Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1974, p. 4

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4-ORONO WEEKLY 'PîMNIFs, Jt NEi9thm, 1974 Brownies FIy-up ceremnony Parents and friends of the Brownies were welcomed to the last meeting of the year by Browù Owl, Mrs. Ruth Grady. It turned out to be a very special evening for some 12 brownies, some Who walked up and some who flew up, to a promotion to Guides. .The meeting began with Our fairy ring, followed by the Brownies - Promise, Law and Mlotto, and then the Six Songs. Kathy Bambrick and Krista Brady demonstrated to the audience "Sign Language". We were very fortunate this year to have Susan Goode in Our community to hielp with this particular badge. Many thanks Susan. Melanie Cowan, Janette Tansley, Kathy Bambrick and Krista Brady then entertained the audience with a puppet show. Brown Owl explained to the friends and parents that this year they introduced 2 new badges, to the company, which are for "Art Appreciat- ion" and '-Outdoor Adven- turc. - The Art Appreciation badge was selected because of the Art in the Orono Public School Library, which Mrs. Dorothy Robinson helped us with. Janette Tansley was the only girl who completed this badge. The activities for the Out- door Adventure badge were held at the Kendal Recreation conservation Area, but due to weather conditions, we couldn't have the Brownies light fires. The Brownies were taken to Mrs. Grady's home to be tested, on lighting fires. Then, the Golden Ladder, Golden Bars and Golden Hands were given out along with ail the Proficiency Badges. The lst Pack Orono Girl Guides aided in the fly-upÏ, ceremony. Mrs. J. Tate, District Coml- missioner was then called upon. Mrs. Tate taughit every- one somne new songs, and- congratulated ail brownies on their good work. Brown Owl took- aver and thanked the leaders for their help and the parents for the refreshments.1 e> Lunch Was then served. We wish to express special thanks to Kerry-Lynn Grady, Shelley Lycett, and Karen Atkins for their help, as Tweenies during the year. (Continued fromn page 1> Following is a llst of tests C.F.F. DOES NOT WANT passed: - FARMERS EXEMPT FROM SEPCULATION TAN GOLDEN BARS- Ci1ndy Keast, Janette Tansley, Kris- ta Brady, Karen Guy, Kathy Bambrick, Pearl Maxworthy, Dawn. Lane. GOLDEN LADDERS- Patti Blaschke, Tammy Madili, Julie Gray, Michelle Hartwig, Patti Quantrill, Krista Brady, and Karen Guy. GOLDEN HAND - Natalie Philp, Irene Rosseau, Heath- er Watson, Sandra Dennis, ýShelley, Gray, Kathy Bam- brick, and Tamnmy West. WALK-UPS - Janette Tans- ley, Krista Brady, Karen Guy, Melanie Cowan, and Pearl Maxworthy. FLY UPS - Natalie Philp, IreneRosseau, Heather Wat- son, Sandra Dennis, Shelley, Gray, Kathy Bambrick, a nd Tammy West. FamiIyprpety Iaws alffect, every one of us. lThese are the proposais Ontarlo is considering to 7improve theW H Have you ever thought about how much your life is affected byf amily property Iawv? Probably S nat. Yet, hardly anything you have goes un- touched by these laws -the property you owned beforèyou werem~arried, the proprtfy you've S acquired since, your home, your joint bank account, your credit, even survivor's rights. when your husband or wife dies. Recause family law is sa fundamental, several years ago the Ontario Government asked th'e Ontario Law Reform Commission (OLRC) ta cansider the r elevance of the existing laws to today's needs and ta recommend apprapriate changes. The Commission has reparted and naw the S government is interested in learning your Sreactian ta these recammendations. Should ownership of family prop' erty including theflamily home depend on who actually paid > for it? .. or should a systemn of co-ownership of .~assets be ctevelapedI on the basis of marriage S as a social and economic partner-ship? ShoulId a spo use be entitled to an interest in the property of the marriage even when he or she.has been unfair or unf aithf ul? How shauld the wife's non-monetary contributiont the develapment of the husband's business be recognized? If a system of ca-ownership of property were introduced, shauld a couple have the option ta draw up their own cantract or make ather arrangements ta govern the praperty of their marriage ShoulId the proposed changes apply ta exising marrnages or onfly ta future mi-arriagies? The Commission did consider ather kinds of ,ommtrunity praperty systems including thase in whiçh sharing wauld take place frami the time of marriage. As the OILRC proposais naw stand, assets acquired during the marriage would be shared only when the marriage ends. The Commission also recomçnends that bath husband and wife have a duty ta support their chi ldren, and ta support each other, when the ather is w, need andi is unable ta work. Do you agree with these proposais? We want ta know what you think. To enable youbto Iearn more about the OLRQr proposaIs, your Ontario Government now affers a concise, easy-to-understand baoklet, as well as a film on the subject for gro&ap discussions. We invite you ta send for the bookiet or borrow the film for your group. And, w,'d like ta know what you think of the OLRC's proposais, as weLl as other changes you'd like to see in family property law. After aIl, the laws are designed to serve you. 'Write f0: Ministry of the Attorney General Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 'T5 The Ministry f the Attorney General Robert Welch, Minister Governiment of Ontario William Davis, Premier bona f ide farmners. Our gover- nment should adopt the re- commendations of the Advis- ory Committee on Farm Classifcation. Many specula- tors would then not be classifed as farmers.' Elbert Van Donkersgoed, Secreta ry-Ma nager of the Drayton-based organization, is concerned that the Land Speculation Tax Act could have been the first step toward a governmient-spon- sored insurance policy for speculators. -If we, as farmers, had been given the "ýright" to speculate under this legislat- ion, it imuLst follow that we also have a right to compensation when z onîng curtails that so-called right. The C.F.F. is seeking a provincial land use policy that will keep prime land in agricultural production. It's members are prepared to accept such zoning restrict- ions without seeking any compensation for loss of development rights. On the subject of having the speculation tax deductible before capital gains tax, Mr. van Donkersgoed says: "This w oul-d defeat the purpose of the legisiation. Should this happen, the Christian Farm- ers Federation is prepared to recommend that the tax be ra ised to 100 percent of speculatîve profits.-, KIRBY NEWS Lastweek Hieather and Lois Gerrow lost their lives in a tragic accident in near the samne place as the five I-eykoops in January. The girls were looking after the Coach and Four at nighits until it is sold. These two girls were killed as a result of a driver wýho had been drinking. Rev. Long on Sunday said they keep talking about inflation, but the value of man is going down. ManY from the community attended thiefunerail on Wedi- nesday f, or tine two girls. We extend our symipathy to Mr. and mrs. Gerrow and family. 4 Mr. and IMrs. Sid, Ruther- ford relturned homne on Satur- (continued fo page 1) NATIVE STUDIES COURSE AT TRENT UNIVESITY jobs to dçiplom-a grackiates- The first. year of the diplomna programi involves 3l courses selected from the Universtiy', regular Native Studles Prospectus. In the second year students inay undertake practical and research work. Field placements will be arranged in Native Commun- ities and agencies serving nature people. day from their summer home at Nakina where they have been for the past couple of weeks. Miss Janice Ruther- ford, Toronto, has been stay- ing with her grandmother. Mr. Charles Rutherford, a life long memnber of Kirby passed away in Bowmanville Memioriýal Hospital on Friday. The funeral service was held Monday from Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Interme, Orono Cemetery. A cup of te'ï-' was served by Kirby U.C.W. at Kirby Church after the service. We extend our sym- pathy to the family and relatives. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ' Bill Boyd who are celebrating their 25th Wedd- ing Anniversary, on the,23rd, also to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn who will be married fifty years on the 30th of June but are hav ing Open House on Suniday the 23rd. Many happy returns of the day. The Cubs from the District held their Cub Camporee on the weekend att Marydale Park. As usual we had rainy weather which hindered some of the events. Ail had fun anyway. They say anyone can go camping in good weather but it takes a good -camper to camp in wet weather. There will' not be any Church service' at Kirby United Church on Sunday as it is Decoration'Day at Orono Cemetery. Miss Susan Bail and Mr. Les llubicek, Toronto were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bahl. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Susan and Les and Mrs.an Mrs. Lavern Patterson, Oroz.1 were Sunday supper guests o-- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Hampton. Mr. and Mirs. Lawrence Harris visited last Sunday and Monday with their daughter Linda and Bill Sears and baby daughiter at Windsor. Mr. and mrs. Lloyd Ransberry went as far as Delaware wt them and visted withi his brothier Mel Ransberry. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Harris v'isited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby on Sunday. Mrs. Don Cochrane spenI Monday with her pa-rents and Mrs. Foster,Whb. Durham iCounty Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Eyery 'Inursay Evening Y 30 pu. SHEEA-CATTLE IIÔGs- IORSES B USIN ESS 983-9,363 HO0ME: 6348 BILL NMOSlUY CLARKE ORIENTEERING NEWCASTLE COMMeUNITY HAi'LL Saturday, Junte 22 DANCING,!)p.ni. toi1 p.m. MUSIC BY JACKIMAN BAR PRJIViLEGES ADISIN11Y E CUL

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