Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1974, p. 3

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UNITED CHURCH . Orono Pastoral' Charge 41; Mihister Rev. B. E. Long &.Th. FEBRUARY 17,1974 3RONO UNITED CHURCH Church SchooI 10: 00 a.m. senior Dept. 9: 50 a.m. Mornlng Worshlp 1: 15 a.m. Evenlng Gospel - aling Swtzer Brothors at 7:30 p.m. SPOnsored by Orono HI-C's Monday - Bie Study aid Discussion Group at 8 p.m. itho' kFrlendshlp Room Everyone Welcome KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worshlp 9:45 a. m. Church Scbeol 1: 00 a.m. DIi - a- Thonght 083-9151 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Hloly Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourthl Sundays Hioly Baptism by appoiritment with Itectorý 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When" Ruying 01 Selling Cali WILF HAWKE Yïour Orono Ait.a Representative 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Bob Y.omons Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Instalations Alterations-Rear Specializing ln Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work ftR 1, Orono 993-5624 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHMAHL Phono 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimuoy Repaire Tôny Mitchell, presiclent, of the Great Pine Ridge Kins- men Club (left), presents the Scout Flag to Scout' leader Brian Myles. The Scout Troop Mrs. Betty Cbarland (right) Orono Cub leader was pre-, sented with the Cub flag last Thursday eveninÏg by Mr. Hy land, of the' Great Pie Ridge Kinsmen Club. Mrs. currently bas an enrolment ot' eighteen with leader Brian Myles of Orono and Bill Forest, R.R. 2 Orono. Charland is assisted by Arn- old Bambrick, Ross Farrow, Fred.Morton, Ed. Clark, Mrs. Gwen Myhes and Mrs. Monica Konzelman. r Hope citizens approve two-tiers Last weex some one hund-, red residents of Hope Town- ship gave approval in the imajority to -a proposai that 'Hope Township support a two-tier plan of goverîment for the new Northumberland County. It was also recom- mended that there be some five or six municipalities in the area rather than the present fourteen. The propos- ai was expressed only as a working platform which could be changed or amended. The meeting was held by Hope Township to gain input into any proposai for re- structing of government in the Northumberland area. Thtc council has tabled a motion recommending Uic amalga- mation of Hope, Port Hope, Cobourg,. and Hamilton Townsbip. The proposai from the public differs fromn the tabled motion in that tbe public proposai would leave Port Hope and Cobourg as two separate towns and Hope Township would join witb the rural municipalities of Ham- ilton, Halimand and Alnwick. Building a House. or remodoiling your prosout one? Theî Contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 983-5049 Oroîo WARNS AGAINST PROPOSAL Mayor Rickard of the Town, of Newcastle spoke at the public, meeting, and warned against the public proposal stating that it would not work. He said there must be an integration of rural and urban areas into a municipality for the sake of gooci planning. One of the big questions at the meeting was how a tax structure wouid work in an amalgamated municipaiity. Mr. Rickard explained the assessment systern used in Newcastle. There is one overaîl taxý bill for ail the areas within the new town but there are different services for differ- ent areas. The people pay taxes on the services tbey get such as roads, lights, sewers, water supply and any debent- ures incurred by former municîpalities are paid for by the areas -for wbich those debentures were taken out. NEW APPOINTMNENTS (Continued frorn page 1) E.R.S. McLaughlin, and N.A. Smith who have recently retired from theBoard. Continuing as members are Stewart Alger and Mrs. P. Brower, botb of Oshawa, R.A. Foster of Kendal, R.G. McCulloch of Claremont, F. Gordon Mcllwain of Whitby and J.A. Reynolds of Port Hope. At their February 6 meeting, tie Board of Governors re- elected R.H. Donald of Osh- awa as Chairman, and elected S.E. Loveil of Oshawa as Vice-Chairman. KIRBY NEWS Mrs. 'Nin. Forest attended the funeral of bier uncle at Picton on Saturday. Mrs. Grace Reid returned borne frorn tbe bospital last Monday. We bear sbe bas a bad cold' since returni.ng borne. Hope sbe soon feels better. Saturday was Pinewood Derby > Day' again at St. Josepbs Catbolic Cburcb in Bowrnanviile. Altbougb we didn't bave, a winner frorn tbe Kendal Cubs. t was -an exciting day for tbe Cubs and parents. The race of cars was so close tbat one group bad t0 race. seven tines before tbe judges called a winner. Kevin Lowery lost out in the hast event, after racing bis car over, fifteen tirnes. This corning Saturday ev- ening is Eucbre nigbt again at Kirby Centennial School. Tbey bave been hbaving' real good turn outs so we hope for good weatber. ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES, FEBRUARY 13th, 1974 .3 Orono Girl, Guides& r'or the past 3 weeks the Girl' Gudes of the lst Orono Pack have been under the guidance of Mrs. *Snelders, our deputy-division commiss-i ioner; aboultwucerstanding what we need to know. to be a Canadian citizen. The girls Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harris and family, visited his sister, Linda and Bill Sears àt, Scarborough on.the weekend. LinidaandBîll are rnoving to Windsor tomorrow., Miss Susan Bal1l andi friend, Toronto. spent, the,*weekend witb berparents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bahl. Sorry to hear of the passing of MUrs. Harry Cowan of Orono at Princess Margaret Hospit-. al Toronto."Our symipathy goes to Mr. Harry Cowan and daughter Jean. Miss Lorna Lowery and Miss Karn Lacombe spent the weekend in Hamnilton. are working for their citizehe badge. -At the same time the girls, Who are Interested are being directed by Rev.'Long, so that they miay understand more in World Religion. O0rono Building Brick Block Concrete Stone Wof CarPentry - Cabinet Work Floors - TIle 983-5441 Orono The Northumberland- Durhamn Progressive Conservative Association-, ANNUAL -MEETING and Elelction- of Off icers Nomination of delegates for the March Annual meeting in'Ottawa of the National Prog ressive Conservative Association BEWDLEY FIRE HALL at .8.Op.m. Thursday, Februa-ry 2ls't Everyone Welcome ýýFOR THE BSMEATS IN TOWN PORK ROASTS L B. 75c FRESH PICNIC STYLE àHOULDERS 5 to 6 lb. avg. Pork 'Butt Roasts, YOU SAVE TWICE ITH TRIM AND PIRICE lb. 85c (BOSTON STYLE) TENDER JUICY WELL TRIMMED Butt or Shoulder Chops lb. 95<c PRIDE,0F CANADA Rindless Bacon TENDER JUCIY Blade Steaks P RIDE 0P CANADA COOKED HAM MEATY TENDER Braising Ribs "ESSEX"1ifoz. CHICKEN LOAF "IEFADPR)BURNS" Smaii Link Sa usage b88C LAMB FROZ. IMPORTED lb. 1.09SHOU LDE R CHOPS lb. 98c lbm$.1 lb. 88c, ib. 99C I lb. 98C 'freezer Filler Special WHOLE lO-Le lb. avg. PRLOIN lb. $1.02 CUT A'ND WRAPPED Economy Features ~1~ MEATY Pork Hocks lb. 68c TlaSTY SPork Liver lb. 69C ORONO 983-5201 It CORNISHîS bw,

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