Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1974, p. 1

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,layer Garnet Rickard cuts Union',s new office. Frrim left ste;Jring Mather, Mayor Rick- ibbon forF the OfficUiaito rightL is Harvey Robinson, ardl, and Claren-eAln -,limng of the OooCredit 51 box ca rs deraîled 5:45 p.m., 51 bo)ix caris cof a CN Freight Train were derailed midway between He village of Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanville. The cidn was well ini view of iba 40.1 witb the OIT keeping xvould beviwr away from, the scene,. Roads in the are-a were blocked off te those wisbing a dloser look. Thirten u nmdred feet of rack waýS tom uLp in the accident but thiere, were ne ainjuries incurred. Work carried on during the, we(ek-end, witb thie debris being mostly cleared maayby late Tuesday. CN Police are imîestigating the cause of the derailment. h i UpIMD em rsoi f tbeBoard of Direetorsand svrlset "rswa tched as ay'ýor ~ard cuit the ribbonl to ~riilyopen the'Cred (it iiJioni's New Office. Lt is wated at 9 Kingý Street in kç1omanville, and will be tlused by Mr týs. P. 'Werry'N, treasurer and manager of the Orono Brancb. Mayor RZickard con-gratul- ated the membhers for their wýork in(lie past years; and for the identity tbiey bave establisbied. Hie added that credfif is one, of the mnost impor-tant ways of our life today, and that this Credit Union is helping to keep \4fdraw winners The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmnen Club bheld their beef drawv on Mlay l2tb witbi Bob Morrison of Hamnptoni having the inning tickle and thus winning a haîf beef. Tbe ticket of Walter Clark, R.R. Kendal was drawn for second prize, a bind qwarter while the third price ticket was tbat of Ron Sutcliffe for the front quarter. c urate itint The Town of Newcastlie. Hfe also said tbat thiis is one of tbe finest things that people caoi cto for ea!cb othe r, by bielping tbem out. Mr-. Sterling Mather was Master, of Ceremonlies and othier spealkers wvere Ciff adof tbe Cred-tUnion ieague and H-arvey Robinson, presidçnti of ~the Oronio Dis- triçt Credit Union. Mr. Charles Osborne men- tined tbe preceeding nman- agers of the Credit Un-lin, and then comiplimiented Mrs. Wryon the e fficiencyý of ber work. Refreshmenits were served if fer tbe opening ceremon. . 1-JEARING TO RECONVENE THIS WEEK Th'le Solanidt bearing re- gainig tbh(,ydro Transmis- sion Lines fromi Lennox to O)shawai is to resumne this week in Port Hope. The bearinigs were postponed on Mlayv91h at the request of the Durham Farmners. The niew Port Hiope Hiearing dlates are Mlay 22, 23 and 24tb. I happenings1 -CLARKE HIGHI SC11OOL BAND1 - will hold their "First Annual'" Spring Concert next Wedniesdlay, to raise m-oney for' band uniformns. Thie band has existed sinice last September, and at the Oshawa Kifest last moentb they were surprised that, they, won in ail classes entered. M,,embers look forward to playing some of these selections at their concert. For details, see Ud elsewbere. OPPOSE HIKE - Coun. Ken Lyall of Newcastle bas served notice of motion to Durhamn Regionial Council that he will, al, thje nlext -meeting, Ma 9ask the Regiona'l counicil to oppose an application by\ Ontario HydrIio f .or a rateý hikep. -This has been the thrCr four-th hlike in toor three years', he' told counicil WeVdnIesday as he gave notice of motion. MORE WOKAT TENI OUETS-Further ipoeet ,ire to) be made at the Orono Tennis couirts this yer ot onlly is the new fcenn o beý put up but the sod inside thie fence -i to berx, oe witi a type of stone surface. Ti a y~eomendedby Ludy Fece. The worký, bigdone .SOMETHING LACKING-The -)VII of May1: passed wijth very- littie acti ity\ in regaýrds fieok.N etein the( Simmiediate area held fireworks thlis year. Such evets a few years agô wière(quite popular. linflation does have its effect. THEEETO TOE ANNUA L 0F 1925. MEV LTI1N G Mr. Robert Uancock, who TeOrnHoeadcoo bas a keen interest in atiquItes Cu aepotoe heir appeared in t0e o ffi is anulmetngwicb wvas to week wîtb a elecion poster ibe beld last nigbtf, May 2lsit. dating back to 1925. As yetý no anonemnias The( poster was retreived been made wbýen the( meeting from the homle of Mir. and will be beld. Ars1 George Carson and alongwith anothier, is well Massey loststhelelection to preserved. Thet poster w.as a Ail'red owýen. The Nw coloured portrai, t of incent catle ('Hall wvas a gift of thle MaLsseyý witb is nime across Mý,sseYs in, that era but il didj tlle top- and Duba cross -110t produce t lie votes to carryv tbe bottomn. M. MalSsey to the Hiouse of it was used in the federal Commons. IHe later did how- election of 1925 when it is ever become the first Canad- reported the countryýside was ianl born Gofvernor General of plastered wîth themn.AMr. Canada. Seven %lyears for importing AHampiton, man was given the iniiiimm sentence of seven years in jail Tbursday wbien bie pleaded guilty te a charige of importing 20 poun-ds of marijuana from Jamaica in October 10, 1973. Biran Gowans, 27 appeared befor'e Judige D.R. Shearer in provincial court in Whitby. Judge Shearer, in handing dlown thie sentence, recom- mended Gowans be parolled at the earliest possible time. He said bis sentence was based on the fact that Gowans bad ne previeus record and that -ble received good char- acter witness statemients frm D.A. Halamii-Andres of Oshawma and L.C. Eccles, personnel manag-er of North- erni Electrýic, wbere hie work- ed. In iaking the recommend- ation, Judge Shearer concur- red xwith defense lawyer Terence Kelly and federal Crown prosecutor, Lawrence Papoff. The ivsiainwas car'- ried out by thie joint drýjug squad of the( Roy\al Canadlian .Mounted Police ins-, a The squaýd is composç)'ed of mmesof t0el CMPthe Otario Prýovincil Police and Durbam Regionlpoi(ce. Also afSSItý inilte(as was the drugseto of the Toronto RCMIP. Police sIzed ftbe 20 pouinds of marijuana worth an im aited $8,0W0 if sold on tlice marijuana, street- in stereo equipment at Gowan's old address at 397 Maplewood D r. The court was told that the speakers them-selves camIe fromn Jamaica, into Toronto Interna tional A irport containing the marijuana. Gowan had been working for the company when hie went over to Jamaica. Junior Gardener' s Enjoy Film Showing Orono Junior Gardeners had four- more new members join at their mneeting on Tues ALMay 4tb. There wee29 1mem1ber1s and 3 Due to He bne of Mr. and Mrsgrs in Holland, MVrs Cbapnnwýas in charge. The Junior Greescreed was rpae and then Mr. Bunting of thei local Nursery of the Departmnent o( Lands anid Fore(sts showed the chfild r-en lte very enjoyable film BevrValley" - a Walt Disney Production. In the film, many close ups were shown whiich the ordin- ary person would seldomn see - the beaver, a ve(getariani eating bark, birds in the nest, a moose standing in deep water searching underneath for sea weed, owls, crickets, a bear in the water catching fish, in this instance salmon who were trying to reach their spawning grounds, otters sliding; down the hilîs on thieir' own "toboggans", and trogs (Continued page ii) Four seeking NDP nomination TlheNw Demnocrats of Riding ý,wîll select ýtheir can- didate for the Julyv 8 federal electcion at a nominating conventflin in LBowmanville May29 at 7:30 p.m. Four candiý'idates are in the runingi' although one has asked ilthat is name flot be pubilicized( at this time be-, cause of previous commit- ments. -He is said to be well known in the Cobourg area. The first of the other three candidates is Tina Olthof, of Darlington , who says shec is depyconcerned about the Lack of protection prov ided 1), the pi-ces review b)oarid. A solutlion te bigb flood prices is an expanded sy' stem of co- operative stores and outlets she say'Ns. Hutgh Jenn~ey, a-ilacerof economics and business fin- ance at Cam-pbellford Higb School is considering candid- acyv because of the amount of foreign o,ýwrship in Caný adai's ;industr-ies. -He cdaims that the present member hias done( nothing to prevent this cniudloss of control of our resource industries. Elmia Parker of Cobourg is sýeeking the nomination to voice ber opposition to what sbe calîs the "unworkal&'e system 6 f wage and price( cont(rols being proposed by, the present memciber Allanl Larne(PC>j as a soluti;on toý the problemns of ilatýiioni. She is a formier vice presidlent of the womnen's scinof the Ontlario Farmn- ers Unlion anld was at onle time th dtrof the Ontario Farmi Seven 'injured in local accident Seven person, were înjured in a two truck and four car pile uip on Hwvy 115, last Wednesdav. Taken to ftnwmanville Me- moriail Hospital, wAere Donald Ransberry,' Mal ilyn Rans- berry' and their one montb old g,91-Briar, of Cbaucery- Avenue,Osa. Ail vwere in satisfactory conldition, uwitb mninor scrapes and bruises. Also taken to hospital but' escaIping injury , were Arlene Wilson of Hamilton and ber children David, seven;, Kimn berly Ann 10. and Lauri-Jean' 2. The father David Wikson was net injured. Newcastle Ontario Proviin- cial. Police arrived shortly after the accident-occurred at 9:20, and by that time, both northbound lanes were block- ed. The Ransberry f aily1 were just turning into their parents driveway, Mr. and Ms.H.' Ransberry's wben they were struck. The accident was reported te the police by the driver of a meving van who saw if take placein bis rear view mirror. Back end of the Ranisberry red. The truck was neot the veblicles. Car* atter thle accident occur- invoived, but swevei-d te miss Credif union opens Bowmanville office I 1 f

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