Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1973, p. 5

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Forecast christmas tree shortage in ýnear future Although evergreen Christ- on ly Sc arce, it is far more mas trees are selling for' expensive than it was 18 years almost twice as much as they ago. were 18 years ago, the Besides he said, we now president of the Ontario have to supply a far more Christmas Tree Growers' superior tree. Association forcasts there will In the 1950s land was cheap, be a shortage in a' few years. he continued, and now land There are just no young for Christmas tree farms is people getting into the busi- getting expensive. ness Wilfred Richardson stat- The drop in production over ed. the'years, he saîd, was caused In fact, he said, production by a surplus of trees in the last of Scotch pine,' white and 15 years. Norway spruce in Durham Now he said there are about County bas dropped by 75 40 people operating tree percent in the last five years farms in Durham County. because of inadequate prices. They would have, approxim- In 1955 he said growers ately 5,000 acres planted in were getting fromn $1.50 to pine and spruce. About 80 $1.75 each for tree which Percent of the trees grown are were -unabled. pine. This year, with a shortage Some farmers to keep in the of evergreens now apparent, business, are now marketing prices are $2.50 to $3.00, but 12 year old, trees which have said Mr. Richardson, a Pon- been constantly trimmed typool resident, there's no back to remain small. Nor- comparison. mally, a pine tree goes to Hé explained that in 1955 market at about eight years labour to porune and harvest and some may go at five the trees were both plentiful years, be said. and cheap. The 12 year old trees, Now. he said, labour is not incidentally, are barely dist- inguishable fromn the eight Syear olds and are just as good, ew, he said., But this year, there is a very strong Canadian market for evergreens again and Iptft1pobably a q uarter million will be harvested in Durham CQunty alone. That barvest is at least haîf over, he said, and possibly as mnany as two thirds are cut, e L td.baled and stacked ready to be Ltd e trucked to cities in Canada. We haven't bad a profit in 10 or 12 years, Mr,.ihado hfror tfle said, and added that the $3 price this year is still. not y considered a profitable figure Meetings of his association 5-PECEare marked by theabsence of 5-PIECEyoung men and we need new kitchen Suites blood in the industry to keep it going. There's just no incent- $89.95 up ive to get into the business, he POLE LAMPS + SWAG LAMPS Etc. - PiCTURES PILLOWiýS, Qnieeni size and negular+CUHOS+ASCS T.V. TRAYS WITH UPIGeHT STANDS Ke ,ndal news The record mild weather continues witb an abundance of snow. Somne cattle are still on pasture December 10. We were indeed sorry to hear that Mr. H-. S. (Dick) Roberts took a heart attack white on a business trip in Florida. M1rs. Roberts has returned from visiting him in a Florida hospital- She says, that bis doctors say bis progress is satisfactory. Kendal Sunday School girls are holding a candy axnd home baking sale in the Sunday School rom on Saturday afternoon December 1lSth fro two tilI four. Tlhe gijrls are asking the ladies of the community to provide bDaijn or candy. For further details caîl Debbie Youngman or Karen Wilkins. The Sunday School Christ- mas tree will be hleld on Saturday niight December 22nd at 7 p.m. Eacb class will put on a number and Mn. Daniel Foster of P1eterboro and some friends wilI sing for our entertainment and lead the cbildnen) in songs. White Gift Sundav .s Dec- ember l6tb a )t Kendal. Bring youn money 1in an envelope to belp the poor children of the world. We have so mucb and they sù littie let us share wt them. Onf-ecem ber 7th the U. C.ýw met at 0the home of Airs. K Wood ,vithtele ads p)resent. ORONO WEEKLY TMS, DECEMBER l2th, 1973 - 5 The president Mrs. A. Downes opened the meeting wi*tha prayer for God's blessing at this christmas season. Then she read' the christmas story from St. Luke's gospel. Thle minutes of the November meeting were read. The treasurer's report showed a net proceeds of $155.00 from the bazaar. Moved hy Mrs. T. Stevens sec. by Mrs. J. 'Carscadden that $200.00 be given to Kendal United Curch. Carried. Il ý,was also decided to give $0 1 to' th e Bible Society. Ote requests for money were se, aside tili January. The Christmas boxes are to be packed on the afternoon of December l9th in the S.S. RooM. Mrs R. Elliott andMrs. H. Foster are to bring ini a siate of officers on Friday Jan. 4 at the next meeting. Each member gave a num- ber on the programme. These were most interesting. Miss C. Stewart brought, a table centre she had made for Christmas. This was g iven to the my.ember having a Chri.st- mas birtliday.' The presentatioh of a purse was made&to Rev. T. Snelgro- ve with our best wishes. A delicious lunch was pro-, vided by Mrs. A. Downes and Mrs. J. Carscaddlen. .Our Christmas gifts will be taken. to Suxiset Lodge. Rýev. Albert Coo<k à0'f Wasago ]Beach wiIl be temporary supply on the Newtonville charge for the xnonth- of January. Mrs. H. Foster has returnied' fromn Virginia where she spent six weeks, Rer plane trip was interrupted in New York by a strike. However a Canadian airline brought ber the rest of the way home. MANVERS RECEIVES $2,356.50 GRANT The Township of Manvers has received a Provincial grant mounting to $1,844.26 for the Community 'Hall in Janetville and $512.24 for the Pontypool Athletic Field. OUR SATURDAY NIGHT PARTIES ARE GREAT FUN THE B EST IN DANCE MUSIC CONTINUJOUS FROM 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. WIDE SELECT ION 0F RECORDED HITS FOR ANY STYLE 0F DANCING INFORMAL - FULLY LICE NCED PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING, NO COVER NO MINIMUM Ngew Dutch Oven YSFASUIONI LONG'SCENTiRiS1 OBONO Phone 9U-9» LADI ES'LONG PARTY, SKIRTS IN 100 TEXTURED FORTREL SIZES $19& BLCIS ELEGANT LADIES!BLOUSES AND È SHIRTS J N WRTE-- PINK - BACK LADES'SKI JACKETS WITH OR WITHIOUT HIOODS IN LUE-YELLOW SIZE 8-1 Priced ,$1'y,95 to $28.95 Children's SLIPPERS Slip01 onot type in yel- low, bile, green, pinkl, wht.$zsS, IM, L. $2.29 Wamand condortable GIRL'S FASHION IN ABLAZERS -great look i('otton, Acryie and WooI in greY, brOwn, bltue, checks and plaids. .iizes 8 - 14X $13.9810 $19.,8 Gift Suggestions R E X COATS DRESSES 'SHýIRTS PTSUITS SWEATERS S'iPPERS SLACKS HOUSECOATS j ElWIIELLR CHRIýSIMAAS HOURS OPENALLDAY EDNSDAYANDWEEnDA " 1.1 1 Il Il 1 ý . ýl 1", !j, ý- ý 1 1 m , mm . m il - , 1 - 1 111, - Il 11, 1

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