Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1974, p. 6

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6êORONO WEEKLV TIMES, JULY 24th, 1974 0 o.P#1 * Gtou The following * rice f irst! reports concerr * incidents which :DIESEL FUEL . place in the Ne*s area during thi * GASOLINE 0* weeks. * On Sniday, July *MOTOR QILS 7:30 p.nl,. a1 * * vehicle accident fi FAR M TANKS AND e Hwy,. 2 approx.c '0 PUMPS AVAILABLE 9 West of Preston F * single vehicle * F RANCIS control and stru( : TENNANT : tea sothesl FUELS* the veicle Let * AND SERVICE FOUND, 75 yea. 0 Phone Bowmianville, Oil 98593 e A second fatal 0 9835693 * icle accident occi 0Orono 0 8, 19741, at 7:10 p 401, approx. oni CON FECTIONFR Y AN 1) * GIFTS * Ce nt re * Visit our expanded *gift cetre where you * ill find delighl1 tl * * ideas for SHIOWERS WEDDINGS THE HOME * THE BABY * SPECLAL * RONO, ONTARIO * P PHO NE 9 83,-524 2 * 0,NMain Str-eet ORONO* P. gare brief ning various ihave taken ,wcastle OPP he past two y 7thi, 1974, at fatal imotor Àoccured on one-half mile Road, whien a went out of ck a tree on )fthe road. , le occuIpant of 4a Elizabeth irs, of .R2 mtario. il motor veh- 'rred on July p.m. on, Hwy e half mile westbound on Hw 401 went out of control and crossed the miedian striking a vehiicle in the eastbound lane. Dead is the driver of the vehiicle which crossed the miedian, Mary 1. WILANtY, 55 y ears of'-28 Lindner Street, Tor-onto. Sustaiming mninor injuries wýas the driver of the east- bound vehicle, Tucker Tak- ashi MORITO, 52 years of 33 Khartoum Avenueè, Scarbor- ough, Ontario. On Saturýday, 6 July 1974 at approx. 7:30 11m. a drowning occurred in Lake Scugog off Lot 14. Con. 9. Scugog Township. Drowned was John Barrie FOWLER, 36 years, of 197 Shaughnessy Blvd. Wil- lowvdale, Ontario, whlen lhe fell out of a sait boa t. This mishap occurred when a sudden change in wind direction caused the boat to tip partial- ly over on its side. Accon- panying John FOWLER at the time was Wayne Lawrence HARDY of 100 Goodwood Parik Cr., Toronto, Ontario, SOn the 7th April, 1974 a resident of the Town of Newcastle reported the theft of a large amnount of cash from hius residence. Ant exte- ,ive investigation conductecd hy Provincial Constable D. IMARTIN anld Provincial Con- stable D. MECOY of the Neýwcastle Detachiment of the Ontario Provincial Police, culminated during the past two weeks when six pensons wvere charged with "Break, Enter and Thef t" under the Cininaýil Code. Wh1-ile the victim in this matter reported what hie thought to be one break, enter and theft, subsequent invest- igation revealed there wvere ajctuaflly four break-mns; three prior to the 7th of April, 1974, inwhc $6,000.00 was stolen and a fourth break-min early june 1974 ini whIich tWO hand-guns were stolen. Charged and summonsed to Ap pear in Provincial Court, iBowmianville, Ontario are the followving six Port Perr ' and area youths: Dale WOODS, 17 yeas of R.R.1, Port Perry, Ontario: Jerry WOODS, 19 years of R.R.1, Port Perry, Ontario; John TRICK, 16 years, pf Box 827, Uxbridge, Ontario; Terry REEKIE, 18 years of 44 Ontario Street, Port Perry, Ontario; Edward myvers, 19 years of 158 Casmir Street, Port Perry, Ontario and Gregory TANT, 20 years of R.R.1, Queensville, Ont- ario, T THE ciuenti ECTED vci nts are nion-thi 1ake into con- provel earing seat belts? Do ve it for a momient, s. Ontario Safety Leag, PROV. CONSÉ, TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE AUDITOR'S REPORT AND FINANCIJAL STATEMENT forthe year ending December 3Ist, 1973 To: The Members of Couiicil, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Tlow,ýnshiip of Clarke. We have examnined'the 1973 F~inancial Statemnents of the Corporation of the Towýnship of Clarke and ils local boards, which are listedl on the attached Index. Our exam iination ilutded, a general review, of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as wýe considered necessary in the circumnstances. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at Dec ember 3lst, 1973' ASSýETS Current Assets Cashi.........................64,994 b Accounts receivable ............. ......... 128,404 !Taxesreceivabitle ..................... ....204,172 SOther current assets ..................9,286 $406,856 hCapital outlay to be recoverecd in f u fture yçars . . . . . . 186,955 Iotner loing termn assets ......... ..... $593,811 i LIABILITIES Current Liabilites Temnporary lbans............ Açcounts payable and accrujed liabilities. 138,012 114,642 Othfer current liabilîties ........... $252,654 Net long termn liabilities ........... Reserves and reserve funds........ 186,955 123,500 Açcumnulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts...........30,702 I ~ .$593,811 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATENMENTS D)ecembiler .3lst, 1973 CHARGES FOR NET LONG-TERMI LIABILITIES Total charges for the year for net long-term liabilities ,were as follows: Principal paym iient 7,279 Contributions to the debt retirement funcl of the Ontario Water Resources Commission 1,:396 Interest 11,397 $20,072 Oa f the total charges shown above, an am-ouint of 8,292 ývspaid fo the general revenue of the mrunicipality, and is included in expenditure, classified under thie Iappropriate functional heading, and an amount of 11,780 'w\as recovered from the municipal enterprises for which the relateci long-term liabilities were incurred. NET LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Total long-termn liabilities incurred by the municipal- ity and outstandinw at the end of tlie year amnounit tf, $503,675. 0f the long-term liabilities shown above, mne responsibility for payrnent of principal iýnd- interest icharges hias been assumned by others for a principal amlounit of 305,100 The total value of the balance in thie debt retiremient fund of the Ontario Water Resources Commission which has been accumulated to the end of the year to retire the outstanding long-term liability included above amnounit to 11.620 Net Long-Term Liabilities a t the enid16,5 of Lheyear18,5 v 1 ln ou~r opinion these financial statements presei fairly the financial position of the Corporation of t], Township of Clarke and its local boards as at D)ecemnb 31, 1973, and the results of their operations for the' yeý then ended, in accordance with accounting princi1pl( generally acctipted for Ontario municipalities applied on basis consistent with thlat of the preceding year. WALTER H. POP Chartered Accountai Georgetown, Ontario March 215, 1974 Licence Numrber 4418. STATEMENT OF EREVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for-(leyvear ended Deceïiuber3l,, 1973 Accumlatednet evei)ue (deficit) at the begining "fofdte year. $. -24,U EXPENDITURE General governmnent........ 72,312 Protection to persons and property ...... ...... 33,564 Transportation services............ .......... 361,151 Environmental services ... ...........3,530 Conservat(ioni of hèalth .ý.ý. . ......... ......... 69594 Social and family services .................. Recreation and commiuniityý services.......... 27,2494 Coniiiiuityý, planning andl development......... 16,829 Financial expenses 1............. 0,982 4 Region or county-share of expenditure ......... 112,817 Education...... ................. 516,69:3 Other....................... ........ 9,942 $1,172,0284 REVENUE Taxation.....................890,484 Contributions from other governments ......... 243,977 Other......... ................... ...... 43,299 $1,177,760 Accuulaent revenue (deficit) at the end of thie year ......... ...............30,702 Analysed as folows: General revenue . ý. ý......................... 37,334 Special charges ........................ 2:278 Special areas.. ýýýýýý... ....... ....... Police villages ............... (8,910) $ 30,702 CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVEREJ)IN FUTURE Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on the generacl municipal' revenues, as it is recovered in future years fropm othier sources. Special charges on benefitting landowners 8,3 Muncipal enterprises 140,43 $148,8154 CONTRIBUTIONS TO RIESERVE FUNDS4 Contributions to reserve for repairs and~ renewals of the water sy stemn maintained by O.W.R.C amounted to 1,409 andl is included in the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures classified under the appropriate functional4 headling. BASIS 0F CONSOLIDATION The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and lia bilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund, and al reserve funds of the municipality. The assets and liabilities of the local boards of t h e nunicipality have not been econsolidated. LIABILITY FOR VESTED SICK LEAVE BENEFIT 4 Under the sick leave benefit plan unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may becomne entitled to a4 cash Payment when they leave the municipalities emnploymient. 4 The liability for these accumulated days, to the extent that they have vested and could be taken in cash by an em'ployee on terminating, amrounted to 18,:361 at the end of the year. This amnount hias been provided for and is4 reoorted on the consolidated Balance Sheet. ADDED NOTE4 A copy of the Financial Statemnent is avaîlable in the Towns Teasusrer 's Office for the perusai of any interested party. qqvpqqpmw - - , i R Np-MW W-- -, - v

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