Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1974, p. 4

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:-OlONE>O E'K. IMS JLNE th. 1971 1sf Orono Cub5 Saturdayv, May 2-h, the lst Orono dCub Pack participated with necighibouring Cubt Packs ini West Durham District Atheletie Day. Presenitation of the Flag wNas made by mnark Simmons, which took place at Orono Building Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cainet Work Floors Ile 983-5441 Orono Kenîdal hall park. Orono Cub Pack placed third, collecting '375 poinits. A\ tremnendous effort, with ail concerned made this ani enjoyable experience as welI as to hielp the Cubs. to learn sportsmanship,- and gain them a new badge. Congratulations to 'Hill Durham Couinty Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK- SALE Every Thursday Evening 7: 30 p. m. SHËEP-CATTLE HOGS- HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY W. H.I-p You --J Stay Hoalthy And Happy Whatever you need to keep in good shap ... medication, grooming aids, vitamin supplements . .. consukt us!1 STUTT'S PHARMACY PHONE ORONO 983-5009 Kentucky Style Chicken Snack Pak$11 Dinner Box $1 .65 9 Piecer $3.50 Regular Barn 15 PIECES $5.25 Giant Barn 2)PIECES $6.95 FOR FAST TAKE OUT SE RVICE M,1OI' Phione 983-5310 MAIN STRLE"r -RONO I DX SERVICE STATIONW Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featintg: Premium Quaity Productg At the Most Reasonable - Prices I - Stove 011 ~ - Diesel 011 Phone 987-4215 ('resi Ileightis in wvinning first place. Also on Sunday June 2nd, the Cubs took part in the Drum Hlead Church Service at Bowmanville High School. Rene Morin -presented the lst Orono Flag, District'Cub Master George Charland, along with Michael Vooys led ail Cubs in the renewal of their Cub Promise. The Ist Orono Cubs were very ent hused with this most colourful event, which was appreciated by ail present, Sets f orth NDP !a tfo rm Joh n Gilbert. MP for Broadview,, in speaking at the NDP nominating convention in Bowmnanville, last Wednes- day evening outlinied the NDP policy to battie inflation and also took a swing at two, former Provincial Conservat- ive memibers wholef t Toronto and now sit in the house at Ottawa. Subdivision jam, al most broken Durham Region council Wednesday adopted a process for subdivision development submitted by the joint plann- ing and development and public works committees - and then apparently rescind- ed it two hours later. The hour long debate on the motion revolved around the rights of local miunicipalities in the area -versus the powers the region will now ýhave;' Cou ncil adopted a motion by Coun. John Goodwin (Whitby) which would secure more local control for area muni- cipalities. Couin. Goodwin's motion ~-ad the words, "ihu exception within the area of local jurisdijction" added to give local governments even more power in tlie subdivision agreement wvere withdrawn after he was informed by Coun. Clark IMason (Ajax) that some contravened the division of power between the region and municipalities put forward by law. The final resuit of the back-and-forth debate was a .resolution sponsored by Couns Keith Ross (Oshawa) and Reg. Rose (Scugog) that the chief administrative officer (W.G. Manny) report to council on the roles of local ýand regional planning staff. I He referred to Allan Lawr- ence and Gcorge Hees who hie said are about toend their political careers. He said, "Lt m-akes nie smnile when people refer to him (Allan Lawr- ence) as national leader of the P. C.,'S." MIr. Gilbert said that since 1972 the NDP has acquired the status of a national party because of its role in the minority government. He said in the first, fifteen months the li 'berals gave in to a number of proposals by the NDP party, granting increas- ed old age pensions, an improved -Canada Pension Plan, an] improved foreign ownership bill, subsidies to milk and bread producers, a revamping of- the, famnily allowance system and con- troIs on the export of oul and gas. H4e blame d the May 8 dissolution of the House on the Liberal party's inability to, bring in'bilîs that were lîttie more than "inconsequential amendmnents to acts which would have been passed anyway." He said under these circumstance the NDP cau cus was unable to give support to thé Liberals. DID NOTHING, part 1-c of the motion. u r r .. He went on to add that The amended recommend- ICVC (IIIJ.> >legislation brought in, by the ation read: "That there be W1!fUIST LEARqN Liberals in the last. three one subdivision agreement 71' <p j- m onths of the session did which shahi incorporate al of ' OUR BOSS nothing. He quoted- Prime the requiremnents of the region AA ESXHSMiitrTrudeau as saymng of the area municipality C .'eRvthe anti-profiteering bill, wýithout exception, within the which died with the house, area of local jurîsdiction and - would probably not bc pro- of other bodies having juris- (".'., claimied." diction, and that it be prepar- N Mr. Gilbert said the anti- ed by the region." profiteering bill would have been ineffective because of al MIKE SPIKES the "bureaucratic red tape" Later following an hour- necessary to prove profiteer- long "in camera" meeting by ing on the part of a corporat- counicil, a motion moved by ion. This, hie added, would do Coun. Mlike Breaugh (Osha- C atro nothîng to control the immed- wa) in essence rescinded the C atro iate impact of spiralling price motion by putting its adoption Electrie increases. back to the next council 11n responise to Liberal mn eting. ORONO, ONTARIO policies, Mr. Gilbert outlined Coun. Breaugh's motion Phone 98- * art of the NDP platform. He was that "the process foror935 saîd inflation, unfair taxation, subdivision developmnent be foreign ownership of comp- refered for circulation among anîes, operating in Canada, the area munficîpalities before ST. AVIUUR and housing are the major the process if adopted."1 issues. REESSSADANGLICAN Mr. Gilbert proposed that REVRSE STNDEstabllshed 1869 inflation be attacked by a Earlier Coun. Breaugh has national prices review board been one of those calling for HIY Baptism "-with teeth." Such a board, passage of the recomnmend- would have the ability to rol ations saying that holding back prices on domestically them backç while council at 3.00 p.mn. produced goods. t would also studied themi another time investigate recent price in- was "an atroctous way to run HoIy Baptîsm by creases by the 'steel, copper a governiment" appointment with Rector and cement industries. "ecan't hold off every- 987-4745 He also said some large thing until our staffs have a Rev. 11. Robert Hayne, corporations, because of tax loiok at it," he said, "there B.A., L.Th. advantages, are bleeding the must bc 300 guys who want a country. He noted in particul- kick at the cat. ar, low' taxes paid by It was Couni. Breaugh's corporations in the oul and fellow Oshawa counicîllors 1 iari ltgn-7 1 ~ mining fields. Jim Potticary and Allan Pilkey who initially wanted the recommendations refered to the next meeting. The mnunicipalities, Couni. Pilkey, said, shouldn't have to, pay for "additional staff mnucking over local plans." He said he wanted to mi-ake sure strictly local miîtters were taken care of by local muinicipalities. Couin. Ken Lyall (Newcast- le) was a littie harsher. The recommendations, hie said, should be "referred out the window." "We'rýe cutting our (the municipalities') throats littie by lîttie," hie added. Coun. Goodwin charged the region seemned to wanit su- premie control of aIl thinigs at ail times. Hlis carlier Suggestions to Mr.Gilertproposed an enlarged( Canadian Develop- ment Corporation and an end to tax concessions as a menas of hal 'ting the excessive grow- * ot forcian. ownership, and also as a. means for the~ Canadian governiment to keep control of the nation's eco, omy. house situation "pitiful" and proposed that the government set up land banks and begin a national building corporation. Mr. Gilbert said "most Canadians were satisfied with the excellent' work of the NDP", and. the the NDP will not support legisîntion which does not aid Canadians. Bewdley Underpass Alex Carruthers, in a press release from Queen's Park, reports a suitable underpass will be installed in conjunct- ion with the construction of the.Bewdley by-pass on Hlighi- way 28. The underpass is the result of representation made to Mr. Carruthers-by the Great Pine Ridge Trail Riders Associat- ion and snowmobile associat- ions in the area. The location for the under- pass is 0,6 miles north of County Road No. 9 and through negotiations between. the associations and teh -ministry, suitable arrange- ments will be worked out regarding provisions for openings in the right-of-way fence and future maintenance responsibilities. ALEX CARRUTHERS Backto committee A recommendation by the Executive Committee of the Region of Durham has been tundback to themn for reconsideration. The Com- mittee has recomrmended two weeks holidays for every employee and in somne cases up to four weeks. George Ashe, chairman of the Finance Committee at the recent council meeting took acception to the recommenri- a tions and was supportee the majority of council feefhilg they were being too generous. Many employees feel that this is not a new job but only a transfer from one municipal- ity to another. SOmne counici âmembers felt that it was a new start. Also bogged down at council is a sick-leave by-law for emnployees and it has also been tabled for further study. The finance comimittee chair- man stated that the present proposaI is nothing more than a cash bonus for someone that sticks it out for one year with the region. I HALE'S Sand and Gravel R R 2,NEWCASTLEg *Pit Run Gravel * - and Bulldozing g CALII BILL HALE *Phone 786-2972 or 786-2940 Insurance Service Vour Friendly Agenvy FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurance SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIMHIARE For dependa ble Service 983-5115

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