8- ýOI{ONO WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE 19th, 1974 News release Mo\ CarrIuthesin a press recluase froni QensPark, ruports1bs lqlwckedon tUic Sý.s ou of 1wsiwage and waterwýor-ks t'for te Village of Millbrook and is advised ail 1b-laws have been receýived 11rom the village inanl acceptlable formi. They h lave bouen convyed Io the Ont1arjo Muicipal Bma rd for consid- ('ration and following approv- aIj, puiblicatin notices will bu sent to the local papers. The village Cler-k has bcun iniformied of thie application to tho Ontlario Municipal Boar-d a nd Mr1. Carrlutheri 1 's wiIll ;)<cseias (îucklyý as poss- \LEX CAIIUTH'JERS new feedl The federal government's new Feed Grains Policy becomes effective August 1, 1974 . Whether you are a producer or user, the new policy is designed to meet your needs by: * providing a fair and equitable base price for feed grains across Canada; * encouraging growth of grain and ivestock production according to natural potential; * maintaining order and stability throughout the grain and ivestock sectors. MAIN FEATURES: e farmers wiIl have direct access to feed grains in ail parts of Canada; buyers are free to shop for the best bargain, sellers are free to find the best price for their crops; e a nation-wide information system through the Canadian Livestock Feed Board wiII keep everyone informed on selling prices across the country; * the Canadian Wheat Board will continue to be the sole buyer and seller of -feed grain for export market; e prairie producers have the choice of selling their grain to the CWB or to others on the domestic market; a cash advanoe payments and initial payments, similar to those provided to Prairie grain producers for many çýears, will be extended to growers across the country to encourage feed grain production; e a new storage program, costing the federal government $40 million a year, will be instituted to provide for security of supplies for Canadian markets; it will also lead to additionaî;grain storage on the West Coast, in inland terminais, on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrenoe and in the Maritimes; a steps will be taken to bring into balance freight rates between meat and grain; this wilI progress according to trends in grain and ivestock prices, and the degree of regional self-sufficiency in -grain production. HON. EUGENE WHELAN, MINISTER ,' CANADA DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HON. OTTO LANG, MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD I SUMMER TOY OTA Sharp little car you can go aIl over Canada in economically. Lic. EA0563 DUSTER 2-Dr. Hardtop,,siant six automatic. Lots of room in the trunk. Lic. AMB069 $2477 $2277 VEGA 2300 cc aluminum engine t vvith automatic. Lic.iFBM4.59. 7 t TOYOTA Bright' red machine,. Lic. EÈF052 dream $15771 You a re cordial1ly i nvited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Alla n Lawrenc e and family at Kirby Public School Friday, June 21 from 7p.m. to12:-00 p.m. for a social evening Sponsored bY the Clarke Pro)gressiv'e Conservatiýve Asoitn $2677 $2377 $1877 TORINO 500 Sportsroof. Canary7 Nice dependable car. E BE291 1 MAVERICK 2-Dr., 6 cyl., automatic. One of Canada's favourite Fords. Lic. EBB435 JAVELIN AMX 360 A barrel, 4-speed. Buy it as is and turn on for the sum mer. Lic. ATZ112 $1577 $1277 MAVEIRICK 6 cyl., standard transmisio.Lic. AXE 116 14"071 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-Dr. Hardtop. Red with white: uphol- stery. Low price, as is. Lic. F HX680 FORD CUSTOM 4-Dr. sedan, V-8, automnatic. Low mileage.. Runs like a charm. Lic. EAN431 $1377 $1277 OLDS CUTLASS 2-Dr. Hardtop. Wonderful intermediate buy. Lic. EBW533 GALAXIE 500 2-Or. Hardtop. Gold with gold interior. Lic. ADN438 RAMBLER REBEL 2-Dr. Hard- top 6 cyl., automatic. As is special. Lic. EBK233 $1477 $1377 $77 "THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE"F HAVE THESE CARS CHECKED BY YOUR MECHANIC BEFORE YOU BUY AT THESE FANTASTIC PRICES. WE WILL SHOW YOU OUR COMPLETE MECHANICAL WORK ORDERS UPON REQUEST. 62-48 CHEV. 1/2 ton 4 wheel 'drive. What an animal! Goes any- where-. Lic.,C94103 MONTE CARLO Keep cool wit 'h air conditioning. One of G.M.'s top sellers. Lic. EBC412 METEOR MONTCALM. Darki blue 2-Door Hardtop with power equipmeflt. EYLI63 FORD GALAXIE 500 2- Dr. Hardtop. Lots of room and driving comfori. Lic. FCE692 THUNDERBIRD2-Dr. Hardtop, 17 Green Glow. Sweet. Lic.FA56$ 71