Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1974, p. 4

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4-ORONO) WEEKLY TIME, FEBRUARY 13th. 1974 MINISTRYOF NATURAL R ESOU RCES (Division of Mines) form 5 The Pits and Quarries Çontrol Act, 1971 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION We, Harnden and King Construction Ltd., P.O. Box 519; Cobourg, Ontario hereby give notice that application has been made for a licence to open., establish or operate a Pit on the lands described as foliows: Part of Lot 5, Conc. 1, Township of Manvers, Durham consisting of 30 acres, more or less. The estimated amount of Gravel to bie extracted annually is 400,000 tons., The operation will be a permanent operation with a portable plant installation. The last day upon which written objections may lie filed with the Minister of Natural Resources is March 27th, 1974. EDWARD E. SMITH TREASURER Dated this 7th day of February 1974. FK t Jerntàu r e-,Ba rn HWY. 115, NEWCASTLE BUDGET WISE- QUALITY WISE WE'RE TOUGH T'O BEAT Good selection of Beverly Living Room Suites at sensible prices. Large selections of Rockers, Rtecliners ln assorted colours. Also pole lamps and table lamps for that extra touch to your home. OPEN 7 DAYS WE EKLY What is Water Rainwater is sof t. But as it soaks 'through the ground td rivers and lakes and wells - on its way to your faucet - it dissolves 'hard' minerais. So it is less able to dissolve other tbings, -such as soap. The bard minerais combine w7ith soap to form a sticky scum around bathtubs and wash basins, The minerais form 'lime' deposits on ketties, pipes and water heaters. Hard water is hiard on soap, hara on clothes, hard on people. Soft water brîngs back the soft life ..brings back the old fashîoned, chiemical-free detergent free, dirt-free, trouble-free luxury anti gentleness of rainwater. Cali your Duro plumiber. 11le will tel you the exact degree of hardness of 1the water supplY ini your home, or he wil have a sample tested by the Duro laboratory at no cost to you. H1e wll give you an estim-ate for the low cost luxury of Sof t Water thie gentie way to save mnoney, time anti housework. Your Duro Plumiber is: Harveây PartneêrL-tdc The Investiture of Orono hradDitctCbMs Scout anti Cub leaders was tChalsand, istr icthtMas conducted last Thursday tInes ofsiteti wtle ters eveniing by District Commis- ShInsitreof e Cub.Anleds sioner Bob Nichols anti As- Shown aboe igisr. anola sistant District Commissioner cB aer.en netda Jack Hartwell. Mr. Georgeculedr KENDAL NEWS We have hati a week of steady colti weatber wit h plenty of bright sunshine, anti wind to make the snow banks hard so that the walking is gooti. Each day gets "a rooster step" longer so spring is on the way. Mr. Ralph His took the service last Sunday. .11e tolti the chiltiren a story of God's poý,-er to create many differ- ent things. Everyone's "fin- ger prints", are different. The choir sang, "The Lord's My Shepherd", with Mrs. T. Stevens at the piano. Mr. His too1k as- bis scripture reatiing John 3 - 16 anti Romans 5 verses 6 -11. H1e spoke of God's great love anti kindness to al mankinti. No person can be fulfilled apart from others. "No man is an island, No man stands alone. " Next 'Sunday the services will be taken by Mr. Mauirice Bradley. Then' in the 'af ter- noon Rtev. Montgomery of Vankleek Hil11 will preach for a -caîl in Shiloh Church. Glati to report that those who hati operations are now well enough1 to be home tbey are Mr, Thos. Stevens, MIrs. R. Youngmý,an anti Mrs. K. Wooti. Mrs. Julia Jackson is much improveti but still in Oshawa hospital. The Unitedi Church Women, met at the home of Mrs. Reg, ElhlottonFebruary >6. There were fourteen ladies present which includeti some visitors from Kirby. Our presitient Mrs. A. Downes Welcomed the visîtors anti openeti the meeting with a prayer for the homes in tbe area andt tat God would dwell therein. "Ali the way my Saviour leatis me," was sung witb Mrs. Hi. Lowery at the piano. Mrs. J. Carscadden gave the scripture reading John 13 v 16 to 26. Mrs. A. Dobson gave the devotional. It was about the rich young r uler. If we are luke warm- in our Christian life we are of lîttie use. Jesus demantis perfect surrentier. The offering was $14.50 anti the talent money $.3.00. The minutes anti treasur- e r's reports were given. The hundreti dollars hati been maileti to help two live-love projects. Moveti by Miss C. Steward sec. by Mrs. R. EllioQtt that Kendal bave the "World's day of Prayer" service for the Newtonville charge, here anti that a speaker be inviteti for Friday March 1. Carrieti. Our guest speaker Mrs. M. Bradley showed her coloureti slides on Zambia, She began with the Englisb couple, missionaries, who were s0 kinti to themn anti helpedt tem over so many pitfalls. She showeti pictures of ber own girls with the cute coloureti babies anti their picturesque famnilies. We saw glimpses of their bospitals anti classrooms. She tolti of their joys anti difficulties which almost endeti in trage- dy. She spoke of the difficulty of adjusting to driving on tbe other side of roat i wen they returnèti anti of fintiing things in a big super market. The ladies expresseti their appre- ciation of this interesting picture of life in Zambia. Lunch was served by our hostess anti Mrs. Cathcart. Next meeting will be March 6th at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux. MUDDY GEORGE IN 2.04 Last Saturday Muddy George woen his third race of the year at MobCa-k Raceway in the time of 2.041. Ron Waples was the driver. Faberge Organics- Pure Wheat, Germ O'l and Honey With Natural Vitamin E Shampoo î6 oz.} Conditioner i16), HAN Dand 8 oz. BODY LOTION $1.6 7 $1.27 Se Brian Harris for NEW and AI Previously Owned CARS and TRUCKS a ' MacDonald Ford in Bowmaniville PHIONE 623-4481 219 King St. East O NTA RIO SPECIAL .ITCHEN 1/4 Pound CHARCOALBe BURGER6 ALL, BEEF PIE - 35c CHICKEN ON BUN - 45e HOT CHICKEN - 95c MAIN STREET ORONO Phoneo-531 FOR FAST TAK E OUT-2S ERVI1CE S .......... îÈý le

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