--OItONO WbEEKLIrMFS. FEBRUARY 27th, 1974 Pictured above are the dir-ectors and officers of the Orono District Credît Union, ( 1 to r) 'Charles Gilkes, Russel Osborne, Joeseph Walker, Ro- bert Alun, Mrs. Leila Werîy, Angus Loucks, Clarence Mar- tin., Bifl Kean and Robert H. Robinson. CHRISTIANS Israel a nation ag ain as prophesied in the Wordof c'Odt. The geat sign ofd the , coming ofl The Lord Jesus. (in ersoni) to mile the world frmjerusalem. Areyou ready? For free informiation about this overloýoked Gospel mness'age write - A sk P.o. Box 221' WESTON, Ontarîo M9N 3M7 Jambreeto fe atu re MyWra Mac Donauld Must be iunvolved in customer education, Daniel J. O'Meara in speaking to the annual meet- ing of the Orono District Credit Union stated that the founder of the mnovement had mneant it to be more than just another financial institution. t was to -be a means of educating the members in the proper use of money, of wi ch, it ,was stated, there is a great need. t was stated ttiat we have to recognize there will neyer be enough money for al our wvants. Everyone, stated Mr. O'- Meara, rich, poor,- old or yound is a consumner and in. varying ways and to various degrees.. As consumers, he said, we have purchasing power and witb this power, rDX SERVICE STATIO Ný Highiway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featunrng t Premium Quahity Products, At the Most Iteasonable i - L~JPrices Diesel011li Available in any quantity Phone 997-4215 What is Soft Water Rainiwater is sof t. But as it soaks through the grounid to ivers and lakes and wells - on its way to your faucet - it dissolves 'hiard' minerals. So it is less able to dissolve other things, sucb as soap. The hard minerais combine with soap to form a sticky scumr around batbitubs and wash basins. The miinemals fomm 'lime' deposits on ketties, pipes and whatem heaters. Hard watem is bard on, soap, bard on clothes, hiard on people. Sof t water brings back the sof t life .brings back the old fashioned, chemical-fmee detergent free, dimt-free, trouble-fmee luxumyý and gentleniess, of raiwatem. Cal your Duro plumber. Hie will tel you the exact degree of bamdness of the water supply im your home, or be will have a samiple tested by the Duro labomatomy at no cost to you. Hec will give you an estimate for the lowv cost iuuyof Soft Water the geatie way to save moaey, timie and housework. Vour Dur-o Plumlber is: Hsa r ve y Prtune rLtd l'lom. 9<83- 52M;6 could posess a great deal of influence la the market place. If they used this power wisely they could become a 'con- structive force in our society. The consumer, as groups, can exert pressure for legisiation at ahl levels of govemaments. O'Meara' spoke of the be- wildering array o)f choices facing the consumer and the decision he must mnake con- tînually in his or ber purchas- ing. t was suggested that people should seif-educate themnselv- es by reading consumer ,publications to better equip themselves for their decisions He also spoke of comparison shopping, as very important when 'a large purchase is planned. One of the Credit Uaion's function, said the speaker, ln the consumer field is to provide its members with the resources necessary for themn to cope witb the mamketplace. We must become more invol- ved lu consumer education, he said. The Credit Union, he stated is the only finanical institution wbere, we, as members, as customers, have the right to vote at the annual meeting, elect officers and have a say in the runniniz of our business. The Newcastle Depa rtmient of Recreation Country andi Western Jamboree will fea- turc Myrna MacDonald at th-e Bowmanville Tow.n lHall on Sunday afternoon. March 3rd at 2.00 p.m. Myrna MIacDon-aldî is pre- seatly with the Oshwa Jam- boree and is well known in the Durham Regioni as a very talented performner. The hard working house band of Gerald Ell-iott, Ron Car ey, Bruce Elliott, Mlacolm Bradt and Hlim Haslam willi be on hand to thu-mp out the good old hoedown- tunes. Other features of the show will be Bill Luxtond, Chuck Kiplatrick, Joe Bothwell and Jack 1Mantie. Senator J.C. Coyle May throw a few mystery guests into the Jamnborss such as Lance Younger who filled in for Doug Luxton, to make it, a Sunday afternoon of good, soun.d counitry music. I-tpe site cou Id be twp.dum-p The site owned. by Hlope township next to the town-ship garage oni Countýy road 10 bas definite otentia l as a town- ship landfilIl sitLe, according to H.R. Avey of the ministry of the envîronnment. Mr. Avey inspected the site and sent is report on to counicil, where it was received last night. He concluded that the property has definite potent- ial for development as a waste disposai site, but he said care must be 'exercised in the landfill -operation because the Ganaraska River flows 1,000 yards to the southwest of the site and a tributary of the Ganaraska flows 1,000t yards to the southeast. He suggested that if couincil wishes to continue to invest- igate the site they should undertake a hydrogeological and ecological survey of the site, ascem-taiaing ,wbethem the site is suitable for cel operation and whether suit- able cover is available for a landfll operation. To discuss ý'Open' teacher negotiations The Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education are going to dis- cuss with elemnentary and secondary teachers the poss- ibility, of negotiating commit- tee meetings open to the public. A motion by Mm. Allan Strike was given unamious approval by the board memn- bers at the last meeting. Prior to this motion passing Dr. Ian Wilson had maoved that the board hold negotiat- ions wt the teachers la open meetings. The motion was defeated with only Dr. Wilson voting la support of the motion. Dr. Wilson stated the onlyr way to aarrow the gap btenteachers aad the sy stemi is to hold open meetings makigng ore la-, formiation available nd lead-. ing to a better understandng by ail. ('hairmian oiflihe negotiating comitteW.H1. Cammnan si;Oed he had contacted both leachors organizations and thu'\ hlia retecied the sug- gestion. D.R. Cook stated that the pubic mnay not fuliy under- stand the terinology and -misconception could esuit. Mrs- Hariett Reisier said she had experience some diffi- culty understanding what was going on initially herseif and feit the public wouid gain very littie fmomi the open mneetings. Orono $luiIding Brick - Block - Concrete Stonie Work Carpentry - Cabiniet Work Floors - Ille 1983-5441 Orono Credit union elects directors The Orono District Credit Union held their election of ihiree directors for a three ,,ear terma on February 1lth. Those elected to the Board A directors were Robert AlUlia, Joseph Walker, and Bill Kean thermemnbers of thew lirctrae rcRobert H. ind AngusLocs Mrs. E. Per-fect o! o manville was eected t'o the Credit Committee for three,( years. Other membersar Rohert Hancock and Siegfr Block. Mrs. Grace Reid was, elect- ed to the Supervisory Cm mittee. Other members indlu- de Stirling Mather and Alfred Perrin. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TENDERS FOR FUEL SUPPLY The Town of Newcastle will consider quotations for the supply of heating fuel, motor fuel and greases, to be delivered to the Town's various locations, lu the folloWing approximate quantiies: No. 2 Gasoline 57,000 gallons per year Diesel fuel 27,000 gallons per year Heatinig fuel 92,000 gallons per yeam Greases and gear lubricants 1,500 lbs. per year The suppflier màusLi guarantee to maintain a constant supplY at alimîes. and must supply and miainta-in ail equipmienit, sncb as tanks, pumps, pressure equipment etc., nowi furnished by the present supplier, Th'le Town i mll agree to purchase its equiremients of the above mnatemials at the quotation accepted for a terni of one year fmom the date of acceptance. The Town also reserves the right to~ terminate this agreement, for cause, on thimty days written notice. Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tax to be included lu unit price. 7 percent sales tax extra whtere applicable. Equipmnent at present lu ujse mnay be inispected byv appointmnent. Hecating fuel to be for the 1974, 197.5 heatinig season. B;ier-s imuist bld on ail items. Lowest or anyv tender not necessaily accepted. Tenders wNiII be received by' the undemsigned until 12:00 n4ooi E.S.T. on Trllttisday., March 14, 1974. Jack Dunhamn Director. of PUblic WNorks Ilaniptoii. Ontario. 9mmq>ýl