01010weekly times Setu(oI la1, 1 iaitlhjs atin\iihm63X I ~l> isIud e t~ *<tmed.t~ tt he i le ilpufflication SI ItS(' IP)1, HilS ta111at :O 5 .*E TUEBATI.Eis qN, .Th'le participanits ini the ridiiîg of Northumberland and Durahmi have been choosen and the battle for votes is on. Last week was a busy one as far as political meetings were concerned with ail parties choosing their candidates to contest the forthcomiing election. So far across the nation the elction lias yet to take on noticeable head of steamn and to this point it is true in the local riding. There are however a number of weeks before balloting day and iudli ean happen during that period. Even a slip of the tongue could well loose theelection for one party or the other. SAllan Lawrence the incumbent member fromn the riding lias liowever corne out swînging at Trudeau which worked so well in the last election. Whether this tatic can repeat itself in July is still another matter. The proposed price and wage freeze which the Conservatives were countinga on lias grounded and this item was not even mentioned at the nomination meeting. The proposaIlias not taken the country by a sweep and takes considerable steamn out of the Conservative pusli. The liberals faîl back on their record and stress that the recent budget was a good budget to assist witli conditions as tliey exist to-day. Here again tliere are many, pros and cons but it does' not receive the debate tliat tlie price and freeze proposai does. t could be that there is more suport for, the items in tlie budget than in a form of price and wage freeze proposaI. The NDP are again ou for those sums of money from the big Corporation- and althougli the, phrase "Corporate Bums" lias not appeared too often it is being presented througl another avenue. In Bowmanville the NDP took dlaim for al] tlie legisiation that was passed by the last government and this list as presented by the NDP tends to offset tlie dlaimis of Allan Lawrence that nothing of importance was done by the government. There is till considerable timne before tlie election day and mueli can happen in the meantîme to swing the uncomrni1tted voter. Clarke High CLARKE 1116H NEWS On May 23 the Clarke Track and Field teami journeyed to the Oshawa Civic Auditorium ta compete in the LOSSA tournament. They did except- ionaiy weil with the total team score being 195 points. Twenty eiglit students qualified for the COSSA competition hieid at Napanee on May 28th, 0f these students, three quaiified for the OSSa competition wxhidli is ta lbe held from June 6 ta 8 in Toronto. The three outstanding athietes are: Jim Brennan 110 meter hurtles Janet Lovekin 80 meter burties Mary Ann deWitt 1 mile long distance run An award for outstanding performance in the Junior Boy's Division werit ta Jim Brennan. Congratulations to ail these fine students wlio have given Carke a fine name in the track 'and field division. On May 22 the Home Economic students held their annuai fashion show. On May 29th the school band held thier first annual spring concert. Thanks ta the students and teaclers for giving their timne for these extra cirricular activities. It is my lape that tley will continue. They add ta the sclool a spirit whicl is very rmudlineeded. CAROL BARNETT CONCERT A SUCCESS Close ta 300 people filled the auditorium ta capacity at the Clarke Higli Scliool Band's Spring Concert last Wednes- day niglit. According ta ,Mar- tin Mostert, The Band's publicity chairman, almnost $200 will have been raised for Band uniformns, after expens- es are deducted. However funds fromi the Banid organiz- atian may, have ta le used ta supplemient the schoo's igîit budget for inistrump.ents andf supplies. Ilopefully., this wili not be necessary, and witilln a year cor se the organization wililebL able to supply its memrbers with somne form of standard dress. Student participation in the vent was -encouraging. Many volunteered to lelp on last minute details for this the Band's first concert. Band memibers look forward toaa repeat performance next year MARTIN MOSTERT PUTBLICITY COMIMITTEF KIRBY NEWS We were very pleased with the turn out to the Kirby United Clurdli Spring Anni- versary on Sunday. Everyone enjoyed our guest soloist, Mrs. Jane Hamm, of Kingston. She sang two loveîy numbers accompanied by lier grand- mother, Mrs. L. lovey. Also our guest Speaker Dr. Nor-, man McKenizie. The time went ail toc quickly. We hope they botl wiIl be our guests again soon. We weicome Mr. and Mrs. Berney and family Ajax, to aur community. THey mnoved in this week to the Feddema house -on the seventhl une. Mr. and mrs. L. Lovey and Mrs. Jane Hammi, Kingston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamm. Mrs. C. Lowery, Mrs. H.' Tamblyn and Miss Marion McKelvey were among those enjoying the bus trip -and dinner with the Durham Club on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochirane attended the graduation exer- ices at the Civic Auditorium, Oshiawa of their nieve Miss sandra Nimigion of Whitby as a graduating nurse. Mr. and mrs. Lawrence Harris attended the graduat- ion of their niece Miss Marilyn Morton a nurse fromn St. Josepli Gneral Hospital, hield at St. Peters Auditoriumn on Friday evening. Mr. and M Nrs. Ronald Harris Richard and Kim, visisted wvitb lis sister Linda and Bill Sears and baby daughter Tina al, WVindsor. NAIPNOMINATION, (ontinued from Pa ge 1 rcextrenmynigh and they1ý would 114ot suflfer i;f ordered by an- NDP governmienti to set jnortgage rates at C, percent instead of the present rate of about 12 percent. H1e added -,they'll stili miake mnoney on the deal. We don't have to worry about that. The structure of the Canada Pension Plan, the power, of corporations and a guarante- edannual income are other issues he hopes to present during the campaign, lie ad ded. Mr. Walker has served with the post office since 1958, and has been granted a leave of absence during camfpaign. He is trustee on the Nort- humberland-Newcastle Board of Ecfucation and was chair- man of the Hamilton Town- ship Planning Board. H1e and lis Wife, Mildred, live in Camborne. LAWRENCE WINS PC NOMINATION Continued from page 1 ment, lie said, wasted because the cabinet continues on its merry way of comnmuting the death sentences of killers of policemen and jail guards eontrary to the1 laws of Canada. H1e claimed the government is even freeing double and triple murderers. H1e listed problems that face a health and welfare minister and then citied Health Miniter Marc Lalonde's stand on the World Football League. The unreality in Ottawa boggies the mind when you see the issues that. were discussed and the total lack of constructive solutions, he said Canada, he continued, is in the grip of the worst inflation ever and then Mr. Turner cornes along with- a sick budget even the NDP couldn't stomach. The Liberals, he said, dlaim the issue thbis timne is leader- ship and it's Mr. Stanfields last chance. If Mr. Stanfield is chosen prime minister, Mr. Lawren- ce said, there's a man who will stay out his term o f office. .He said that after bis 1972 'lefeat Mr. Trudeau should, ave resigned as head of his party but he did not simply because the man's own arro- gance and conceit would flot let him. CLARKE BAND DELIGHTS AUDIENCE %WITH PROGRAM sa, complemented the pro- gram and the musicians wtl the full use of ail instruments. The tune Big Band Bugaloo brougît modern jazz to the concert whule a Mardli by Shostakovitdl provide anoth- er sidie of the music world. Finale tleme and Largo Tleme f rom the "New World' Symphony were alsÔ credit- able numbers in the reportoir for the evening. No doulit those in attend- ance willbe awaiting the next concert to lie presented by the band. MA,ýNS BODY FOUND IN RUINS 0F 1115 HOME a suicide. Police said tliey received a cal about 11:35 Wednesday niglit (rom the Newcastle fire, department, stating that a body lhad been found in the smiouldering bouse. The bodý was found with a bullet wound in the head . Two shots lad been 'fired from a shotgun fouind a"thte scene. Identification was mnade by thb, victimi's wife. 'Newcastle fIirefigliters vwere CalIled about 10: 45 by a neiglibor. D)avîd Gor-daier, who told 'tble Times. "I leard a bang like somieone hit the bouse When lie ran out ta investigate lbe saw flames ýand smnoke comning fromn Mr. Massicotte's homne. FOUND BODY Two fire trucks and an auxiliary supply of water arrived about 15 minutes later. The blaze was under control in less than five minutes and was completely extinguisbed in less than an lhour. Mr. Massicotte's body was found in a room in the rear of the bouse. A gasoline can was on the floor of the front room. The front haîf of 'the brick bungalow was gutted by the fire. A Newcastle fire depart- ment spokesman said the Ontario fire marshal will be investigating todetermine the exact cause -of the blaze. Investigation by the 'OPP, is continuing. HOME & SCHOOL, SOCIAL EVENING There also will be a short annual meeting called to wind up the business of yeaie and elect new officers for the executive. The past officers have served in the Home an-d School for many years and in miany capacities. We enjoyed our work (there was neyer too mucli of it! ),,but now we feel that new people are needed to fI the executive positions. Most of our children are leaving or have already left the Orono School and our interest will now be with the new sdliools. The Home and School Association is an impllortanit linktweenhomie and schoot. Lt gives p)arents an] opp[or-tunity for discussion and pariîticipationi in school affairs. Wu hop)e that mnany of you parents will comne forward to be an active mnember of the Homle and Sehool A'ssociaition). See you on June il at 6:30 pm O.ne Ma. Attends Al Sneering remarks ecioed tlroughout Council's Cham-_ berson Monddy evenin.g. as Councillors Ken Lyall and Kirk Entwisle reported that tliey felt "lef t out" because tliey liad not been given the chance to decide on the cboosing of community hall boards. As an elected represent- ative of Ward 3, Councillor Lyall feit that lie should at least know about sucli recom- mendations. Councillor Entwisle expres- sed that lie sat on the Newtonville Comm-unity Hall board last year,' and would like to have the chance to do so again this year. Tliey botli described tliem- selves as concerned and then the trouble began... A motion was made to appoint one member of-coun- cil as a fulil voting member of eacli community hall board. Counceillor Ivan Hobbs amended the motion to insert that Councillor Entwisle be- corne a member of each committee. It was .generally accepted that this task was definateîy too much for one man to do, however the anmended motion was carried. CoucilorHobbs added that bewcause Mr. Enwisle indicated an interest, liesa it fitting to appoint thii." mlake ftiemotion in good ai,"lie said". 'Councillor Entwisle is no required to sit on ail boards, iV-' was pointed out, but lie does have the cboice to sit on any of tliem. Up & Down The Book Stacks TIIURS. JUNE 6th, 1974 ADULT The Tyranny of the Group by Andrew Malcolm (The author a Toronto pyschiatrist, who is against encounter groups and bis reasons why) Don Fernando by Fernando Fou rnier - Aubry (biography of a man who lias lived for adventure and found it in remote jungles, deserts, etc.) New Brunswick by Michael Collie (for the traveller) The World of Drinks and Drinking by John Doxat (story of bottles, toasts, customs wines, etc.) Spy Story by Len Deigliton The Doctor's Daughter by Elizabeth Seifert JUNIOR Vegetables from Stems & Leaves by Millicent E. Sel- sam I Picked a Flower by Sharon Lerner (beautiful illustrat- ions), What Shaîl I Do? by G. Warren Scliloat (games, puz- zles, etc. for indoor activity) The Slave Dancer by Paula Fox (winner of the Newberry Award for excellence in children's literature) EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS Oh, No, Go by Da, McPhail Nice Little Girls by Elizabeth Levy (what happens when a tomboy goes to a new sehool,'- a very funny story) - W 1 h Mr. FRANCIS TENNANT FINA SALES AGENT For the town of Newcastle region serving Orono, Kendal, Newtonville, Newcastle, Bowmnanville, Courtice, Enniskilîen, Ponty- pool. Francis lias taken over the Petroieunm business from bhis uncle Mir. Donald Tennant, Orono, Ontario and wiIl continue to serve area residents as MNr. Donald Tennant bas done. k P I I I I h IGASOINE SFURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL1, DIESEL FUEL, LUBRICANTS IPOLY B-SNOWMOBILE 01 IPOLY B OUTBOARD I. aFIN a a Francis Tennant Fuels Franies cornes to the Business wlth ten years experience in the Burner Service Home Comfort installationi businiess. He is a Ilietime resident of the area and now offers you a complete Home heat program to include FREE BURNER CLEAN OUT, and Fina petroleum products for: - FARM HOME INDUSTRY COMPLETE LINE 0F PETROLEUIM PRODUCTS FARM TANKS AND ELECTRICAL F.QUIPMENT 24 HOUIt BURNER SERVICE AUTOMATIC FUEL, OIL DELIVERY ALL DELIVERIES MIETERED) HOT WATER TANK RENTAI HEATING EQUIPMENT SALES AND INSTALLATOl% FINANCING AVAILABLE For comptete personalized home comfort and dependable service day or night Phone 983-5693 FRANCIS TEN~NANT FUELS P.O. BOX 102, ORZONO, ONTARIO ME T R OPIan A 'CA N A DpàA L 9. a m 'i