Government shouid turn down Hope dump proposai "The only acceptable cour- se for the proincial govern- ment is to refuse CE' Rails application and to take imn- mediate steps to reduce the imount of garbage produced '-,ini Ontario, and ne-cycle or reclaim as much as possible," stated R.obert Nixon at the annual meeting of the Hope Liberal Association on Thurs- day evening of last' week in Welcome. Robert Nixon, leader of the O pposition in the Provincial Iiouse spioke before two bund- red in the George Hamilton PuleScbool. Howard Quan- nril was eleeted president of nhe Hope Li.beral Association. Nixon aiso suggested that the area gel Davis and Auld to visit the area proposed by CP for the dump and stated bie woukl recommend this in the 1legisifature. "If you can get your mnessage, across to the right men,, that will bc the end ot il," lie said. Here lie referred to the power of the people Mien the government, brougbit out a tax on energy whicbi was soon dropped wben the people in Ontario rebelled. The opposition leader said the decision sbould be revers- ed, be stated, "Ontario's waste disposai problemn will not be resolvedi by yet another dump." The Hope approval, said Nixon, on]y takes the pressure off the Province wbo sbould be givi(ng leadersbip in re-cycling and reclaimring. He said garbage across the province is increasing in volume by 7 percent a year, a greater increase than that of the population. Nixon stated that no doubt the w-aste problem in Mletro is a serious matter but from a survey\ by the Liberals it is not a crisis today. He said bowev,-C,ýer tbat there is only four years time available fbr Toronto to solve the problem. This is timie enougb if the Province ,vould give somne leadership, lie said. The problem exists ail over the province, bie stated. The leader of the opposition stated that the Liberals wene committed to reducing the quantity of was te tbrougb banning of non-neturnable bottles and in-part by new packaginig regulations. He also stated that the Liberals would give leadership in developing recycling and re- claimning projects.. Robert Nixon did state that it would be the cabinet that gives the final approacb and the people could reverse the decision if tbhey appealed strongly' to the government. Just bowv you will arouse evroeacross the Province, "I doni't know, " ble said. ýert Nixon,(t), above chaittinig with E. P. Township. Mr. Nixon was ýof the opposition at Lovekin of Newýcastle (left) quest speaker at Weélcome ýs Park is p)icturied and Elmer 'Scott of Hope last Tburiisday Lowest paid StilI te in region pet mileage OROO WEKL TIESJANUARY 2r,1974. Durham centra I faîr Scugog Town,,,ship council !Region2al councl reacted ' ln e a ioh latweek set their yearly qjuick!,y, against an attemipty i n hea I Th pos 1Ii Of salaries for below that paid by Cfouin. Des Newmian (Whit1by) other area mnunicipalities in and Coun. Mlargaret Shaw The Durhamn Central Agri- Some discussion centered the Durbamn Regiori. ~ ( aa to reduce their c Ult ural1 Society held it1,s on the possibility of Sunday Mayor Lawýrenrce Malcolm linconies Wednesday. Annual Meeting in the Main afternoon horse events, flot as is to be paid $2,000 while . They voted hieav;iy against Hall of Orono United Church a con tinuation o- the Fair but council miembers salaries efiliinlating mileage pay for on Saturday, January 19, at as a possible group project. were set at $1,500. This aftending council and com- 1:30 p.m. wilth an attendance No decision was reacbed. compares with $11,Oq0 for -mittee meetings. The rate of of around 45. Ani effort is being made to M\,ayorý Rickard of Nwcstle 5 ents a maile. President Mr. E.R. Lovekin secure outstanding t alent for and Çt$bihoo or Ù sa4i rü-k dýj ' a ,-,L counicillors. additt p by the samne two meeting. He expressed bis evening to close the fair, These am-outs are in adit ouncillors to have only the personal thanks to the execut- M7Vrs. M. Risebrougb who ion to the $10,000 paid to thoe ç ar driver or owner paid for ive and directors for their has acted as Sec'y-Treas. of who are also regional counicil, trips. hielp at ail times duringc his the fair board for the past flsoraso.ffc. ealoyear tendered lher resignation Holstein obtainls read' from the Societies Act and Mrs. Kathleen Chapmin refreshing oiur memories as to was appointed to the Position. wo-rld acclaim the aims and objects of an Delegates were chosen to Aspecial recognition day in giulua Scey attend th convenion for bonour the purebred Hostein The financial statemnent Agricultural Societies in Tor- cow Ingholmn Rag Apple wa npited formi and Mr. onto on February 20 and 21. Preidet bs ben lanedCarson, the Fair Manager, in These are Mr. and Mrs. C. fresFe. 7 at teearmloctd hs emrs, said he conisid- Turner, MrY. J. Rickard, Mir. thiree miles north of Camp- ered the Fair Board to be in a and Mvrs. G. Carson and the Mr.Starting time is financially healthy condition. secretary. sated for 1:30 p .m. Mriar oewsapit Teanual banquet is being Ingblm ag pplePreid-ed an Ilonorary Director and planned and will eh im s the first animal in thewaasopentd iha possibly in late March o en0rtosrasteoeonf Certîficate of Menit for bis early Aprîl. fa t mark witbin a year. Her services to the Fair Board in The finlance committee ~ record wxas, in 365 Gia, 3 n94te past. suggested several imiprove- lb. il,2,98pons,'ft The chairman referred ments that could be made to lb5.73 percenttst. She is owne, brief1y to the land deal wt the fair' groun ds. Followin g by Inigbolm,' Harms as operat- Township and sta ted it was discussion of these the meet- ed by, Clare and Harold satisfactorily complete-d. ing adjourned. HoIsehappeningslub197 RESIGNS POSITION WItMN-ICIPAILITY-Mýr. Nick van Segglen bas resigned bis position as Traffic Control Officer but for those wbo may wisb to violate the existing local traffic and parking regulations they are not off the hock. mr. van Segglens resignations i s not to take effect until February ist. k ~In the meantime the Mlunicipality of Newcastle is advertising for areplacement to look af ter dog control ini the area as well as enforcing the parking regâlations witbin the Village of QUBE TAM I ORONO ON SATURDAY-This t Saturday two Bantam Hockery teamas from Lorraine Quebe will visit Orono to play the local Bantam entries. The games will be played on Saturday commencing at 2.00 p.m. until 4 z ~and in the from 7 to 9. Last year the two centres interchanged visits witb the PeeWees and eveyone found it to be an enjoyable outing both for the aduits afii os alike. iiW',The tradition is again being followed this year and Orono wil visit Lorraine sometime in February. TAXES TO 6O UP -Robert Nixon, Liberal Leader of the Opposition, speaking in Hope Township last week stated that the rule bas been that taxes jump 28 to 38 percent where Regional governments bave been formed. He said it bas flot been the case that equalîty and economy of operation bas gone band-in-hand with the formation of Regional gZovernment. Preenty 'hee ae fur vienttha th cilden re MARCH 0F DIMES CANVASSING THIS WEEK-A canvas of Persn stly there are ou r evdet hat ejchildrteii re the Orono area is being beld this week in support of the parero atnd wtb suthe torugl yevesn.tbm- March of Bimnes. Be prepare to assist this worthy varid pognm ad its qite seles.organization. A- -e. 1 1