W. FRANK :K :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED: *2,34 King Street East 0 * BOWMANVILLE * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 : Port Hope office 88545430 For prompt, courteous,5 efficient service whien *buying or , eAlig and: @ for the largest selections * e : of properties in the areag * Contact * Orono Area RepresentatâV¶e 9 Charlie Reid s 983-5914 * Roy Foster e * 983-5801 *William Turanskye (Kendal> * 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 0 Roy Strong *Betha ny 52rîi11 Monuments and Family MemorÏals Otu quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask tMe person Who bouight from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. Thé Ruter Granite Comipany 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phione collect V. W. RIUTTER Office -885-5216 r Home -885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - H1EATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE. BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone* Tyronte 263-2650Gif (harles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Purniture Sales Consuit me for tems and dates Phneno 83-5914 TRENTWAY TOURS SPECIAL TO WWVA JAMBOREE WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA MAY 3rd to 5th SHIOW STARS "'BUCK OWE NS" TrnwaTours Ltd. P.O. Box 772, 131 Charlotte St. Peterborough, Ontario Teleptione (705)743-8181 CICIr 1 T RE NTWAY TOUR-S -lre Public SPECIAL , LIBRARY Monday ,Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8.30 v.m. 2:30 to 5:00 pa.. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m, ORDND L~CTRI flerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliaixces T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECflROHOME Guaranteed_ Serie Randy Thompson' Oron% ,Ontariô -Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We buiîd from the foundation up Box 133 Ph. 668-3552' Stafford Brothers Limaited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHIITBY, ONTARIO 11WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes of' Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Orono Landiscaping SOD)DING> PLANTING SNOW REMJOVAL Phonle 983-5i598 6 DAY BLUE GRASS COU NTRY TOUR NASHVILLE TENNESSEE NO NIGHT TRAVEL. MAY 15 -20 J ULY 31 - AUG. 5 Trentway Tours Ltd. B.O. Box 772, 131 Charlotte St Peterborough, Ontario Telephone,(705)7438181 FOR SALE One Muskrat Full Length Coat, Size 2412. Asking $5u.OC CaîIl 983-9529. FOR SALE One - 73 Polaris TX 295 and cover'. One - 73 Polaris TX 340 and cover. Less than 300 miles on both machines. Double Bed Traider. Cost New. TX 295 - 1,338.75 Carbides 45.00 TX 340 - $220.00 Will seil separate or as package. Make an Offer. Cal 987-4891. a-c-10-17 FOR SALE White Embden Goslings, phone 263-8888. Mr. 'Alan Venemna, Hamipton. t-f NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM SCOTT MOFFAT late of the Township of Clarke in1 the County of Durham, Retired, deceased: Ail, persons having dlaims against the estate of the said William 'Scott Moffat, who died on or abut the 9th day of Novembe r 1973, are hereby notifieci to send to the under- signed Solicitor, on or before the l9th day of April, 1974, their names and addresses and full particulars of their dlaims and thenature of the securities (if any) held by thern fully verified by statut- ory declaration. Immediately after the saiè l9thi day of April 1974, thE assets of the said deceasec will be distributed among thE persons entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claimý of which the undersignec Solicitor shahl then hav( notice. Dated -at Orono, Ontario this -25th day of March 1974. JOHN DOUGLAS MOFFAT Oronko, Ontario FRANCIS GRANT MOFFAI 401 Riverside Drive Oakville, Ontaric W.K. LYCETT, Q.C., Orono Onitario, Solicitor for thE Executýrs. 27-10-17 APARTMIENT FOR RENT Small modern one bedroomn newly decorated with stove and frig. Phione 98.3-5511 after 6:30 p.m,-. APARTMIENT FOR RENT Orono area available now. 2 bedroom- apartmnent, aduits only. References required. Phone 983-5792. WVANTED TO BUY O-ne or two acre parce! suitable for vegetable garder. and for future bulding site. Phone Collect 416-723-8:358 after 5: 30 p.m. -a p NOTICE There will be no story hour Saturday April 13th, 1974. LIVESTOCK GRAND OPENING ARIL 12-13-14 The Riding Shed, EngIislh a-id Western Tack Shop, 'ne, quality tack, harness, carts, grooml-ing equipment, boks and magazines. "APRIL SPECIAL" Poly Rope Haîters - $1.50 English Snaffle Bridies - $9.5o Free Gift with every pur- chase. Open daily. 10 a.m. tili 6 p.m.> Thurs. & Fri. till 9p.m. 2 miles north of Newtonville and one mile east. COMING E VENT The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club invites you to dance to "The Par Four." Saturday April l3tb at the Newcastle Community Hall. Dancing 9-L:30. $5.00 per couple.. For tickets phone 983-5093 after 6 p.m. COMING EVENTS Don't miss Kendal W.î. Penny sale on April 27th, at Kendal Public School at 8:00 p.m. Admission 25e Lunch Served 10-17 NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWASLEBOARD 0F EDUCATION TENDERS Tenders will be received until May 3, 1974, 4: 00 p.mi. for the following items: FENICIN(; Gant, Si ne Public School, D'Arcy St., North, cobourg. TUCKPO)iNTING, Burnham Public Sehool, Burnham Street, COBOURG. Dr. Hawkins Public School, 72 Pine Street, PORT HIOPE. Central Public School, 39 Plin e Street, PORT HOPE. Campbellford District High School, CAMPBELLFORD. Specifications may be ob- tained -from the office of: M.A. MasLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion., Box 470, D'Arcy Street, North, COBOURG, Ontario. INSTALL AN FURNACE No payminents for six months CIll Harvey Partner Your ESSO Service Dealer FREL ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono THANK VOUT To the Orono Figure- Skating Club mothers and executive. A special thank you for your help and co-oper- ation in making the Athletic and Mlasonic banquets a- success. Banqujet Conveeners Rosemary, Joyce and Elaine 'WANTED A baby sitter wanted for one pre-school and one nin scool. Phone 983-5748. Orono Annual meeting of> the Northum berland-Durham Tuberculosis and Rèspiratory Disease Association, Wednes- day, May 8thi at the Green- wood Tower Motel, Highway No. 2, Port Hope, Ontario at, 8: 00 p, M. ORONO Nursery School ENRICHEMENT PROGRAM F0113 TO 5' VEAR OLD CH1ILDREN Five mllornnligs a week Ti-rnsPofftaVion avafille where neededà PHONE 987-4012 Or 983-9132 The Orono Water Safety Club ~REQUIRES "HELPERS" For JuIy and possibly August TO HIELP WlTH THE SWIMMING ]PROGRAMME APPLICANTS MUST HAVE',"SENIORS" OiR ABOVE APPLY IN WRITING BY APRIL 30th, 1974 to: Mrs. Sandra Hudson 11.1. No. 2 01rono, Ontario. ORONO PARK BOARD Requires Appicationsfr PARK MANAGER (Not încluding Booth Concession) DUTIES: (a). . Maintenance and caretaking of the pools and .*. chanigehouse; (b).. Maintenance and supervision of the' (c) .. Collection'and accountinig of revenue - pool ...fees etc. Applications to be iu the hands of Miss AlmaCutteliOrono, Ont. By April 20th, 1974 Farmstead and Rural Home' I mprovement Competition, INTERNATIONAL PLOWING. MATCH, 1975 Open to Rur al Residents in the Durham Region and the Townships of Rama and Mara THREE SECTIONS 1- Farmsteads, where improvemients can be made. 9 Rural Homes, on separated lots, and in Villages. 3-Farmsteads, already improved. Entries close April 30th, 1974. For information, entry forms, and namies of comittee members in your area, refer to) News letter from the Agricultural Offices in Uxbridge or Bowmanville, or telephone your local Agricultuiral Office: - Bowmanville i416-62:Î-33418 Uxbridge A416-852-3132) GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Callyu llcmsed Plumnbing & Mechanfical Contra ctor who seils, instalh M ANWO608W dllduarantees IS TON6UE CAN GCVERN ,4--l& rý4MULI 1TUDE5. CARMAN Orono Towig 1