Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1974, p. 4

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4-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH 2th, 1974 Comm %1%,ir ittee holIds off plan approval Chatterton YElectric ORONO, ONTAI* Phone 983-5546 or 983-5C40 .tesidentiaiComm lielria Industrial, Brick -Bloch « Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet W ork Floors -TMe 1983-544i Orone The Planning Advisory Committee of tbe Town of Newcastle beid off any decis- ion on the proposed Newcastle Shoreine Developments who propose to cýonstruCt borne ranging from $75,000 to $,90,000 on part of lot 25, broken front in the Village of Newcastle. Town Pianner, George How- den recommended that coun- cil be asked to request the province to defer any decision in this proposai. The commiittee wisbies to set a. uniform11poliecy vOn such developmnent and it was noted tbat those previousiy in force in tbe Village of Newcastle differed from tbose in otber former centres wýitb a lesser amount of criteria. The pianner ilso stated that the cm tteorCoineil mwas net cmitdby dci-,ision of formner councils. He said a much(.I wiclr approach mnust riow vbe takenl. Mlr. Hlowden said that due to thle water upl in the Viaeand other mattfers it would bepaue to give apprevai to the proposai. Although tbe conmittee did conicuitb l their planner in thec mlatter of thle Newcastie sub dlivision theyv did nlot whenI it camne to tbe matter of a Diary,%-barn drive-in proposai to be locatedl on Highway No. 2 at V'arcoe's road. The cemmnittee gave their approv- ai to this matter whiCb first camre betore the Darlington planning board in 1971. The Town Pianner in this miatter stated that the pro- posi was flot compatible to fHighway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premlium Quality PouL At the Most Reasoniable prices Stove 011 Diesel 011 Avaiable in any quanftty Phone 987-4215 What is Sof t Water Rainwater is soft. But as it soaks through the ground to rivets and lakes and wells - on its wjay to your faucet - it dissolves 'hard' minerais. So it is less able to dissolve other tbings, suchi as soap. .The hard minerais combine with soap to form a sticky scumn around bathtubs and wasb basins. The minerais formr 'lime' deposits on kettles,pipes and water heaters. Hard water is bard on soap, hard on ciothes, bard on people. Sof t water brings back the soft life ..brings- back the old fashioned, chemnical-tree detergent free, dirt-free, trouble-free luxury anc gentleness of rainwater. Cail your Duro plumnber. He wiii teli you the exact degree oi hardness of the water suppiy in your home, or lie will have a samipie tested by the Duro laboratory at no cost te you. H-e will give you an estimate for the low cost~ luxury of Sof t Water the gentie way to save mnoney, time and housework, Your Duro Plumiber is: Harvey uP"artneàr Ltd Phone 983-5206 the existing residences. Doug Moffatt stated that the applicant had acted in good faith but that the rules had been changed in the middle of the gamne. The comimittee is to recom- mend to council that amend- ments be passed to the zoning by-law to ailow the construct- ion of the Dairy Barn. Kendal news A num ber of friends and neighbours from the eigbth Uine and Kendal attended the funeral of Mr. James Luxon- on Wednesday March 13. Mr. Roy Macdonald had a tonsil operation on Monday, Mvarch il. We are giad to report that Mrs. Julia Jackson is recov- ering from bher operation in Oshawa Hospital and expects to be borne soon. MIr. Arthur Tbompson at- tended tMe %eddîng of his cousin Brenda Waler to JIack Wiiianson in Port Hlope United Chiurch on Marcb the Miss Cathierine Stewart and Mrs. G. Catbicart spent Wed- necsday Maýlrcb 13 in, KingÉ-sview United Cburch Oshawa. One bundffred and eigbty ladies of the Osbawa Presbyvteriali met to iearn more aboutt the work of Our churcb and its mission- ary outreýeb. Oïv'll tender goes to Sheli 0ON Newcastle works commit- tee Thiursday awarded the 11974 fuel contract to0 tbe highest of four bidders becau- Se o111yvtbat onle Company' appeared pre-pared te set a firm yvear-long price. The contract went te Sheli Canada for- the suppiy of about 57,00o) galions of gaso- line, 12,000 galions, et diesel fuel and 93,000 gallons et furnace oul, on conditions that a suitabie agreemnent can be worked eut for the purchase of1 piumps, tanks and other equ- ipmnentwhb , in the past, bave been suppiied free et charge by the oil companies. Tl'le tender prices were: Shieil gasoline 47.8; diesel,1 52.4 furnance oil, 25.5 Murphy()Ou, gaseline, 49, diesel 51.20, and furnance oil, 24.9. Fina, gaseline 48.9, diesel 419.45, and furnance oi1 24.ý85, Texaco gasoine 49.7 diesel 53.40 and furnance oul 97.9 Memibers of the works comminittee said tbat the tenders were based on the supplier getting aIl three centracts. Works chairmnan Coun. Don Wearn said Sheli was the oniy one, to submit a firmn price for the year. Coun. Kirk Entwisie said an extension et the bids indicated that Sheli was bligbiest efthte four- and tbat Fina was $800 loWer. ]REGIONAL BUDGET (Continued from page 1) CeteiLake Ontario Con- servation Atoritv for, its administration, maintenance and floodpflain miapping. A furtber $665,000 te tbree hospitais in tbe regien, was given a sert et in limbe approvai hy the comnmittee. l3ecause there is seme question ithe Durham Act about regional contributions te hespitais and because the legai questions et Durham's invoivement are under study, the amount might not corne eut efthte region's coffers. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u L. Stanley Chapman A lii long resident et Kirby, Lawrence Stanley Chapman dided suddeniy at his home on Sunday, February 17, 1974 atter a short iliness. Born on October 19, 1895 the son et the late Isaac T.' Chapman and Louise Thernton. H1e atte nded scbooi at Kirby'Public and Orono Continuation schooi, farming for the rest et bis lite. On Sept. 20, 1933 bis uncle Rev. Fletcher Cbapmtan mar- ried bim and the fermer Lîla M. Nelies et Wiisonviiie who survives him. Aise suriving are a daugbter, Mrs. Francis Jose (Enla) Newcastle and a son, Gien predeceased him aise, 2 sisters, Mrs. Wallace Weish (Floreila) and Ferni. Alw-ays interested in Corfn- munity affairs. 11e x3as an active imember et Kirby United Churcb serving on many% hoards and conmmîtt- ees. Hle was alie a mnember et Orono Masonic Ledge and KendaiL 1.O.L. and a past director et Oreno Cemietery Board. Ile (enjoyed lite. andc hadj taken miany trips abroad, incliuding1 the Ho!iy Land twice, nianyv counities ini Europe anid Asia, arounid tel) worid il) 1969 and South 'American in 1973î. Mr. Cliapmian rested at theý Director of Public Works 135 <%.O Jack Dunbbiam said equip- ment that wouid bave te be Ua.mna S £tlltsI purchased iniciuded two eomi resr tdwogreaisers .750 beside the puimps and tanks. Mr. Wearn said tbe oul companies aremow cbangîng MAIN STREET ORONO their polcy regarding sch Phone9 3 5 1 equiment anid tarmers, wbo Poe9351 have n the past received free F O A T T . K O U T S E RV IC E use of pumips anid storage FOFATAKOU ERIS tanks are being asked to buy________ _____________ tbat eciuipmnent too. Notice of Public Hriea rings into the Transmission of Power f rom Lennox to Oshawa Morris Funeral CHapel in The Town of Newcastle now Bowmanviiie for service on lies in botb the Central Lake Tuesday, February 19 at 2.3,0 Ontario Autbority and the p.mi. then to Lang Memoriai Ganaraska Autbority, and the Chapel, Orono for Spring Scugog proposai would set a internment. Rev. Basil Long third region in a portion of the officiated. Pal bearers were Newcastle area. Raymond Cbapman, Bruce > CHapman, Sid Rutherford, Councillor Hobbs in the Ken Bail, Gus Wilson iandErn past fias onjecrea (0 iie Bryson. budgets and programn of the Central Lake Ontario Auth OppOSed to ity., 3rd au horit The Scugog Authority is 3r a th riy proposed for the Scugogan Botb regional1 councflors Pigeon River Watersbed. Two Ivan Ho bbs and Ken Lyail members fromn Newcastle bave expressed some opposit- bave been asked to attend the ion to tbe Town- of Newcastle organizational meeting of the being included in the Scugog new authority this comning Conservation Autbority whiçch Tuesday in Lindsay. is now under consideration. OEOE'SN 'coues .20a r? I I I I 1. The Province of Ontario appointed Dr. Omond Solandt, under the Public Inquiries Act, by Order-in-Council OC-836[73 dated the 2lst day of March, 1973, "to inquire int the, most appropriate route or routes for the transmission of powver to the Toronto loed centreI from Ontario Hydro's existing Lennox Generating Station and proposed stations at Wesleyville and Bowmanville". 2. Commissioner Solandt has requested Ontario Hydro to flile a written (technical) re- port, pertauning to this matter and to preserit an oral summnary of the report to interested parties at a public and press conference beginning et 10 e.m., on April 2, 1974, in the Royal Canadien Legion Hall, 99 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Ontario.I 3. Any interested party who wishes to present a brief should file a copy of such brief with the Secretary on or before April 26. *1974, indicating et the seme time whether heI wishes to speak et a subsequent public hnearing and, if sa, whether at Port Hope or at* Bel levil le. 4. Any other interested party who wishes to mnake oral representetions at the subse- quent public tioarings, either personally or through a representative, should indicate his intent to do so in writing to the Secretary, on or before April 26, 1974. Such parties should specify in ritinq the area of their concern and indicete the nature or the testimony which they wish to give et the subsequent hearings, and whether etI Port Hope or at Belleville. 5. Commissioner Solandt will hold a pre-heering, beginning et 10 a.m,, on April 29,I 1974, in the Royal Canadien Legion Hall, Po)rt" Hope, in order that the schedujle and pro- cedures of the subsequent public hearings may be discussed with interested parties. 6. Commissioner Solandt wiIl hold public hearings, beginning at 9:00 e.m.. in the Royal' Canadien Legion Hall, Port Hope, on May 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 1974, (end on such addi- tional days as mnay be required>; and et the Four Seesons Hotel, il Bey Bridges Roed Belleville, on May 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 1974, (and on such additional deys as mev bà..,. required), in order that interested parties may have an opportunity to ask questions of à Ontario Hydro and to present evidence. 7. To eccomnmodate special circumstances, and uniqueý local concernis, Commnissioner Solandt will consider requests, by interested parties, to hold additionial heerings in other parts of Ontario, either day or evening sessionîs. Ail such requests, however, should be filed with the Secretary on or before Aprïi 26, 1974. 8. Copies of Ontario Hydro's report and recommiendlations will be on view in area Munîci - pal offices, end the Solandt Commission office. Copies of ail briefs filed will be on view et the Solandt Commission office, the Royal, Canadien Legion Hall in Port Hope, and theI Ontario Hydro Eastern Region Office, 420 Dundes Street East, Belleville. Individuel copies of Ontario Hydro's report mey be purchased fromn the Ontario Government Bookc- store, 880 Bey Street, Toronto. For further information, please contact: *Neil B. Cole, Secretary. The Solandt Commission, I91h Floor, Ferguson Block, *Que.n's Park, Toronto, Otro ( 416) 965-1431 L - m m m - m m m m-- m m m m- -m-m--m-m DX SERVICE STATlONý z

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