Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1974, p. 8

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"O(NO' WEEKLYV TIMES. FFRRUARY 27th. 1974 Up and dlown the bookstacks THIURS. FEB. 28th, 1974 ADULT Human Fundamentals ,by Paul Mason Frank (a person- al philosophie guide) Flaubert the Master by Enid Starkie i(biography) A Detectives Story by George Hatherill (true s tories froir Scotland Yard) Mirrors of the Soul by KahliJ Gibran Journey Into Stone by Audrey Erskine Lindop (Suspense) Goodbye to the Purple Sage by Rex Benediet (western) JUNIOR I Know a Mayor by Barbara Williams The Jacques Plante Story by Andy O'Brien (biography) National Governments Around the World by Eloise Engle Mystery in the Museum by Betty Cavanna EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS The Secret Birthday Message by Eric Carie The Kittens' A B C by Clare Turlay Newberry Madeleine Hadle3 Brighton school considered for integ ration of reta rded The successful integration of Sunshine Heights students in Port Hope High school was discussed at a public meeting ini Brighton recently where a similar program is being investigated. Chairman of the advisory committee for trainable re- tarded children, Mr. J.C. MeKague, told a meeting of the sehool board on Thursday that the feasibility of inte- grating the Trent-Brighton School with the Brighton Public Sehool, was under investigation. We had a meeting with parents of the Trent-Brighton children and many expressed some misgivings, he said. However I think some pro- gress was made. In his report which was adopted by the board Mr. MeKague said Northumber- land and Durham sehools for the trainable retarded were in a generally happy state. The board approved his recommendation that Mr. G. Cooke, Mr. H.O. Knapper and himself should attend the O.M.A.R. workshop in the Park Plaza Htel, Toronto, on March 1 and 2 this year. Orono Girl Guides As you were aware from our last issue that the Orono Guides and Brownies had a week planned for their Think- ing Day. At this time we Swould like to give our thanks to Mrs. Benniidict for going around these past three weeks so thaï we may place a display in Armnstrongs store window. Also to the people who were able to assist her in finding this History of our Local Gies Thet tnp to Toronto which included a bus load of 48 Guides and their leaders was Orono Brown ies lst PACK ORON() BROWNIES Last week at Brownies we were entertained by the presence of Mrs. H. Ali. Mrs. Ali, came to Brownies and talked about the Brownies of Jamaica. Teliing us of the varilus colours, life styles and-way of life. Mrs. Ali, brought various, jeei.,wood carvings, pictures and fruit from Jam- aiea some of which the Brownies would make to seil, so they may use the money tG help the needy.. Mrs. Ali brought somne sugar cane and each--brownie had a taste of this. The brownies and the lead- ers of the Orono lst Pack of Brownies would like to thank Mrs. Ali, for the beautiful' presentation. The Bruwnies will be going to see Peter Pan, in Toronto at the Maple Leaf Gardens, on March 20th, 11974. 35 Years Ago BY SHELLEY, LOUCKS 1938- Leskard Church had made a request to be taken back into the Orono circuit. A committee of five was ap- pointed to work in conjunction with the Leskard committee to work out details concerning the rejoining. If satisfactory arrangements could bc made, the matter would be submitt- ed to the Oshawa Presbytery for further action. The Garden Hill quartet were voted the most popular artists on a Toronto radio in which they appeared on February 13, 193R. Orono was thrilled to have real "Talking Pictures" corne to the Town Hall on February 28th. t was a "World Broth- ers" production which. featur- ed "A girl ofthe Limberlost", and an added attraction was what they described as, EXTRA-SENSATIONAL SCOOP "The famous Dionne Quintuplets." LIKE POLnqr (uontinueci iruju page 2 are to permit the inspector to enter. The majority of the plann- ing advisory committee feel that it is necessary to pass thîs bylaw, in order to control the construction of buildings in the corporation. Mr. Lyail continued to say that a "Mlan's. home is his castle," and he stressed the point of freedom. He added "I'rn fighting for my freedom, and I spent -3 bloody years in the army to prove it." The committee decided to refer the matter to council for adoption, after it is reviewed by a s olicitor, to straighten out the facts which they are confused about. Orono united Church for having a memorable service Sunday which not only includ-, ed our Guides but also the Boy scouts. During the Service Rev. Long who f'or the past seéveral weeks was giving his guid- ance in Religion, and Life, presentcd Ruth Tate, Janice ' l)uesbury, Kerry Grady, l)iane Covin, Janice Heard, Lydia ('arman, Chris Bened- dict, Karen Atkins, Bonnie ltahmn, 'th Nixon, Beth G;îteheil, Kendra Kémp, An- et a Wi ncock, Susan Stolk, 1n EI('anor McKnight wi1hý 0. P. P. News The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the fol- lowing 'motor vehicle collis- ions and occurrences durîng the week of February 11, 1974 to February 17, 1974. Twenty-three motor vehicle collisions were'investigated in which four persons were injured. As a resuit of these collisions, five persons have been charged with offences under the Highway Traffie Act and one person hasý been charged with a driving offen- ce under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle officer s also completed 81 occurrences of a general nature. Some of these occurrencez> are as follows: There were six investigations into the offence of "Theft", two investigations into, the offence of' "break-Enter", three investigations into the offence of "trespass" and oie investigation into the offence of "Wilful. Damage." Other investigations concerned do- mestic complaints, missing persons and reports of lost property. Three persons have neen charged with offences under the liquor Control Act, six persons have been chargêd with driving offences under the Criminal Code and ten! persons have been charged with offences, other thi... driving offences, under the Criminal code. On February 4, 1974, it was reported that the Liquor Store in the Village of Newcastle had been broken into and a quantity of liquor worth more than $185.00 had been stolen. As a result of investigation three area youths have been charged with this Break, Enter and Theft. SNOWMOBILE SAFETY MESSAGES: Safety is fine. I'm ahl for it. JAC RICARDI REA LTOR 9e King St., E. BOWIMAN VILLE When Buyin g or Selling Cal 'WILF 'HAWKE Your Orono Area Representative 983-5274 Memnber of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board BuiIdîtng caHouse? or remodelling your present oue? Then Contact Fl oyd Nicholson iPhone 983-5049 Orono Many a snowmobiler has said this, but he shoud have added, "Iup to a point"., With ail too many people safety is fine until it interferes with the way they usually work or play, or when it requires extra effort. This is the Ontario Provin- cial Police, and we're asking you not to give Safety Lip-Service. We mean, don't be safe up to a point. Work at it and really be safe:, Operate your snow machine as if your life depends upon how you behave. Becaù'se, in mnany instances, it really does. WI1N- $25.OO0 We are Iooking for a name for our new restaurant which will open soon on l-ighway 115 southof 35 and 115 intersection (Enterprise). The contributor- of the winni 1ng name, will receive $25.00. Mail your suggestion to P.O. Box 192, Orono along with your name and phone number or just phone 983-9303. MiUke's and Nr'ický's SHELL SERVICE STATION NOTICE Hydro Rmate Increase Inflation in the form of rising wholesale pow]er costs and local operating costs has tiade it necessary to increase our retail rates effective with alilbis rendered on or after May 1, 1974. The new rates have been approved by Ontario Hydro who havi joined with this hydro system in extensive rate studies to ensure that each customer classification is charged as closely as possible according to the costs of supplying service to that classif ication. This adjustmnent incorporates a new general service rate which replaces the previous commerical and industrial rates. In doingso, Orono Hydro System joins 321 other Ontario utilities who have adopted the general rate classification. This new classification places more emphasis on total energy used, rather than the kilowatt demand., It is customer oriented particularly in the sense that it results in a more equitable sharing of costs by customers. While this hydro commission shares your concern in the matter of the increasing cost of energy and-will continue to keep our hydro rates as 10w as possible in the f.ace of inflationiary trends, we also seek your assistance in, reducing your costs, through the efficient use of energy. NEW NET MONTHLY RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Effective on ail bis issued on or after May 1, 1974 Kilowatt hour (KWH) Consumption FIRST 50 KWH NEXT 200 KWH NEXT 500 KWH BALANCE Cost per KWH 4.8e 2.5 1.05 1.25 NEW NET MONTHLY RATES FOR G E NERA L SERVICE CUSTOMERS Demand Charge: o-50 KW BALANCE Energy Charge: FIRST 50KWh NEXT 200 KWh NEXT 9750 KWH BALANCE' Effective on ail bis issued on or after May 1, 1974 No charge $2.50 per KW Orono Hydro System1 For fuirther iýnformation contact the Orono Hydro Ofie - - - - - - - - I _

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