4-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. MAY 22nd, 1974 ery told the children a story ol KENDA L the man wha sold himself for We have had a record of 42 cents. Rev. Mantgomery very heavy rainfaîl during read the scrîpture from the May. Fortunately the holiday third chapter of first Kîngs weekend has been sunny and Solomon's wise choice. farmers are again trying ta Next Sunday the Orange- work their wet fields. men of West Durham wilI On Sundav aur choir sang parade ta Kendal United the anthem Trust and Obey Churcb at 11:15 a.m. Rev. G. for there's no other way To be Montgamery will be the happy in Jesus but to trust speaker. and obey. Rev. G. Montgom- The follawing Sunday June 2 is Kendal Sunday Schoo] I Anniversary. '~' Cou lit" The Kendal friends wish ta Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7:30 pm. SHEEI'.-CATTLE HOGS- HORSES BUSINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685 BILL MOSLEY ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Hoiy Communion- First and Third Sundays' Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987.4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, JIA., L.Th, Stuy H. W.H* AV dIuppy~ Whatever you need to keep w good Shape -. medication, ~rooming aids, KitamJIlluDDIemeDts.. consaak uui STUTT'S PHARMACY PJIONE ORONO 983-5009 ~~Qeddi ~he~ Kentucky Style Chicken Snack Pak $1,15 Dinner Box $1,65 9 Piecer $3.50 Regular Barn î5PIECES $5.25 Giant Barn 2OPIECES $6.95 FOR FASTTAKEOUTSERVICE NON'>' Phone 983-5310 MAIN STREET ORONO DX SERVICE STATIOY~ Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quahty Produets ___ At Uic Most Reasogable Prices -~ Stove 0110 Diesel 011 Available in any quautlty Phone 987 4215 congratulate Mr.iRalph HUIs on winning a $350.00 Scholar- ship for a tnp to Scatland, St. Andrew's College and ta lana Abbey. He also won the highest honours in the Homi- letics Class of preaching. Thîs was at Queen's Theological College, Kingston. Mr. Huis, preacbed five Sundays in Kendal. The Kendal Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. G. Cathcart' on Wednesday * evening May lStb with the President Mrs. M. Manders in the cbair. She opened the * meeting with tbe ode. Mrs. A. Dennis gave as ber roîl caîl: Name a cammonly used item: give the custom- ary way of measuring and the new way it will be measured in the near future. Same notice that the taothpaste tube had 100 mI. written on it: that is it weighed 100 milligrams, athers naticed 150 c.c. an their medicine battle: others spake af gasoline that we purchase by tbe gallon will be sald by the litre. We will soon be purchasing twd litres af milk a day. Temperature af the weatber is given as 80 degrees Fabrenheit now an the Celsius Tbermometer it register~ as 25 degrees. The minutes were read by Mrs. A. Law. Lt was suggested w~ buy a package of Home and Cauntry seals. Lt was decided that tbe Institute wauld make a donation ta tbe Brownie and Guide Lea4ers instead af ta the girls who were camping. Mrs. J. Henderson suggest- ed we have a craft sale in the faîl. A lady would take charge and bring tbe crafts. All agreed it migbt be worth trying. The lady is ta be asj<ed ta came ta aur next meeting. Mrs. Dennis chose as the Motta "Si is simple." SI is the international symbal for tbe metrîc system. Then she introduced aur guest speaker, Mr. K. Dyk- man who bas a home north of the Kendal village. Mr. Dykman is a teacher naw emplayed by the Gage Educational Publisbing Ca. in Toronto. He asked, "Why must we changeto tbe Metric System? His answer was tbat ninety per cent af tbe countries af the world use it. Businesses that are making articles for metric cauntries do not wisb ta change ail tbeir measurements ta supply us. Mr. K. Dykman gave us a tape measure each. Lt was marked in centimeters. Ten centimeters made a decimet- er and ten decimeters make a meter. Tbis tape was a meter and a haîf long. This is 1.50 meters. All aur dress mea- surements will be in centime- ters. Soon aur highways will be posted speed limît 100 kilo- meters an hour. To find your weight in kilograms. Take haîf your weight and subtract 10 per- cent. For example I weigbt 120 lbs. Haîf my weight is 60 lbs. Then subtract 10 percent af 60 lbs. wbich is six lbs. Therefore I weight 54 kilo- grams. The Celsius Thermometer was quite interesting. A fine warm day is 20 degrees c. Normal body temperature 37 degrees. Our gasoline tank on the car halds 70 litres. Tbe ladies expressed their appre- ciatian ta Mr. K. Dykeman for a very clear and enlighting description of tbe metric system. Orono Brownies IsI orono pack We began the meeting by playing The Dutch Shoe Game. The Brownies then went to their Sixes, marked their attendance and took up the~ collection. One six had perfect attendance, ail brought their money and were in fuli unifarm. Thirty Brown- ies were present. Af ter forming the Fairy Ring, repeating the Brownie Promise, Law and Motto each Six sang their Six Song. Krista Brady told about Brownies iii Mexico, Natalie Philp, Irene Rosseau, Heath- er Watson, Carol Lee Parry, Patti Blaschke, Tammy West, Sandra Dennis, Shelley Gray Julie Gray, Michelle Hartwig, Linda Stevens and Patti Quantrill learned how ta use the telephane correctly Tbey then pretended to make a caîl, identifying themselves and expressing their request clearly. The Brownies Jearning the tests required for the Golden Bar were tald stories about Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and the beginning of Brawn- ~es. Dawn Lane was shownN how ta sew a button on correctly. As Brownies will soon be aver for the year we are practising same sangs for aur last meeting in June. Tawyn Owl led us in Shoo Fly Shoo, and a few rounds. We closed with "Here Cames Lucy." A deliclous lunch was pro- vided by Mrs. W. Hoy and Mrs. A. Foster. There were twelve members present. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. J. Henderson's on dune l9th. Open bouse was held at the Newtanville Manse on Sun- day afternoon from 2 till 5. Reverend and Mrs. G. Mont- gomery welcomed the people af the charge ta their new home. Lunch was served by the ladies. About 80 people attended. Tbe funeral of Mr. Jack Cornish tuok place an Wed- nesday May lSth in Port Hope. Interment Orono. Jack was eleven yrs old when the family moved ta the sixtb line. Visitars with Mrs. Reg Elliott an the Victoria Day weekend were ber sisters Misses Clara and Margaret Senes of Peterborough and Ottawa respectively. Visitars with Mr. and Mrs. R. Brennan were his mother Mrs. W.A. Brennan and his sister Miss Beth Brennan bath of Windsor, Ontaria. Your Friendly Agenoy FOR Ail Personal & Commercial I nsurance SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependable Service 983-5115 ______________a Orono Building AN0 AL%~AATJ~N,4 TEl >VURFfiIENDS Contractor WITNOUTO8Li6ATIDN~ Brick- S, Carpe Fl 983-5441 Block - Concrete tone Work ntry - Cabinet Work bers - fie Orono Electrie BRONO~OIuI Phone Sfl-*~U or 981401ft NOTICE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Citizens of the Town 0f Newcastlo are advised that the Town Council will hold the following series of public partiticpation meetings:- Thurs;., May 23 - 7.30 p.m. New Council Chambers, Church St., Bowmanville WE Citîzens discuss i ~d., May 29 - 800 p.m. Town lia Il, Orono ~d., June 5 - 7.30 p*m. Municipal Hall, l4ampton are invited to corne to these Jneetings and natters of interest with the Town Council. J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Cia rke High School Band Presents Its Furst Annual SPRING CONCERT Clarke High Scbool Auditorium. WED., MAY 29th at7:30p.m. FEATURING: Solos, Ensembles, Grade 9 and Grade 10 Music Classes Refreshmeflts wiIl be served at Intermission- TICKETS: At the door: Adults $1.O0 Students 50c. Advance Aduit Tickets are available from any Band Member for .75c Senior Citizens FREE AIl Proceeds will goto the Uniform Fund "An evening 0f enîoyment for the whole fammly - m m - ----- - - -- - ----i * HALE'S SandandGravel * R R 2, NEWCASTLE I * Pit Run Gravel I I * and Bulldozing * * CALL I * BILL HALE I * Phone 786-2972 or 786-2940 I mmmmmmmmmuummmmm mmml