Sports continued f rom page 8 rint~an1er oi flic gamiescoring Lwice more, one by John, Wiheridge and the Iast by Larry Hellman. The tie leaves the Wreckers and Hardware men in first place. PARTNER'S ALONE IN SECOND SPOT BY ONE POINT Partner's Plumbing moved into second place in a .very convincing mnanner. The pipe benders trampled Elmhurst Hotel. certainly not a weak sister 5-2 as the fants cheered goals scored by Bill McCullough and Bob Stiles in the first and second periods. Ron Farrow, Kim Rogers and Hughie Lttle ail scored ini the third period. Hitting the mark for Elmhurst were Neil Allin and Phil Fox. QUEEN'S GAIN CONFIDENCE Confidence is an essential part of a hockey players' miakeup, and now the players of Queen's have gained, this ingredient. The rest of the Town Legue had hetter take themn seriously. Queen's have now arrived. They proved that Sunday by downing Spencer's Real Estate 8-4 with an excellent display of ail round hockey ability that moved them into third place. TOP 1,EADING SCORERS Glen M1urphy of thw Queens hias 13 points, Wayne Pearce of Rýcids b)astwelve points, while Joe Reader of the Reids hias il points along witlt Bill McCullough of Partners. Cowanville Auto) Parts and Reids Hardware both stand in first position in teamn standing wîth 7 points..Partners lubin)g and Hleating followsecond with five points. Plateful of ideas HAIR PRAYYOUNG JEWELS Josehin's iar ma be Youngsters also like fin- a littie steep) for most pock- eiy, and Chrîstmnas is a Hand-painted porcelain Christnias plates fromi the exclusive etbooks, but how about a beautiful opportunîty to Svend Jensen collection mnake beautiful gifts which will be- delicate spray of j ewels that start their j ewelry ward- oemr aub acya.Th'92pie(nt)sOw can nestie in hier hair. She'll robe. For littie girls, an corLtten e m r aaboe ea yte ar.Te, 197' plae ceter)thowsff reaily shine f rom top to toe. addastone neckîace. For Mth Littl ead7'sof wsirya am, Chrsi iestitnh ite Stop in at your local jewel- littie boys, his first gold or Mlate ch 7irl a te97Os pshows Han shriestian Anersienbrh er's and see his selection. silver cufflinks. pae ah7 lt spitdnsae fCpnae blue 1 on bas-relief porcelain. At fine jewelry and gift shops.> (>I<NO WIEEKLY TIMES, IFDhEitF MBI R Ih, 1973l-f Rea1,1vll hft board games continue strong favor With ail the hoopla about to put everyone else out ol cars, talking dolîs, science business. With damagîng kits, puzzles and other tren- and stealing your oppo- cly playthings, the venerable nents' cars provided for ii,~ old board gaine seems lost the rules, ît's a no-holds-- in the shuffle. But the fact barred, fast-paced gaine. is, board garnes are steadily. If you're not satisfled withi rising in popularity. the resuits of the Presiden- A good indication of this tial election, why not elect is the fact that "Monopoly," yourself President of the the world's most popular United States? it's possible board gaine (other than -with another new board checke 'rs and chess), set a game that cornes close to sales record last year for duplicating reality. the sîxth year in a row. The Th aeicled"n- clasic fisillioduen slide" and its actions closely 1935, sold 3milo copies adhere to the electoral in 1971. process, with players bld- Perhaps the characteris- ding millions of popular tic that keeps board games votes to acquire alî-irapor- perennially popular is that tant Electoral Votes. Each most of them cani be played player is a Presidential can- by people of a wide range didate and the player with of ages, thereby making the the most Electoral Votes playing of a board gamne a wýhen ahl the states (with family activity. their actual ElectoraL Vote, Board games are more count) have been won be- than ever a reflection of cornes President 'of the real life. A new game called United States. "Dealer's Choice," intro- duced by Parker Brothers, To give the game an even turns the players into used greater connection with po- car dealers, buying, seîîing litical reality,- such obstacles and trading cars among as vote stealing, state steal- themnselves. The gaine con- ing and roll offs betwTeen tains ail the elernents of anl states of similar, value are actual used car lot, inclu 'd- set up between the candi- ing cards representing cails date and hîs ultimate goal.' from a 1905 Reo to a 19W71 Wrhen all the fadds have Lincoln Continental. cone and gone, the board The object of the gaine is game will certainly live on. This bookiet can help you to use electricity more effectively Although we have enough electricity in Ontario to meet all our present needs, it stili makes good sense to use it wisely. Thats why your Hydro has produced' this booklet-a simple guide to suggest ways you can save on the use ot eiectricity and other formis of energy ýn your hom-e. Ask your Hydro for your f ree copy. your Iîydro i