Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1974, p. 5

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MEM ORIA L'iHOSPITAL current trends in hospital SETS NEW POLJCY operations and are also in At a recent mieeting of tbe keeping ta the desires of the Memnorial Hospital Board in cmunt a videnced Bowmanville wvhîch placed thro(ughl the "Patient Quest- new emphasis un isitations lionaires" reviewed hy) the and that of smnoking in the hospital -administration hospital. The policies were The regulationýs set forth by) approved in keeping wth the boardT areý the resuit of Î AD UL T S W IMMI1NG( S18 years and over IEvery Wednesday Nî ih * 6.00 t08.00Op.m. I 'Orono Pool * SINGLE ADMISSION GOc 1 ~SEASON TICKETS$60 recommenldations mnade by the Mtedical Advisory Board, the cap)abilities of the existing facilities; and they are in fine with pQliCy ini neighbouring In the policy' von -visitingj hours will commence at 1:00 a.mi. and coninue until 8:00 p.m. seven days a week. The board has underlined that deiieyno miore than 2 isitors per patient0 at any one tinme. Persons 14 years and older are considered aduits. Th'le regulations allw cild- ren tio visit the hospital from 2:00 P.m1. to 4:00 p.mn.0on Saturdayvs and Sunirdays wben accompanied by an aduit. The regculations fo,,r vstt ions differ for patients under intensive care or under strict isolation. SMOKING IN HOSPITAL Smnoking regulations in the hospîtal have been expanded in, the interest of împýIIrovinlg patienit care and in the general interest of commun- ity hiealthi. Visitors to the hospital states the policy, shahl not be permnitted to, smoke in patient areas which shai i-nclude patient rooms, 'treatmenit or examinatiion areais and corr- idor-s. If visitors mrust smïoke during visiting hours ýthey mïay(do so in the cafeteria or the ptetistrlounges. (Coninued fronPage 1) run this Wednlesday ta Satul'- day an'd again on August 1, 2, and 3rd. The Theatre opened their presentýations last Wednesday with ithe comedy, "A Sailor's Tale" wvritten by Charles ewert of Newcastle. His work is an achievement and pro- Vides ight entertaffiment for theatre-goers. The action is centred miain- ly around a seaside Inin with a cast of characters as often found in many sm-all seaports. The owniers of the Inn, Mr and Mrs. Tippot, (Charles and Kathy Ewert), fali into dis- agreement over the ftureý of' their ado,,,pted daugbter Bran- dy, (Nora Simpson,). Its from this beLsinninfý that a transient la7wyer and the local ma--gistr- ate battie ta clearMr Tippot of a trumped-up scheme to jail Tippot by his wife and a schemîng bat- ork oner. Finially Tippot is cleared of alny wrIong doing and the audience,.înow conditioned to the comedy, use theiýr imi-agini- ation when ini the final fine of the play TippotL says, "n no-w Mrs. Tippot." Peter l-_oyýd playin, the m1agistr'ate did a terrifie job of bFrnginlg mosthu uru charac(ter tLo the set. Sara Gail, one of the barmaids at the rInn, Neil Broadbottomn also excelled with her part in the play. Her fiancee, Chîppy, played by John Wýýitherklge, livened the action at the Itin whbis appearance on re- turn1ing1 from thie sea. Hie was believeable both iil sab'C"e and actions. Snip, played by Rick Love- kmn and Tug played by A] Short had problem s of co-or- dinaýting their plans especially- since Tug was somnewhlat simrple,-indedl. This 'duo' added to the comnedy greatly, and somnetimes to the har- aIssmi-ent of their seheming employer, the boat builder, Mr, pinchipurse. Others in the cast"ddingt-;irpart o th cutting and baling the abund- anot crop of hay. Somie farmers have finishied h-ayings and are p)reparing too cut thei faîl wheat and other grains that are colouring fast. Thie gardeni's look good and miost gardeners are etijoyinig the new potatoes nd other vecgetablles. ~Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Elliott have been visiting friends in Baniff, Alberta. Mr.- Don Cathcart ana family are e--njoying a trip to the west coast. Mrs. 1L. Burwash and Mrs. Nor-t. Býailey of Cobourg visited MNr. and Mlrs. G. CathcOart oni Sunday. Mr,. Jas Stevens'of Guelph visited biis parents 'Ur. and MrIIs. T. Stevens on Sunday anrd_ Monday. visited his brother in tUxbrd-ii ge on Satu-rday evening. Mir. and Mrs. Jackson Peacock and sonýs Mark and Steven are holidaying with bhis parents Mir. and Mrs. Vernion Peaicock, Congr-atulationis ta Don and Carol Ruhe on the birth of a son July 1;3, Robieiti Allan. Mrs., Elva Swarbrick spent a fe-w !day s vitb the Rough- ley's. She is the great grand- mlother of thene baby. Ani interesting service took place in Kendal church on Suniday morn.ing at nine a.mn. In absence of a choýir Rev, G. Montomrery played a beaut- iful recording of a hy-mn fromi thle new hymn book, "e there be iight". Soloist Lar as tie seripture reading Acts 9 v.erses 1 ta 31 the conversion of Paul. Next Sunday this series will be comnpleted. We hope that everyone will attend next Sunday and 'Lake their trips in August. We understand that Julie Wilkin and Pam-iiella Frank had a -ine week at Quin-mo- lac Camp. Mr. and Mris. Jack Fonjk Donald, Rob)ert, and Richard spent a wveek camt-ping at Lake Bernard near Birch Faits, The boy,,s grandm-other Mrs. H. Foster accom-rpaniied them, A cooking hint I wiîl pass along is; use hiaif butter if you want your Kentucky Fried~ Chicken or your muffins ta bc a golden brown ini colour. 7 NiEWCASTLE WEEKEND CeLEnBRATIONS SAT. - AUGUST 3, 19714 Thraoughouit the Day 10:0 A. M.- 6:00 P.M. Antiaue Flea Ma rket 1:ý30(1P..M. - 6:00 op.Mýe. - Farme rs' Marke', MON. -AUGUST 5,97 sports and Carnival Day lil 00 A.M. Basebali Tournament - Men' Itrediate Class 6:010 P.mý Parade 7:00 P-M, - Carmnival .................

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