Q-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE 5 th, l974- Wheâlan lashes t at opposition Eugeiie Wlielan, Federal MVr. Minister of Agriculture, lash- mind ed out" at the NDPs and the ici( Conservatives on Tuesday of a drip. last week when hie was speaking at the liberal no- mination meeting. The meet- ing was attended by some 500 FEDE supporters of the liberals in AGRI( the riding. This was Whelan's REGIi second visit to the area in recent months having spoken ai recently to a gathering of Agrice local beef producers. to the H1e charged Lewis with not suppoli being able to stand the heat in Regior the house and thus threw thA mittee country into an election. 11e restric said that Lewis is now spr backing off from a number of srepar his previous stands. . eara "Who is really taking a rip separs off of the Canadian people," built-ul hie asked. "Who voted against the new corporation taxes in the proposed budget that was Ti defeated?" both1 Durha SPILT MILK cultur( "You cant spill your milk Mr. MV and drink, it too," hie said, "and when this parliament Mr. voted against that budget, federa they spilled the mîlk and now cerned they're trying to tongue it up. years "They are going to have a centur lot of licking to do and they're largea going to get a lot of splinters. " out of ifting his aimi momeritar- little hthe Progresstve Conser- grandc vative Party , hie said Robert ed. Stanfield is supposed to be in control; John Diefenbaker The1 thinks he's in control; and region Jack Horner (Crowfoot) says farm 1,i there's hardly any roomn in the it alsc party now for a Western such a Conservative. 1 .Oshawi James Gillies (Don Valley) -be moi Pauil Hellyer (Trinity) and develoi Robert Stanfield are ail say- use ti. ing different things about fri wages and price controls, Mr. Whelan claimed. The li unheahedapile of LAND Thenhe usheahedThe1 newspaper clippings of the land u, last three years, citing the specul. stand of ahl three on such tial as controls. and ai "I could give you a greater taken1 divergence of opinion in that region' disorganized party," lie said. The1 "And the New Demolition re Party," hie contînued; againpem changing aim, "ltheir main germ 'i job is to make everyone growinr poor." enoui H1e noted that NDP leader profita David Lewis now appears ci atior everywhere with adaisy in his iato lapel, "the poor people's T . flower." rw c Mr. Whelan said Mr. caws îlteci now describes himself as a cle peasant, h' selfarmer "Now h' trying to ta valuec peasant from me, If he 's a of the peasant, 1 must be a 'slave. ions. I know how much money lie mnade when he worked for the railway union and I know how Noti he lives today, Mr. Whelan with saici, I don't thinkvery many peasants live that way." Te Swinging back at the pçC Th he. took a swipe at thewageth o and price freezeproposai by ed ai that artyrezonir that arty.by Lam ALARMING the per "Tt does appeal to some," the coi, he said, "andi that's motofn r H1e said research indicatec mobile that no country, had ever mobie applieci such controls with any Mr.ig success.Mr1 The Romans, he saîd, tried part of tin the third century, with 242 agricul regulations, violations- of mhi a wh'Iich were punsihable by hebu death. The regulations, hietal said, were withdrawn as atal failure in 341. came b Did you ever watch anIicle presenl hanging from an eave, hie segard asked. The sun comnes out and builadi it glitens nd shnes. hen a Stanfielci puts me in of that. You know how cie ends up, he said, as ERATION 0F [CULTURE SUPPORTS DN'S GUIDELINES ;week the Federation of ilture presenteci a brief ,Region which in effect )rted the land division mles as set forth for the ri's Land Division Com- e.This guidelîne is quite ýitve especially for the ition of land in rural Sand calîs for no itions under 100 acres. little effect on land in up areas. brief was prepared by the Ontario and the am Federation of Agri- re and was presented by [ceLai2ghlin. McLaughlin said the ation is not only con- Id with the next few Sbut with the next ry. If we continue to take areas of good farm landi )f production we have hope of feeding our lchildren, he comment- brief points out thaf the .has some of the best landi in the province, but 3encompasses areas as The Ridges north of 'a 'which 'it says would ore suitable. to housing pment and recreation rian it would be to ng. INVENTORY ,brief recommends that use planning based on lative values and poten- ;sessment, be stopped n inventory of land be to determine what the 's farm needs are. best farming land, the suggests, should be nently reserveci for ng food. These food [g areas should be large ih to make farming a able business, the fed- in says. )nly part of the brief to etiticism frtrm the com- and planning staff for "recompense" to rs whose land looses due to implementation Sother recommendat- interfere 1lit igation Splanning committee for )wn of Newcastle, delay- iy decision in, the ig of lands requested vrence Beaupre due to riding litigations before )urts. Beaupre operates a -ycle, boat and snow- ecentre north of Orono ghway 115, Beaupre had asked for 'lands be rezoned from iture to Highway Com- al s0 he could expand sîness. committee's decision to the matter Monday because Mr. Beaupre is tly involved in a law- with the new town ding the legality of the ngs presently being us- the business, "among things," said Mr. Best. June 14,15, anvd 16. Mosport. Pack your tent, sleeping bag and binoculars and be part of the biggest road-racing.' event' in North America. The Labatt's Blue Can-Am Weekend Doubleheader. This year it's very special. Because this year you're going to se e two of the world's -greatest races on the same action-packed weekend. Top inteýrnational, Saturday June lSth Labatt's Formula 5000. The Formula 5000 attracts racing's best drivers-like Mario Andretti, Briar iRedman and Canadians EppieWietzes and Horst KrolI. The cars are open wheeled, styled in the European Grand-Prix tradition and attain up to 190 M.PH. on the straightaways. Therewill be two qualifying heats, each one 60 miles. The f : ý: race itself will cover 100 miles. Three days of non-stopf action. In addition to the Formula 5000 and Labatt', Blue Can-Am, you'll be treated (] f0 3 days of unlimited action. There'Il be two Bulova Cham- pionship races and qualifying heats for Sedans and for Formula Fords. Saturday night at the movies. If you were at Mosport ' ast year, you'll remember the Mosport film festival. It takes place Saturday night in the north grandstand and it's something else! drvr.Superb cars. Sunday June l6th The sixth annual Labatt's Blue Can-Aii,_., Traditionally one of the most-important races on the circuit, this year's can-Am should prove to be as exciting as ever. The engines are super-big, devel- oping,1000 h.p. and attaining speeds- of over 200 M.P.H.! And you'll see ail the great ones- Porsche, McLaren, Lola, Ferrari and 'Shadow. The Çan-Am wl]] be run in two heats-a sprint of 75 miles and a-125 % rmile feature. }Fee Camping Come for the day or camp fot e.A three day Superticket gets you access to the pits, :a reserved grandstand seat, free f irewood and water. Food and' drink are available at various points around the track. And remember, Sunday is Father's Day.Children12 and under will be admitted free when accompaniêd by an Adult. Organ ized byC. R.D.A..,Sanctioned byC.ASC.F.I.A. Mosport. June 14,15, and 16. Ticket Louations: participating MAC'S MILK STORES Noone's Motel & Restaurant D