Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1974, p. 9

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(j) fi, :W. FRAJ %NK è'REAL ESTATE: LIMITED : 0 Realtor a 231 King Street Eautf0 * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 C Port Hope office 8854540 0 For prompt, courteous,O efficient service when* *buiying or selling and: @ for the largest selectionle : of properties in the areaO * Contact 0 * Orono Area 9 0 Repreentati * Charlie Reid 0 983-5914 * Roy Foster 0 * 983-5801 *William Turansk. * (Kendal1) e * 983-5420 Danefound 623-3965 * Ron Hurst * 983-5131 e * e oChrista Winterhelte * 983-5465 Judy Schuette 983-5016 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to bc desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. ý The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RUTTER Office -885-5216 Home -885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - H1EATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyroue 263-2650 Gi Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farmi Furniture Sales Consult me for teilns anid dtes Phone Orono 983-5914 Clarke Public LIBR AR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to '8:30 p.m. 2:30 to 5:00 P.M. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. llerb and Gerrv Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi WESTINGHOUSE SRCA L ELECTROHlOME Randy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build fromn the foundation up Box 133 Phi. 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memùorials 318 Dundas Street East WH1TBY, ONTARIO WATSON 'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-543 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Moniles McCuiloch Chaini S4ws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers- and 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Orono Landscaping SODDING + PLANTING SEEDING ('OMPLETE LANDSCAPING 'hone 983-5598 FOEIlSALE White Embdeii Goslings, phone 263-8888. Mr. Alan Venemna. Hamptoni. FOR SALE 1971 Woods Tent Traiter, sleeps 6, in excellent condition phus mattresses, spare tire, coleman's stove and dining canopy incelud(ed. Cail 983-5554 NEW IIOUSÉ FOR RENT Leskard Road, avaîlable August lst. Cali 983-9404. a-p HELP WANTED Press operation required immediately for shift work. Apply in person to South Plant Curvply Wood Products, Hwy 115 and 35, Orono. 29- I NOTICE ak-pDemonstrationi .1UNE 6th 7.30op. m. S.SAVIOURS CHURCH HALL Latest EyNe Mk-pTrends and 5kin care suggestions. Cal) your licensed Plumbing& Mfechanical Cotractor who seils, instails and guarantee CARMAN, Plumbing and Heatiuge Phone 983-5207 orono Sam Bruton Ca rpentry Repairs Renovations A SPECLIATY KITCHIEN CUPROARDS Phone 983-5239 O(NO WANTP D Members to help) us carry on our work. If you) are interested in helping the young corne out and join the Orono Amateur Athiletic As- sociation. Next Regular mIeetinig Sunday, Julie 9th, 8,p.m. at the arena. NOTICE Dr. A.F. MIcKenzie will be on Holidlays dunie 1 - jLune 16 incelusive. The ,Office will be open for injections dune 4, 6, iliandl13.2 p.i. and 7-8 p. n ('O ING EVENT Rare Show - dune Einglish. Western) and Y( classýes. 'Éhe Riding Si Newtonville. 786-2681. IMA(1NETICSIG1 FOR C'ARS ANI) TH ANAIIABLE FRI ORON( NS UCKS 1OM Teacher power is here to stay, Edutidon Minister Thomas Wells told the Ontario School Trustees Council iast week. Speaking at a conference on Trustee Responisibiiity and Teacher Power, jointly Spon- sored by; the Ontario Institute' for Studies in Education, and the OSTC, Mr., Wells said there are several, facts that must be clearly understood by school trustees. He told dele- gates that teacher power is not a passing phenomienon ý it is something that mnust be faced positively and con- structively and not with bitterness or anger, "nor with the hiope that it wili disappear if -we just ignore it long enouigh...Teacher stemis from the gent cernis-of ,manyt Teachers want a education policy- Thazt doesp.'t mneant aý-rwcz mý TIMES becorne a poslitive and con- structive force for' improve- ment in edlucation instead of a rstepping stone for continuai rounds of, confrontation, frustration and disenchant- ment. "Believe me, it is the only, answer. To do otherwise is to invite continued strife, and strife ineducation we do not need." The key' to mnaking teacher r poýwe r power a constructive force is uine con- a strong and unified trustee teachers. force, one that will create a say in meaningful dialogue between ,-making. trustee and teachers Mr. that the, Wells said. should miake ail the dle isions, but thiey want to feel that their views are at least heard anidt conisidiered. They want a wide open channel of influence and to my mind there is nothing wrong wýith thiat." Schiool trustees, hie said, mutst improve commiunicat- ions with their teachers, bring their teacheris in on thiings and together discuss matters openly and candidly as a team.ý Mr. Wells said that if this is done, teacher power can Special visitor at Lindsay 1On Thursday, May 16, at approx. 9 p.m. Lindsay Dis- trict Office received a rather special and unexpected guest. District Office staff are not generally on hand at that time, of i ght but on this occasion, it happened, there was an evening meeting. A gentleman had found a boon out on the Highway unable to walk or fly and thinking the bird to be injured had picked it up to bring in to us. While hie held the loon it wsbusily engaged with tryving to bore a hole in the sentlemnan's armn with its spearlike beak. He seemed truiy relieved when someone carefuîiy but firmly took the birdl by the bill and around the body and placed it in a live trap).'Thle next day the boon was examnined, found injury free, and released on Goose Bay, Sturgeon Lake. Mlany people don't know that boons will land on, wet pavement, mistaking it for a water surface. A loon needs water to become air borne ,and because its feet are placed well back on its body, it tends tu overbalance. for- ward. This makes it extreme- by clumsy on land and may gi ve the appearance of injury. The episode described above encourages one of our staff to wax poetic. Recause of the boons plaintive cry and with apologies to Jack London the poem has been tentatively called: THE CALL0F THE WIND A boons a bit'looney Or so one might think When ont on the water They nearly do sink When ont of the land They stummble and fal On feet that wilI barely Function at al They wilI light on wet pavement Instead of the lake And to would be rescuers Offence they may take The moral of this story Is, still quite obscure We hope with our ending To make it quite clear Look after the bills Before they look after you Or you may find yourself Jabbed in ... -- e Teacher power here to stay Dave Plumbing Heating - Electrical Inutil- Commercial R'esidenitial Free Estimates 786-2471 LR.R.1,Oo Manager East CentralI Farm Labour Pool1 Work areas include the Counties of PtboogVictoria, On tario, thie ERegional NmuncipalityN of Duiiham, and District of Muskaan Parrv Soluid. Wil1 be responsible for recruitmnent and registrationý of farinores and contracting wvith farmiers for thie sUpi y eîNof wý,orkers by fthe Pool. Suc5flapplicant muiist have a farmi background and be able to relate to the farmi business. Salarv maximumiii in effect, according to experience and qualifications. Additional job information is available throughi the Ontario Mlinistrv of Ariculture and Food Offices i Blowimanville, Peterborough, LindsaY. Uxbridge and Hluntsville. Applications for- this position clear-ly mnarked as sncb, including your resumne, MIUST BE SUBMITTED. NO 1,'.TER TIIAN JUNE -11, 1971 to Mr. George Oliver, Chairmnan East Central Farmn Labour Pool R.R. 11<( eleven> Peterborough, Ontario C.A. MacIntosh Spys Tomatoes jeed Potatoes F RED' S FR1JITMARKET HlIGHIWAY 115 SOUTH 0OF ORONO 1 C MD O F TiI.VWapprociatlin amid thanks to ail in ficnds, and neighbours, an)d Doctor MIcKenzie, Rev. B. Logloi- kiindneëss shown me luilu in hospital. MRS CECIL TEBBLE [th. CARI) 0F TIIA.NKS outh 1 would like to thank Dr. 'hed, Pokey and Pr. McKenzie, and also the nurses who were so 5-12 helpful during my recent stay in the hospital. - 1 would also 'ike to thank those wh6 sent cards, gifts and flowers to make my stay more cheerful. S Girlie Dean

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