Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1974, p. 7

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SEay7' S'T W« W.FRANK: :e REAL ESTATE:é LIMITED a 234 King Street Eaat e * O WMAN VILLE * 0 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 : Port Hope office 88545430o Fo prompt, courteouna,. Oefficient service wlieu* * buylng or 6elikg anmêS 0 ?or the larget seleetior.e ) f properties lu thse area5 *Contact * Orono Area Representativm * Charlie Reid ~ 983-5914 : Roy Foster 983-5801 *William Turansky.*, * (Kendal1) * 983-5420 *Dane Found * 623-3965 e e e e Si Roy Strong Betha n y52rll11 Monuments end FamîIy Memorials Our quality and servce leaves nothlng te be desfred Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative The' Rutter Granite 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V. W. RUTTER I'ffIcee 885-54216 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Lew Intereat Rates Phone., Tyrene 263-2650 GQif (harles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer ValIuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Clarke Public LIBR AR Y Monday, Tuegday, Thursday and flday 6:30 te 8:30 pa. 2:30 te 5:00 pa.. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Flerb and Gerry Duvail 983518 CELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ILECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliauces T.V.- COLOI)R TV. RADIO -RI-FI WESTINGIIOUSE LECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Randy Tkompson Oxoo Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remuodelling We build from the foundation up Box, 133 Ph. 668-3552. Staffo rdJ B rothers Limited FOR SALE Sealed Tenders marked "Tender" will be received for a 1955 Chevrolet truck, equip- ped with line body , A frame derrick, wench and cable, 2 diggers. Truck may be viewed at the 'inder'tiened and to be sold Qq is, where is. Tenders accepted until 12. noon, March 26th, 1974. Orono Hydro Electric Com- mission, P.O. Box 127, Orono, Ontario, lniMO. 11-18-c HELÉ WANTED MAINTENANCE MAN Application will be received by the undersigned until Friday, March 22nd, 1974 for theposition of Maintenance Man. *-Knowledge of mechanical and electrical machinery re- quired. Ability te service and maintain plumbing and heat- ing equipment and electrical equipment. Must have previous exper- ience in general building and equipment maintenance. Reply in writing stating qualifications, experience, telephone Number and ad- dreas to: MA. MacLeod Business Administer and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education Box 470 Cabourg, Ontario HELP WANTED H1EAD CARETAKER Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Friday March 22nd, 1974 for the position of Head Caretak- er at the Bowmanville Hligh SchooL. Ontario operating engineers cet tificate, sound basic know- ledge of refrideration, exper- ienced in the operation of air conditioning system. Know- ledge of school caretaking procedures. Reply in writing stating qualifications, exper- ience, telephone number, and address to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Adrinistrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario. SManufacturers of ___ Memorials 318 Dundas Street Eastj PUMPING OUT WHITBY, ONTARIO WA TSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOAT$ Ailouette Snew Mobiles. McCulech Chain Saws Repaira to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Orono Landscaping SODDING, PLANTING $NOW REMOVAL Phone 983-5598 SEi'TIU 'TANKIS Bert Tomipkina Phone 786- 2552 Newtonville, Ont aric ýMilIson Ins urance Agency, AUl classes of personal 'and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and Cobbiedick Street 983-5032 les. 983-5754 FOR SALE Wringer-washer McClarv- Easy. Asking $20.uu. Cal 9M-5928. a-C FOR SALE Hay for sale. Reasonable. Caîl 987-4012., a-c FOR SALE Baby's Car Bed,' coffee table, and two end tables. Cal after 5 p.m., 983-9406. a-c You' are.invited to corne t) Orono United Church on' Sunday, March 17 a t 7 16 n.n1 to hear a group, or young people called Shiloh. Sponsor- ed by the Orono Youtb Group. NOTICE QRONO HOCKEY MOTHER Our annual meeting wiil be held on Tuesday, March 17tl. at 7:30 p.m. at the Orono Arena . Wii l al mothers please attend. NUTritX Complete day care avail- able in my horne. Please phone 983-9310, or corne te 37 David's Crescent, Orono. 13-20-27-6-13 COMIING EVENTS U.C.W. General Meeting in Main Hall ef Oreno United Church on March 21 at 2 p.rn. Special program la planned. Corne and brlng a friend. Please note change of time to afternoon. 13-20 COMING EVENTS St. Patrick's Tea and Rurn- mage Sale sponsored by Unit 4, Orono U.C.W. in Main Hall, Orono United Church on Saturday, March 16 beginning at 2p.m. 13 INSTALAN FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER HEATER No payments for six monthls Harvey Partner Your ESSO Service Dealei n'REE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono lHiamiltofls insurance Service Yeur Friendly Agency FOR Ail Personal& Com merdia Infsurance SNOW WLL SOO BEHERE PHONE FOR FAST SNOWMOBILE Insurance Service SADIE HAMILTON SUE SAWYER JIM HARE For dependable Service 983-5115 NOTICE CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY No Story Hour March 16th - 23rd. TENDERS. Tenders will be received until April 15th, 1974, 4: 00, for Roof Restoration and Repairs at the following schools. Burnham Publie School, Burnham Street, Cobourg. Central Public School Annex, (Old Bowmanville High School, Queen Street, Bow- manville.) Central Public School, 120 Wellington St., Bowmanvile North Hope Central PtS, R.R., 1, Campbellcroft. Cook's Public School, R.R. 6. Cobourg. Courtice West Public School, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. C. R. Gummow P.S., Gravely St., Cobourg. George Hamilton Public Sehool, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Dr. M. S. Hawkins P.S., 72 Pine St, Port Hope. Howard Jordan P.S., Percival St., Port Hope, Maple Grove West P.S., R.R. 3, Bowmanville Merwin Greer P.S., 457 King. St. E., Cobourg. Ontario Street Public School, Ontario St., Bowmanville. Stockdale Public SchOol, R.R. 1, Frankford. Spring Valley Public School, R.R.6, Brighton. Thomas Gilîbard P.S., 323 George St., Brighton. Campbellcrof t District High School, Campbellford. Cobourg Distrcit Collegiate Institute, East, Cobourg. East Northumberland Secon- dary Sehool, Brighton. Port Hope High School, Port Hope. Specifications and drawings may be obtained from the office of M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator dnd Treasurer, Northumnberland' and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. G.W. DRYWALL TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRY WALL, PLASTER REPAIRS Phone 983-5518 WaIIy Lucyk ORONO Cal) your Ilcensed Plumbing & Mfechanica) Con fractoi who seils, instais and ,quarantme CARD OF THANKS I would like to say thanks to aîl my relatives, friends, neighbours for their cards, gifts and visits, while 1 was a patient in Memfoial Hospital Oshawa General., Thanks to ail the nurses and staff to the ambulànce staff. Drs. McKenzie and Dr. Grant. The Orono Oddfellows Lodge, Heather Rebekah Lodge Rev. Long United Church Ladies. Many thanks to ail my famîly, for their kindness given to their mother and myself.- Also, thanks. to the Bow- manville Legion and Mr. Dunlop for their. gift at Christmas 'Time. Calvin Mvles. D.C.M. CARD 0F THANKS On behaîf of the Ontario Heart Foundation, I wish to thank the canvassers and the citizens of Orono for your very generous support of our recent Heart Fund Drive. Ethel Lycett CARD 0F THANKS Many thanks to ail those who sent me cards, paid me visite, while 1 was in Memor- ial Hospital, also gifts from others and U.C.W. Kirby church and Eastman's Gulf and staff, Newcastle. Mrs. Zella Graham CARD 0F THANKS I would, like to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbours and relatives, for cards, flowers, gif te, and visits, while a patient in, Memorial Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Spear- and Dr. McKenzie, and to ail thee wonderful nurses who cared, fior me. DORA PLAIN. IN MEMORIAM LOWERY: In deepest rever- ence to the memnory of J. Hartwell, a devoted husband and father, who departed this life March 13,'1973. We neyer part with those we love, No distance can, divide, For every day in memory We stili walk side by sie. His wife Katie and family ORONO Nlursery School ENR ICHMENT PROGRAM FUR ý/ TO 5/-YEAR OLD *CHILDIRFN Five môrnings a week Transportation available where needed PHONE 987-4012 or 983-9132 ) IFAStIREABLE 5TATE OF TJME 15, WPEN TME 516NAL 11MRNGRf,ý ýAI) THE CAR BEHIND NOU SLOW5 IT5 HORN. CARMA N Oreno Towing1 Phione 983-5207 Orono GENERAL, REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Grono 1

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