Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1974, p. 1

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Barber shop to close An (tr moobusiness of liffeen ,Ials MatIs Barber Shop", xiii be ciosingon Augusf l7fh The extýra space wili be used for mor e scating capacify and an ex,-tension of lVo's ll. Be ilulafer purc-hased the enfire business. Last year the billiard hall mvas closed and cbanged to a restaurant specializing in KetcyFried Chicken. Steam ShowT hIs Weekend p\eefîori ornice un- (Ic t e soisorshlip(if flic \tqcAssociai ion c(imes fo tIhe faîrgrounds ini îrono this xxckend, Saturda'1, Sunday iod \I(iidty, August :3, 4, and The annual Stearo and Aný,tique Shiow is, expected f0 affracf a cro!ofsome 12.000 fe oh flcxillage for the annual Orono has best, park says Despite the raise in the taxes and tbe stiffened reguil ations, Regional Government hiasnCt been ail bad. One bright transformation bas been right bere, in the Orono Park. Mr. Bud Fanning the director of Becreafion for thie New Town of Newcastle, atlongÏ with bis assistants, have been doing a great dlean up job in tbe park, and bave miade new plans for the future. Oni May lst, this year the wvork started. Don Stephens and lAIf Jakemnan, botb of Orono have been working on general mnaintainance around thie park. Barry, Hooper is iooking after the pool, and, Cliff McGee takes tickets at director the gafe on weekends. Pefe Mercer, who took a gi-caf deal of the park on hiimseif last year, is hefpîng again this year. mr. Fanning says lie bas been a big help. Whaf bas been don e? WeILl bridges bave' been rebuiit, picnic tables, bIave beenl repaired and the refreshmenf boof b, bath boumse and swivm mjing pool have ail been painteud. The pool also bas al proper mca ism ow.> According f0 Mr. Fanning,, Oronio Park iïs The Park. For sucb a small town, it bas a big park witb everytbing tbe people need.-Tennis, Nature Trails, a basebail diamond 'hIs fls tlic seConil lime fiat th lcshow bas beco helId in (Wrollo wit l makigifs f irsf alppearanre fast yea'i whený lvix o( ce1, asdtruhthe gae 1 ewte ierange of sfeam engnes. saiwmills, planning miii. xacfng mod- els nd numnerous ote!armi x ehicies of the as SThe inachines whehxxiii cover the enlîre area 0fu the Ianîrounds (af ac s a as 1880) and rxa ooru ,nd nferesf ingpatIhr xiii he prads trough ot mlhi evn lit ' he groulids showingth moitivaýtion of the- lage machnesanld their mea~ <1 oeraionSaxx milîs. shingle m iîs andplanning nls xII, i be in operaîri on and thek operaf<)rs fake a greaf prdeni this operation. i, nthe dcriii shed there xii fienunerusexhihîts of aniusprepared hy the Ladis Axilar'of' the Assoc fiomIýii Thîsin- ifself xiii be wýI -l w orth the prîce of admission not f0 say what xiii be on exhibit out on the grools If îs also a gr eaf day l'or the owncrs-- and operators of the inachjines and it is quite ex'l(entof ifthe càîre gîvn t thf, iwîchnes bý their owners. Your xeekend activi fies sfîufdici (!u(e i xisit f0 the Orono Kaîrgrounds to enjoy a bit of the pasf. Mr. Martin Manders points out that the number of sfeam engînes ihisý year xviii double ihat of last vear. rIJýJipA.-,rn ChIUNO'IbWEEL VTIN,1L'- Kids with matches Desfroy Barn A lire, sfarfeud 1by\kids \wbo Wcr paying xiflî îîatulles, depstroyeud approximatelyv two fhouisand l dollars %wortb iof contlents, and building in the barin of Ron Reed, Orono. The Oronio Fire Departmnent reevdthe cali at 7:18 oin edsdyevening last wveek and flook only an hour or so, to extiniguisbi the blaze. and a swimnming pool. "lt's amiazing", he says. And ait bough a lot of work bas been done, the director1 says, 'We've just scratched fbe surface in this area". He feels thiat tbe vwork is a (Continued onme :1 Mr. Bud Fanning, Recrea- tional Director of the Town of Newcastle discussesthe Oro- no park, with Mr. Harry Mercer, who ta been chair- mani of the Board for a numnber of years. The opera- tion of the park this year vote Against MAobille Homes Ils scenes sueb as this tbaf again tbis week-end at the Antique Association hold their exiîsted af iast year's Steam Orono Fairgrounds when the annual ýshow. Make sure you shlow that will be in evident Eastern Ontario Steam and are part of the show, Council of the Townl of Newcastle on TuesdAay ve ing, affer deliberafion of tbree bours, gave three ra ing o a by law repealing, a formerc1 amending by-law, passed in December of 197:3 by the Township of Clarke.' The by-law,ý passed by the New- castle council in effect re- commends to the Mlinistry that no acti on be taken as outlined in the Clarke by-la-w to rezone land in the former Township for the purpose of developing Mobile Home parks. If tbe recommendation is accepted by tbeMi isti would put an end to the proposai of Rice Construction for Nie dev\elopmiient of their proposed .Retirement Park in tbe south of the former TownIshîp. Tbe, Neca\ýýstle by-awas passed by va -2 counit of council on the third raig The, by law !ýwas supported b Mayr ic-kard and council- lors Alfin, Enfisle, Hobbs and Lyl.Cunilr Tink and Waaskeýdithat thle deciion bet abhed anid vffed aginst thle adoption of sfte tathe felt irsttb officiaI plan and fthat the, proposaI of Mobile H1omesý could fie rsbmfedle also sail fhereweure, many tbings about MbieHomes tbat be thougbt were good: The action faken by council ,,as ai recomniendation from thie Planning Advisory Com- mit tee wbo just a week ago recommnended the rescinding of' the former Clarke Town- ship by-law by a vote of 5-4. Tbe new by-law not only aiffects the proposed Rice Consitruction developmient bt also ai similar developmrent proposed for the Howardl Payne property in the soutb- east area of the former T'ownsbip. Mayvor Rickard did intimiate th tbeeeting tlhat the Mifistry was awaiting recom- miendaf ions fromn counicil on tbe Clarke amiendmnent to, the draft official plan. Hie also (Continued page 6) cornes under the diretetion of Mr Fanning who is happy witbh the part it plays in the comimunitv. Girls Body Found Cobourg O.P.P. are invest- igating the death last night of C'Indy Lee Huggins, age 16, of Gores Landing.' Wbat, was at first suspected f0' be a bit and run collfision on County Rd. 9 near Elizabeth- ville is now being treated more seriously as fouI play is suspected. Police are searcb- ing for a vebicle invloved wbicb -is believed to bave travelled west on County Rd. 9 from Gore's Landing, through Garden Hill and Elizabeth- ville Det. Inspector PERDUK, C.I.B.,Toronto is in charge of the investigation. Cindy is the daugbter of Archie and Jean HUGGINS of Gore's Landing and attended Cobourg West Collegiate. Ci- ndy left ber home at 6.15 p.m., Sunday, to visit a friend about Smile down the road, and neyer arr-ived. It is believed (Confinued page 6 ) Newcastle -Day in OronG, A meeting was held mn O)r(iooLasf week with epr sna ive rom f heO rmo Park Board he Receation Deparimnalof he ïTown of Newaste ad te Orono Cabrof Commerce. The infenIt of the metiing as to extend the annual Chamber BefBrbceint' o a Town of New\casf le Day\ to be beld in ftbe Oronlo Park. The Barbecue f0 be hcld on Aiîifpu7t28fh willbe somem"hat (expanded als iaresuilt of' tbe meein in oa Townl Of ecateDay, inOronlo. Ainthe, past tble main thut iIbe thle Beef Babcuwitfilplen tyof barbecuew beefai.ong wth licans, baked pftesl coffee and donuts. If bas been pointed out tilat xwestern entertaînment xiii be provided during the course of the activities.

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