Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1974, p. 1

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Ontarîo hydro proposes middle route through old clarke A young hockey players toÈr victory banquet last Friday one of the Orono Bantam evening Peter Boots display' s teamis displàys talents other his charactures of his mlanlag- than that of hockey. At a er and his coach, in colour. Next to Peter i,ý MNr. Philp and Everyone ton pay for regiluoal police 1m. what sonne councillors: -ned -"a major policy 'Nd~siol,"a regionai counicil Wednesday supported a fin- ance eommyittee recommend- ation caliing for the 1974 Durham police budget to be financed over the entire region. Although oniy about one- third of the'Councillors vot ed against the recoammenidatîon, thieir opposition was based on a claim of inequitable taxing, as only 88 percent of the region's population is pre- sently receiving regionai pol- ice service. The remaining 12 percent of ~"region receives poiicing ri the Ontario Provincial >ice- (This includes: Danl- ington and Clarke Townships, Township of Scugog, Part of Township of Brock, and former Scott Township). Coun. Des Newman (Whit- by) supported the areas who wiil be pa.ying for, a service they don't receive. Ile wanted to defer a decision until al of the region's 1974 budgets were in, so councli çould "assess the impact", of the financing on the rural areas. "If we get the service, we pay the cost; if we don't get the service, we don't pay the cost, was Coun. Newman's phiiosphy toward the quest- ion. Court. George Ashe (Pick- ering), finance commnittee chahulian, told counil there had been "considerable dis- cussion" at* the committee level about the financing method; but the over-al approach to levying the bil was thought to be the most practical. (Continued page 3) $*67,500 apr Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durhamn, reports from Queens Park thait approval fias heen given for a provincial grant under the conservation auth- orities act to the Central Lake Ontarie Conservation Auth- ority in the amount, of $67.500 for the acquisition of land for I happenings BEWARE - According to M\r. Chas Pearce, Manager of Orono Hyvdro, parking tickets are again being issu ed in Orono. The service is being undertaken by the Parking Control Officer stationied in Bowmanvile. Thermatter of none enforcement of Parking regulations, both in Newcastle and Orono was brought before council a week ago Monday by Councillor Kirk Entwisle. Orono had been without a Parking '--'~cemient officer since thie resiginationi of Mr. N. Vanl 'een ORONO FHIRE SKATING CLUB - The Orono Figure Skating Club will be holding their Annual Meeting on Wednesday April i7th, in the Orono Arena at 8:00 p.m. Al skating mothers are urged to attend this meeting. NOTE FIRKE: CALL CHlANG;E-The Town of Newvcastle Fire Chief announces this week changes in lire areas within the ne mnicipality. The greatest change is in the Newtonville, Newcastle and Orono district ,%her-e Newcastle wilI now servi-e ail that area south of the third fine of the forme CIarke Township). Oronào wiII ser-vice the ar1ea north (;f the third fine. Take note of the advertisement for the particular areas and the lire cail numbers. t ail appears, in this issue of the Times. No POSTAL SERVICE ON GOOD FRIDAY-The wicket at the Orono Post Office will not be open durîng Good Friday nor will there be postal service to the rural routes. Normal service will return on Saturday and on Monday. Ontario Hydro submitted to the Soldant Commission on April 2nd, that the propose& hydro transmission linE through Clarke Township from Lennox to Oshawa follow the route "C". They also admitted there was no ideal route to choose through this area of Hope, Clarke anid Darlington. The route chosen through Clarke runs through part of Concession five and then north to go through concession seven. It is pro- posed that the fine will jog forth at Dick Morton side road when it leaves conces- sion seven. The fine wiil pass just north ofKrb on its swing west,, Io te rght ohr Witerige. They have thus turned down Young peter dispiays pienty D.mr othr oue ot of talent and this work has to D hrough Pontypool and be seen to be reaîîy appreciat- along the existing Gatineau ed right of way and a southerly ot z ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, APRIL 1th, 1974. Orono pupils Moderator to at Choirama conduct Pupils of Orono Public Schooi wiil be among the schools represented at Choir- ama, 1974, on May 9 at Port Hope United Church. The two hour program, beginning at !0 a.m. will be entirely choral with 450 chois- ters participating. Besides Orono public, wilt be pujis from Dr. Powers School, Campbellford's Hill- cr-est School at Port Hope's Dr. Hawkins Senior Public School. The Peterborough County School Choir under the direct- ion of W.A. Crane, wili also pa rticipate in the programn. ~rovre d fo0%r purchaî-%seC the establishment of the proposed Hampton Conserv- ation Area. The proposed Hampton Conservation Area comprises some 16 acres of land in the Township of Darlington, lying within' the Vilage of Hamp- ton. The property consists of two parcels - an area of some 15 acres and a one-acre parcel on which is located the present owner's brick house and the Hampton Grist Mili on Bowmanville Creek. The authority's purpose in acquiring these properties; is to initate the first phase of a land assembiy programn te create a conservation area in the, Village of Hampton. centering on the Miii pond and Bowmanviile Creek.. This conservation area wili aiste becomre an important ink la, the future Bowmanvilie Trail, which will extend from Lake Ontario to the Enniskilien Conservation area. The house will be utilized as a residence for the area superintendent. The Miii, Nwith its water-power equipment, wiil be used as an interpretive centre to il1ustr- ate the importance of river systems to community de- veiopmnent and aiso as a workshop and storage area. AIl member municîpalities will bear the authority's share of the cost. retreat "The New Creed', will be the theme of the Spiritual Retrat to be conducted by Dr. Bruce Mcbeod, Moderator of the United Church of Cnada, on Wednesday Aprii 17, 1974 at 9 a.m. at St.* James Church corner of Romaine and Aylmer) Peterboro, at the Anntial Meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference United Church Women. The Conference begins on Tuesday, April 16, with re- gistration from il a.m. - 1:15 p.mn. An outstanding after- noon feature at 1:30 is a panel on Chaplaincy work with C-haplainis to the Deaf, the Chinese Hospital work, and Penal Institutions participat-. ing. Rev. Tom Edmonds, who is presently at St. Columba House Monitreal wil speak on his work there. La the evening, he will tell cf his experiences as an Agricuitural Evangeiist in Brazil. AIl interested people are invited to attend. route, roughly three miles north of Lake Ontarîo, known as Route A. Alil routes wouldhave VisuIai drawbacks in some places," Hydro says in its brief presented to Dr. Ormond Soladnt, the commissioner who will fina1ly decide what route the power lines wil take. Hydro presented its recom- miended route at a meeting in Port Hope, Tuesday but public hearings will begin on May b. Alil routes would cross land being actively farmed, the, brief continues.. On .balance, the recommended route seemns to have no greater impact on- these features white managing to avoid the areas of expanding resident- ial developmnent to the south. (Continued page 3> 4-H registrations stili open Registratlion for the 1974 4-H Agricultural' Program in Durhamn County wili close on May lst. Any young people between the ages of 12 and 20, as of Januairy lst, 1974 are eligible to, take part in the 4-H Program during the upcom- ing year. For a complete list of the clubs tQ be offered this year, as weil as, information on what is involved in thie 4-H1 Program, we would encour- age anyone who is îniterested to get in, touch with the Agriculturai Office anid taik with the 4-H Co-ordinator in the County, Bob McNaughton. Once again, a reminder that registration deadline for the 4-H Program in the County is May lst. Masonic ladies' night a delightful evening o)rono Locige, Ad'. & A.M., no. 32ý5. G.R.C. held their, annuai Ladies', Night. on Saturday eveing at the Orono' United Church. About' 160 were in attendance for the evening which is one of the largest gatherings for the occasion in the past few years. Those in attendance enjoy- ed not only the socialaspect of the evening but also a turkey dinner served by the ladies of the Orono Figure Skating Club. Hîghlight of the entertajnment was the Horse- less Carriagemen, a barber- shop from Oshawa as weIi as piano and organ music by Mr. Jim Wilson. The Horseless Carriagemen numbered thir- ty in their vocal group. Bro. Stirling Mather acted as master of ceremiony for the entertainment. Wor. Master Bro. Klaas Schoenm-aker welcomed those present and wishied ah ant ýnjoyahle evening. Thie head table guests were introduced by Worý. Bro. Norman Aluin with Bro. T. Henderson pre- senting the toast to the ladies. Mrs. Klaas Schoenmaker replied for the ladies and was presented with roses and a gift by Bros. b. Gatcheil and Basil Long. The toast to Grand Lodge was made by S.W. Bro. Darrel Devolin and respond- ed to by Rt. Wor.' Bro. Alex Hendry, rDDGM. Mrs. Ethel Lycett express- ed thanks f'or the, invitations extended to the miasonic widows. Clarke law s'uit. now to new council As if opening Pandora's box at Monday nighÇ,s Newcastle counicii meeting- -in BowAmanl- ville, council w as somewhat surprised to find one of the things they'd inherited from the former Clarke Twp. is a lawsuit from Jan Ochonski a township land-owner and building contractor. Howard Swartz, an Oshawa lawyer representing MIr. Och- onski, said the basis for the suit dates back as far as Janiuary of 1969 and since that time his client' and solicitors have had a running battle with the now defunct Ciarke Twp, council, the Ontario Municipali Board, Queen's Park and now Newcastuie ('ontînued page 2> Spring freshettes have been into the Or-ono Estates from i a ' widt h of sonie twenty feet. responsible for a wash-out at thie Ta)unton roaid. The fil The w sot occurried' over Robbins Street, an entrarice width oif the road has vanishied 1lteweket

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