WHY PAY MORE? SAVE!! On Prenum Quotity FUEL OIL STOVE QIL SERVICE CALI 668-3381 iCalilcollect- Oxford BRICKLAYERS' STONEMVASONS WILLIE J. SCIIMAHL Plhone 983-5606 Specializing in al inds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Repir JACK RICARD REALTOR L 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Selling Cal %vWILF HAWKE your Orono Aiea Representative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario Fourth candidate declares for NDR Jobn Gilbert is to be speaker af N.D.P. nominat- ion. Fletcher Stewart annouine- ed, today fbat- tbe guest speaker at nexf Wednesday's N.D.P. nomination for Nortb- ujmber-lanid-rbam will be Jobin Gilbert M.P. for Toronto Broadview. Gilbert is known as one o! Canada's strongest constit- uency M.P.s. He opened an N.D.P. service office in bis riding two years before be Building a House? or remodefling your preseut one? Thon Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 one INSTAIL AN o FURNACE C, HUMIDIFIER~ 4 orIIOT W*TI - HMATER No paymnents for six moniths Cali Harvey Partner Vour ESSO Service Dealer FRE 3ETIATES 983- 52 06 Orono G.W. DRYWALIL TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRY WALL PLASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy Lucyk ORONO Bob Yeomans Plunibing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations Repairs Speciahîzing 'In flot IVater Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work Rfi 1, Orono 983-5624 THE * Furniture Barn a HWY. 115, NEWCASTLE * Phone 987-5151or 987-5161 *BU DGET WIS E- QUALITY WISE* ~WE'RE TOUGH TO BEAT * New Furniture OnlyI 1,LIVING BOOM SUTITES-BEDROOM SUITES I DNETTE SUITES- ROCKERS- RECLINERS * LAM%'PS AND LOTS MORE *Comçýin and browse aro-uncl No Salesmnen to Bother YourI * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I SAME DAY FINANCING IF s * REQUESTED * OPEN, MONDAY %THIRU FRIDAY9 .m -9 . * SATRDAY rom 9a.m. - 6;p.m. LOSED SUNDAYS was first elected i 1965. Hie bas held the riding sihce- his first election and has been the immigration critie in the Federal Parliament. His ser-2 vice to his riding bias made Gilbert very popular in his riding -and canvassers report a very warm and positive feeling for him is sbown by the electors in tbe riding. The 51 year old Gilbert is a lawyer by profession and bias been chairman of the N.D.P.'s justice and Cultural Affairs Commitfee. The Northumberland- Durham N.D.P. wiil choose from among 4 candidates at its nominating convention at the Bowmnanville Public Lib- rary, 62 Temperance Street on Wednesday May 29. Declared eandidafes are Tina Olfbof of Darlington, Elmna Parker of Cobourg and Hugh Jenney of Warkworth. On Tuesday afternoon Rus- sell Walker of Cambourne declared bis candidacy f0 run for tbe N.D.P. Mr. Russell is presently a member of thE Board of Education of North- umnberland and Newcastle. Being a postal worker be has taken a leave of absence from his job to run for tbe nomination. He bas been a resident of Cambourne since 1958 and is married to a Warkworth woman having two daughters. He is also a veteran and has been a member of tbe Hamilton Township Planning Board as well as chairman of the Board. Need for Iicensed gravel pit Council bias decided f0 stir fbings up wif hI) 7fb iInistry Of Natural Resour-ces to hbave licenses for sonie 17 gravel pifs in the area pr'ocessed as soon as possi ble. Tb'le fownba been yvaifing for teelicen- ses fro tbhe Minisfry for fbree,( and a liaif miontbs, and fbey feel if is about time tbiey beard from f hemn. Counicillor, A.D. Wearn says tbis bold up will jeopar-dize tbe town's road programn, but it was poinfed out to himi that tbe pits are already i operation, alfboulgb illega.fly. He is simiply worried that somieone will step i and stop every'thing hefore the licenses are issued. 1il the near fu LtuLre fbe Works Departmnenf will determine %vhicb pifs out of tbec said 17, that the town %vill use for tbeir own purposes and biave fbem processed immiiediafely. leav- ingi the remaining ones f0 go f0 theý Planning Comifttee. However, Counceillor- Kirk Fntimsle objected strongly' f0I tbis for discriinafory rea- sons and said fbaftbey should bave the courage f0 face the Ministry\ and bave tbem process ail tbe applications Council feels tbat tbey're being taken only as a "rubber stamlp", and bave no say in tbe processing, buit Mayor Rick- aid( ba"s been given authorityby council f0 take wbatever- action is nee Iaof speed 1bings --. Water svstem ()OO(WA'I'ERSYSTEM NI"El' O (i()ltlU(ON Although the Regionial 1De' partmient of W\orks has set up an office in the old Northluml berland and Durham garage north of oronio to look after wafer and sewýers i n 1the Municipalify of Newcastle if has not yet ofciytaken Ne Francis Mr. FRANCIS TEb FINA SALUES AGE1 For the town of Newcastle Orono, Kendal, Newtonvillk Bowmanville, Courtice, Ennis pool. Francis bas taken overý business fromn his uncle Mr. Dq Orono, Ontario and will continu residents as Mr.% Donald Teni GAiSOLINE 4FUIRNACEF STOVE OIL 4DIESEL FUI FUEL OIL TEL LUBRICANTS POLY B-SNOWMOBILE OIL POLY B OUTBOARD OIL 6RONO over thc Orono ytm Three mniland two trucks hlav\te enimoved (to Ithe site and wiIl look altter the maintenance and construct- ion in thc Town of Newcastle. Thw crew do \work ftor-the' Orono sy sfem on eau f romi the Or-ono mnge !in speaking with Mr. Pearce he stated hasi, not heen c-ompleted' with the Ministry. Residents of the area will stili rciv hei., hbis for wali. fromn the Oronio IHydrlo office anid will also pay their accounts at this office. It is expecfed that this'will contin- ue for some time into the future. SHORTS Short shorts Price $1.98 and bermuda shorts at $6.98 in attractive colours. Tops for Ladies Kýari Lynn Polyester Tops for ladies inbte, white, pink and navy. Price $5. 75 Work Pants - Shirts Wie nom have ail sizes in permianent press and regularii inmen's green work pants and shirts. Men's Pants- We have addedi somne new patterns and colours in men's dress pants to the rack. A RM ST RONGenuS" î--- r Tennant Fuels MINANT :NT region serving vNewcastle, killen, Ponty- a the Petroleuim bonald Tennant, ue to serve area _ nant has done. Franies cornes to the B'usiness with ton years experience in the Burner Service Home Comfort installation business. He is a lifetime resideat of the area and now offers you a complote Home heat4 program to include' FREE BURNER CLEAN OUT, and Fina petroleum products for: - FARMI HOME INDUSTRY COMPLETE LINE 0F PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FARMI TANKS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT4 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL DELIVERY4 ALL DELIVERIES METERED HOT WATER TANK RENTAI 4 HEATING EQUIPMENT SALES AND INSTALLATION FINANCING AVAILABLE For comiplote personalized home comfort and dependable service day or night4 Phone 983-5693 FRANCIS TENNANT FUELS P.().BOX 102, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 CANADA LTD. a