to mention only a few. There will also be wildlife displays and demonstrations. There is no admis sion charge and it sbould. bean entertaining evýent for the wbole famnily. Happenings OLD SCHOOL MAY BE MUSEUM-Tbe Northurnberland and Newcastle Board of Education is considering the use of the old Canton Scbool as a pioneer studies rnuseýrm. Hope Townsbip bas asked the Board, if tbey could puîlchase the «u scbool but the Board outlined their plans for the sclbool at the . time of the request. BROCHURE LOOKS INTERESTING-Tbe Carlièg's bro-I chure for the Air Show whicb is comning to the Oilono FairI looks quite înteresting. The air show opens the fair on rJhursday evening, September th. More details next week. I.... .. G'ary Cox was a big factor in tue double vîctory registered by tbe Orono Midgets over Prescott on Sunday. Gary ýras tbe winning pitcher of botb gamnes on Sunday pitching a total of 16 innings. The Young Orono player pitcher the entire first game and tbe last seven innings of the last game. Gary gave up 15 bits and took 24 strike outs. It is not known at this trne just wbo the Orono Midgets will face next in tbeir quest for an Ontario title. JACK PtICA RD~ REALTOR >99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Seliing: cail) WMLF HAWKE: b 0 b Your Orono Area 0 Represeuttative a 983-5274 0 Member of Oshawa andi District Real Estate Board Getour *price first! e DIESEL FUEL: *GASOLIINE *MOTOR OILS: *FARM TANKS AND *PUMPS AVAILABLE :FRANCIS :TENNANT * FUELSS ANDSERVICE * Phone 983-5693 *Orono william c. Hall, B. comme (ha rtered Accountauit Phone, Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DA'Y WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY IDX SERVICE STATIONI- 1-Highway 35 and 1 15, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Producto At the Most ReasonableI jJ Prices f - Stove 011 & s - Diesel 011: Available ini any quantlty *Phone 98174215 Mr _..,tRD APPROVES SALE 0F BROWNS SCHOOL TO NEWCASTLE TOWN At the recent meeting of the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education the board approved tbe recom- mendation of a special com- mittee to sell the scbool to the Town of Newcastle. The price to be in accordance witb the agreement witb the Brwon's group. The Brown's Association bas'operated the scbool as a Community Centre success- fully from November 1, 1972. The total cost of, the' purcbase is to be $19,000 less crçdits frornçentals paîd by the Brown%'s ýupsince tbeir incoption in 1972. This credit aniqunts to $1,650.00. BURKETON SCHOOL Tbe Boal-d also approved tbq. sale of tbeý Burketon school by public auction EImer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE MiM St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 -i ORONO FAIR DANCE HARRY HIBBS WITH' SEA-FOREST PLANTATION Saturday September 7th ORONO AR ENA ADMISSION $6.00 per couple ADVANCE TICKETS SOLD AT MOM'S KITCHEN Li jje,ý - W :ýý 'W l't - --- -